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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 10 OctOber 2020

                        Singapore man sentenced to prison for spying for China in US

            (AP) — A man from Sin-       greed but also be a shared de-  Tanya  Chutkan  during  a  eratives  after  a  2015  trip  to  for  his  Chinese  intelligence
            gapore  was  sentenced  to  sire with China's Communist  virtual  hearing  in  Washing-  Beijing to give a presentation.  contacts.  Another  recruit,  a
            14  months  in  prison  Fri-  government  to  weaken  the  ton was two months shorter  Working  under  the  opera-  State  Department  employee
            day  for  spying  by  passing  global standing of the Unit-  than the punishment recom-  tives' direction over the next  who  prosecutors  say  con-
            to  the  Chinese  govern-    ed  States.  Over  the  course  mended by prosecutors, and  several years, the Justice De-  fided to feeling dissatisfied at
            ment  valuable,  but  un-    of  multiple  years,  according  took into account Yeo's coop-  partment alleges, he concoct-  work, wrote at Yeo's direction
            classified military and po-  to  the  Justice  Department,  eration as well as the corona-  ed a fake consulting company  a report on a Cabinet mem-
            litical information that he  he  passed  along  reports  on  virus pandemic that has rav-  that  shared  its  name  with  a  ber, according to court docu-
            had duped Americans into  a  military  aircraft  program,  aged the U.S. prison system.   prominent  U.S.  consulting  ments. Prosecutors said they
            giving him.                  U.S. troop withdrawal in Af-  Yeo,  who  was  arrested  in  company and used a profes-  would  have  recommended
                                         ghanistan  and  on  a  Cabinet  November 2019 after an in-  sional networking site to tar-  a  harsher  sentence  for  Yeo,
            Jun  Wei  Yeo  admitted  par-  member, who was not identi-  terview  with  the  FBI,  will  get Americans whose jobs he  who pleaded guilty to acting
            ticipating in an elaborate ruse  fied in court papers.    receive credit for the jail time  thought  would  given  them  as an agent of a foreign gov-
            under  the  direction  of  Chi-  "It was a not one-off lapse in  he has already served, mean-  access  to  information  that  ernment,  but  for  his  coop-
            nese  intelligence  operatives  judgment  that  we're  talking  ing he should be released in a  China could use to its advan-  eration.  He  was  approached
            that  recruited  unsuspecting  about  here,"  said  Assistant  matter of weeks. He will be  tage.In  addition,  prosecutors  by the FBI at an airport last
            U.S. government employees  U.S.  Attorney  Erik  Kener-   deported  after  the  comple-  say, he created fake job post-  November,  and  though  he
            into  writing  reports  that  he  son. The prosecutor said Yeo  tion of his sentence.  ings  and  collected  hundreds  initially  declined  an  inter-
            said would be sent to clients  "worked  for  a  hostile  power  Yeo said he was eager to re-  of  resumes  from  would-be  view  request  and  headed
            in  Asia.  The  reports  were  on  our  soil  to  collect  non-  turn  home  to  his  family  in  applicants,  most  of  whom  toward  boarding  his  flight,
            instead  transmitted  to  the  public  information  of  inter-  Singapore.  "I  take  full  re-  were  military  and  govern-  he changed his mind and re-
            Chinese  government  as  part  est to that power."        sponsibility  for  what  I  have  ment  personnel.  He  passed  turned to the agents to agree
            of what the Trump adminis-   The  Justice  Department  be-  done," Yeo said.           along the promising resumes  to be questioned.
            tration has alleged is a broad-  lieves Yeo was arrested before  "I am sympathetic to China's  to a Chinese handler.  "Mr.  Yeo,  while  he  was  still
            er  effort  by  China  to  steal  he was able to obtain any clas-  position,"  he  told  the  judge,  One  of  his  recruits,  a  civil-  free to leave the United States
            American  secrets,  including  sified  information,  though  "but it was not my intention  ian  who  worked  for  the  Air  agreed to cooperate with the
            cutting-edge  research,  for  prosecutors  say  he  was  pre-  to harm anyone."        Force,  provided  information  United State and was within
            Beijing's economic gain.     paring to receive some before  Yeo was a doctoral candidate  about the implications of the  hours, was completely truth-
            Prosecutors  allege  that  Yeo,  he was taken into custody.  at  a  Singapore  university  Japanese purchasing military  ful  with  the  government
            also  known  as  Dickson  Yeo,  The 14-month sentence im-  when prosecutors say he was  aircraft  from  the  U.S.  that  about what was going on," he
            was  motivated  not  only  by  posed by U.S. District Judge  recruited by intelligence op-  Yeo then turned into a report  said.

