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Wednesday 26 OctOber 2022 locAl
Aruba cutural identity Episode CLXXVII 177
Etnia Nativa through Island Insight shares native sto- of the Aruban population: Three origins”
ries promotes cultural awareness, educates and safe-
guards Aruba’s heritage, guiding the reader in to an The professional support that Etnia Na-
island keeper state of mind. Our episodes encourage tiva receives, as a pioneer in heritage
the reader to discover the true native spirit of our mil- issues and indigenous matters and val-
lenarian cultural origins, uncover our Amerindian heri- ues of Aruba from out a private inicia-
tage and the survival of is original people. tive through the publications of Dr. Os-
wal Wever, afirms our activities that pro-
As an entity dedicated to the conservation and pres- motes participation in our educational
ervation of the indigenous identity, Etnia Nativa, in pre- effords to institutions, foundations and
vious episodes addressed the issue of who were the organizations incorporating this notion
Aruban ancestors –see episode 110- and where they into practice. Among the pioneering
came from and the genetic inheritance of Aruba by organizations we mention the Aruban
maternal line through the analysis of mitochondrial Warriors - Aruban Indigenous Move-
DNA (mtDNA)- see episode 151. During this episode we ment, which under the leadership of its
will refer to the book recently published and presented Chief, Mrs. Helena Croes, fights for the
at the CCA (Cas di Cultura) by dr. Oswald R. Wever conservation of nature, for the rights of
MD, PhD, FACP : “Cultural & Genetic Heritage of Aru- the native inhabitants of Aruba. Aruban
bans” and consequently the direct support we receive Warriors is currently working on the cor-
from our native scientist, dedicated professional and Due to our contact and the indisputable rect definition of who is the true Aruban
prestigious lifelong Bio- researcher who uncovered conviction of dr. Oswald Wever regard- and why it is so important to save a part
true value to Etnia Nativa’s objective of obtaining the ing the contradiction that the indige- of this island for its original people.
recognition of our ancestral Arubans claim and exis- nous roots of Aruba were totally extinct
tence in his publication “Cultural & Genetic Heritage was an invention. Now a chance pre- After carefully following the explana-
of Arubans” sented it self after following a revealing tions of Dr.O.Wever exposed in his lat-
_ “The real “sense of belonging” is the awareness of presentation regarding genetics and est book “Cultural & Genetic Heritage
having emotionally and intellectually incorporated the native inhabitads of Puerto Rico by of Arubans” we verify once again that,
and accepted Aruba’s history which includes all those Profesor Ph.D. Juan Martínez Cruzado, despite the fact that our native heritage
Arubans who existed before one’s own existence had during the 19th International Congress sometimes denied by government au-
even begun”.— for Caribbean Archaeology, Aruba July thorities and foreign authors who pre-
2001, Etnia Nativa`s curator did not hesi- fer following other theories, the results
tate to kick the ball in to action by put- of the research and the publications of
Prepaid High-Speed Internet ting both professionals dr.Oswald Wever an Aruban professional with indigenous
roots reconfirm the daily task of Etnia
and dr.Martinez Cruzado in contact and
anywhere on the island find out facts behind our own Amerindi- Nativa to share through “Island-Insight”
an genetic story. So it did not take long the true and real Aruban heritage.
before the first results where published Thank you dr. Oswald Wever for mak-
in dr.Oswald Wever first book ever con- ing your statement “Let the Amerindian
cerning Aruba`s genetic identity and voice be heard” clear and true backed
ancestral link. Titled “Genetic structure by science, cultural expression, identifi-
cation and categorization.
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