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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 26 OctOber 2022

            UNESCO Aruba celebrates its 35th anniversary as a UNESCO member

                                                                                                   of UNESCO Paris, the NGO  The Council consists of Mrs.
                                                                                                   receives  the  funds  to  fi-  Marushka  Tromp  as  Secre-
                                                                                                   nance the project.           tary  General  of  the  NUC,
                                                                                                                                Mrs.  Nora  Eleonora  as  a
                                                                                                   UNESCO Aruba                 specialist   in   education,
                                                                                                   UNESCO  Aruba  comprises  and  Mrs.  Ruby  Eckmeyer
                                                                                                   a  National  Commission  for  as  a  specialist  in  culture.
                                                                                                   UNESCO (NUC) and a sec-      Mr. Marck Oduber is a spe-
                                                                                                   retariat.                    cialist in Science, and Mrs.
                                                                                                                                Suhail Zaandam is a docu-
                                                                                                   The NUC is presided over by  mentarist of the secretariat.
                                                                                                   the Minister of Culture, Mrs.
                                                                                                   Xiomara Maduro. The Vice-    For   more     information
                                                                                                   President is Mrs. Annemarie  about UNESCO Aruba and
                                                                                                   Proveyer-Groot.  The  mem-   the  jobs  done  by  many
                                                                                                   bers  are  Mr.  Peter  Schol-  of  its  stakeholders,  please
                                                                                                   ing,  Mrs.  Regine  Croes,  visit  UNESCO  Aruba  on
                                                                                                   and    Siegfried   Dumfries.  Facebook.q

            Oranjestad  –  During  a  re-  to  interconnect  societies  Instruments  on  the  local
            cently  held  press  confer-  around the world in a way  level
            ence  in  connection  with  that they reach a culture of  UNESCO  Aruba  functions
            the  35th-anniversary  cel-  peace.                       in  practice  with  experts  in
            ebration,  UNESCO  Aruba's                                each area and with stake-
            Secretary  General,  Mrs.  UNESCO          International  holders  to  work  on  the
            Marushka  Tromp,  shared  works      on   these   areas  themes in each field.
            information about UNESCO  based  on  the  programs,
            Aruba and what they do.      projects,  and  recommen-    Each  expert  is  an  expert
                                         dations  for  policies  and  in their field and the UNES-
            According  to  Mrs.  Tromp,  agreements.  UNESCO  Aru-    CO  International  program.
            the  main  objective  of  the  ba  works  with  local  and  They  use  this  approach
            National   Committee     of  international  stakeholders  based  on,  among  others,
            UNESCO  Aruba  is  to  for-  to realize each theme in all  investigation,  priority,  inno-
            tify  the  execution  of  the  areas. Some are in a more  vation,  and  inter-sectoral
            mandates  of  UNESCO  by  advanced stage, some are  collaboration  to  work  with
            structurally  informing  the  more  visible,  and  their  im-  relevant  stakeholders  to
            community  and  creating  pacts  are  palpable,  while  give content to the themes
            awareness  about  the  du-   some are in continuous de-   on the management level,
            ties of UNESCO Aruba and  velopment. Mrs. Tromp em-       program,  project,  and/or
            their importance for Aruba.  phasized  the  importance  combination.
                                         of grasping what connects
            Work areas of UNESCO         the  themes.  What  does  UNESCO  has  a  Participa-
            The  Secretary  General  of  culture have to do with cli-  tion Program that provides
            UNESCO  Aruba  disclosed  mate? How does culture in-      financial  support  to  NGO
            the work areas of UNESCO.  fluence science, and edu-      projects  in  the  areas  of
            These  include  Education,  cation? How is sport a cat-   UNESCO.  Every  two  years,
            Science,  Culture,  Commu-   alyst for peace and mental  countries  can  submit  a
            nication,  and  Information.  health?                     maximum  of  seven  proj-
            UNESCO's  final  objective  is                            ects.  With  the  agreement
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