                           Iran foreign minister on China visit following US sanctions

            (AP) — China says Iran's foreign                                        Thursday's U.S. move hits 18 Iranian  Iran nuclear deal by steadily increas-
            minister  will  visit  the  country                                     banks  that  had  thus  far  escaped  the  ing pressure on through sanctions on
            from  Friday  to  Saturday,  a  day                                     bulk of reimposed U.S. sanctions and  its oil sales, blacklisting top govern-
            after  the  Trump  administration                                       subjects  foreign,  non-Iranian  finan-  ment officials and killing a top gen-
            blacklisted  virtually  all  of  Iran's                                 cial institutions to penalties for doing  eral in an airstrike.
            financial sector in the latest step                                     business with them. That effectively
            aimed  at  the  oil-rich  country's                                     cuts them off from the international  Almost  the  entire  rest  of  the  world
            economy.                                                                financial system.                   has  vowed  to  ignore  the  latest  U.S.
                                                                                    The  blacklisting  has  been  opposed  sanctions  but  violating  them  will
            In  a  brief  announcement,  China's                                    by  European  nations  because  it  will  come  with  significant  risk  of  losing
            foreign  ministry  said  only  that  For-                               open up their biggest banks and other  access to the U.S. financial system.
            eign  Minister  Javad  Zarif  was  visit-                               companies to U.S. penalties for con-
            ing  at  the  invitation  of  his  Chinese                              ducting  business  with  Iran  that  had  The  Chinese  ministry  said  Indone-
            counterpart Wang Yi. China has been                                     previously been allowed.            sia's  presidential  special  envoy  for
            a  staunch  Iranian  ally  and  remains                                                                     China, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, and
            a  party  to  the  2015  Iranian  nuclear                               Zarif reacted angrily to the designa-  Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro
            agreement from which the U.S. has                                       tions,  calling  them  a  "crime  against  Locsin  Jr.  are  visiting  Beijing  at  the
            withdrawn while unilaterally reinsti-                                   humanity" at a time of global crisis.  same time as Zarif. There was no in-
            tuting punishing sanctions on Iran.                                     The  move  comes  as  the  U.S.  has  dication whether they will meet with
                                                                                    stepped  up  efforts  to  kill  the  2015  Wang as a group.

                         Japan, Mongolia to cooperate on 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific'

            (AP) — The foreign min-      U.S. Secretary of State Mike  conference  Friday  that  they
            isters  of  Japan  and  Mon-  Pompeo  canceled  a  trip  to  pledged  further  cooperation
            golia agreed Friday to co-   Mongolia  because  of  Presi-  in achieving the FOIP, while
            operate  in  promoting  a  dent  Donald  Trump's  CO-     agreeing  to  step  up  security,
            "Free  and  Open  Indo-Pa-   VID-19 infection.            medical and economic coop-
            cific," a vision that Tokyo  Motegi,  who  agreed  with  eration.
            is  pushing  with  the  U.S.  counterparts  from  the  U.S.,
            and  other  "like-minded"  Australia and India at "Quad"  The  two  sides  also  signed
            countries to counter Chi-    talks  in  Tokyo  on  Tuesday  a  $235  million  emergency
            na's growing assertiveness  to seek more countries' sup-  loan  to  help  the  pandemic-
            in the region.               port for the FOIP concept of  hit Mongolian economy and
                                         security  and  economic  co-  fund medical equipment.
            Japanese  Foreign  Minister  operation  in  ensuring  open  Japan and the U.S. have been
            Toshimitsu Motegi held talks  sea lanes to the Middle East.  pushing the FOIP as a way to
            in  Ulaanbaatar  on  Friday  China  claims  most  of  the  bring together countries that
            with his Mongolian counter-  South China Sea.             share concerns about China's
            part,  Nyamtseren  Enkhtai-  The  Japanese  and  Mongo-   growing influence in the re-
            van. Motegi's visit came after  lian ministers said at a news  gion.
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