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P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diasabra 10 OctOber 2020
Ohio county says nearly 50,000 voters received wrong ballots
(AP) — Nearly 50,000 vot- on the city's north side. who has alleged fraud associ-
ers received incorrect ab- The elections board said ated with voting by mail with
sentee ballots in the coun- multiple checks are in place no evidence such fraud ex-
ty that is home to Ohio's to ensure only one voter can ists, quickly cited the Frank-
capital and largest city, cast a ballot, including reject- lin County case on Twitter,
elections officials said Fri- ing any replacement ballots calling it a case of a "rigged
day as they promised cor- if someone went ahead and election."
rected ballots would be voted in person.
mailed within 72 hours. The news of the incorrect No such evidence exists.
ballots brought renewed fo- "Mr. President, it certainly
With about 240,000 ballots cus on an election seeing was a serious mistake, but
mailed, that meant one in an unprecedented number a serious mistake that we're
five voters received a wrong of absentee ballot requests, working hard to make right,"
ballot. The error happened spurred by the coronavi- the board tweeted in re-
Saturday afternoon when rus pandemic and concerns sponse to Trump. "Our board
someone changed a setting about in-person voting. is bipartisan and our elections
on a machine that places ab- On Tuesday, Ohio's elections are fair. And every vote will
sentee ballots into mailing chief announced that Ohio's be counted."
envelopes, Franklin County lots out of 237,498 that were lopes and mail them was un- 88 elections boards received Just minutes after his tweet
elections officials said Thurs- mailed. derway Friday, the Franklin a record number of absentee alleging fraud in Ohio, the
day. County Elections Board an- ballot applications. Republi- president tweeted in support
Some ballots had an in- That represents 6% of Frank- nounced. can Secretary of State Frank of Colorado, which has an
correct congressional race, lin County's approximately The board also said it will LaRose said 2,154,235 ap- all-mail balloting system.
while others had the correct 880,000 registered voters, mail postcards to all affected plications had been received "COLORADO! Your mail
information but were sent and 0.6% of the 8 million voters detailing the situation — more than double the ballots are being sent out be-
to voters in a different pre- voters registered statewide in and highlighting voters' op- 1,091,188 absentee ballots ginning TODAY! Fill them
cinct. The Franklin County the presidential battleground. tions moving forward. Those applications at the same time out and VOTE #Trump-
Elections Board said 49,669 The process to print, stuff the options include voting in- four years ago. Pence2020!" the president
voters received incorrect bal- replacement ballots in enve- person at the board's offices President Donald Trump, tweeted.
Police in Missouri resume search for missing Chinese woman
(AP) — Police in central Police had searched for her revealing that part of the le- during the last year but will
Missouri have resumed remains at the Lamine River vee was still present. not be satisfied until Ji's body
the search for the body of near Booneville after cadav- The remaining parts of the is found.
a Chinese woman who has er dogs hit on a scent there. levee will be removed and
been missing in Missouri Boonville is about 100 miles searched by investigators for "We will never give up look-
for a year. (160 kilometers) east of Kan- any evidence of Ji, The Co- ing for Mengqi," the family
sas City, Missouri. A tempo- lumbia Daily Tribune report- said. "We continue to hope
Mengqi Ji Elledge, 28, was rary levee was constructed at ed. for answers so that she can
reported missing by her hus- the site to help the search but have a proper burial and we
band, Joseph Elledge, on Oct. the effort stopped in June. Elledge and Ji married in can have a funeral."
10, 2019. He was charged in Assistant Police Chief Jer- 2017 and attended the Uni- Elledge also pleaded not
February with first-degree emiah Hunter said in a news versity of Missouri. guilty in March to domestic
murder in her death and has release Wednesday that the The Ji family said in a state- assault and child abuse charg-
pleaded not guilty. The cou- water level at the site has re- ment that they appreciate the es related to the couple's
ple has a young child. cently dropped significantly, police department's efforts young daughter.
FBI: ‘Boogaloo’ movement member arrested on gun charge
(AP) — A Maryland man home he shares with his girl- ing protests in Las Vegas. Supporters have shown up assembling her own rifle.
described by the FBI as friend. Boogaloo adherents Authorities also said they at protests over COVID-19 However, the content on
a member of the anti- are part of a loose, anti-gov- found a boogaloo connection lockdown orders and protests Perry's Pinterest account "re-
government "boogaloo" ernment, pro-gun extremist in the fatal shooting of a fed- over racial injustice, carry- flects a substantial interest in
movement has been ar- movement. The name is a eral security officer outside ing rifles and wearing tacti- firearms and militia extremist
rested on a gun charge, reference to a slang term for an Oakland courthouse and cal gear over Hawaiian shirts. activities," the agent wrote.
court records show. a sequel -- in this case, a sec- the ambush killing of a Cali- The shirts are a reference to "The profile also contained
ond U.S. civil war. fornia sheriff's deputy. Steven "big luau," a riff on the term numerous saved or pinned
Frank William Robertson Court records don't specify Carrillo, an Air Force ser- boogaloo. The movement pictures of firearms and am-
Perry, 39, was scheduled to why the FBI's Joint Terror- geant charged with the kill- is named after "Breakin' 2: munition, information on
make his initial appearance in ism Task Force opened its ings, was tied to the boogaloo Electric Boogaloo," a 1984 se- how to manufacture gun
federal court on Friday. investigation of Perry, who movement from social media quel to a movie about break- powder, and various state-
Perry was arrested Wednes- posted images associated with posts.Some white suprema- dancing. ments regarding one's obliga-
day on a criminal complaint the boogaloo on a Facebook cists groups have adopted the The FBI says Perry's girl- tion to fight against a tyranni-
charging him with illegal account that the FBI says be- term as slang for a race war or friend purchased the lower cal government," the agent's
possession of a firearm. He is longs to him.. collapse of the U.S. govern- receiver of a rifle at a gun affidavit says.
prohibited from possessing a Some boogaloo promoters ment. store in Baltimore County Perry's girlfriend hasn't been
firearm or ammunition due insist they aren't genuinely "The Boogaloo is not a single in April, stating on a govern- arrested or charged in the
to a 2002 burglary convic- advocating for violence. But cohesive group, but rather a ment form that she bought it case, according to a spokes-
tion, the FBI said. the boogaloo movement has loose concept arising from for herself. But the FBI said woman for U.S. Attorney
The FBI identified Perry as been linked to a recent string internet platforms which has investigators reviewed the Robert Hur's office.
a member of the boogaloo of domestic terrorism plots, become a rallying point for girlfriend's social media ac- Online court records didn't
movement in September, an including the arrests of three some extremists," FBI Special counts and didn't find any list an attorney for Perry who
agent wrote in seeking a war- Nevada men accused of con- Agent Patrick Straub wrote in evidence that she is interest- could comment for him on
rant to search the Dundalk spiring to incite violence dur- an affidavit dated Tuesday. ed in firearms or capable of his case.