Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
local Wednesday 26 OctOber 2022
CEDE Aruba launches Unique Neighborhoods program
ORANJESTAD – Last week- ing the group work and
end, CEDE Aruba had a the program, and it can be
meeting between neigh- concluded that the event
borhood centers and orga- and the process was posi-
nizations, foundations and tive.
government departments.
After signing an agree- CEDE Aruba and the neigh-
ment with the government borhood organization
of Aruba to receive addi- thanked each foundation
tional funds for work in the and government depart-
neighborhoods and after ment that actively partici-
signing the MoU with all pated. They will now work
neighborhood centers and on a report of all the ideas
organizations, CEDE Aruba and distribute this back to
brought more partners to- each organization. In the
gether for a presentation following weeks they are
of the Unique Neighbor- searching for additional
hoods (Barionan Unico) personnel for the neighbor-
program, and to give all or- hood centers and organi-
ganizations the opportunity zations in order to improve
to present their ideas and capacity to execute pro-
contributions. grams and projects. CEDE
Aruba is also forming a
A total of 50 organizations Relevant topics for the fol- part of each neighbor- energetic and interactive. small team to provide lead-
took part in this event. lowing years are: hood, but also each initia- In the end, each group ership to the program and
The first part of the encoun- 1. Empowering the citizen tive and organization. shared its feelings regard- the necessary support to all
ter was a presentation giv- and community initiatives;
en by the director of CEDE 2. Prevention programs in In practice, CEDE Aruba will
Aruba, Mr. Daniel Tecklen- our community; increase operational funds
borg. He explained that 3. Support for vulnerable for the selected neighbor-
CEDE Aruba based on the groups; hood organizations, will
feedback of many organi- 4. Support for organizations give additional funds for
zations expanded its role in to become stronger and projects of foundations
the community. In the past, closer to the necessities in in the neighborhood, will
CEDE Aruba was seen as the community. provide a small budget to
funds to finance and co- neighborhood initiatives
finance projects together With the program Unique that have plans to improve
with funds from the Neth- Neighborhoods, CEDE their neighborhood and will
erlands. But recently they Aruba will facilitate a very create a media program
do much more than this; diverse platform for orga- to empower and motivate
among other things, they nization and will stimulate families and neighbor-
organize training to elevate collaboration. The point of hoods to take positive ac-
the capacity of the organi- departure will be that the tion.
zations, bring organizations neighborhoods face all Aside from this, it will give
together to plan and work sorts of challenges: social, guidance and support to
together, initiates programs education, cultural, sports, organizations in the neigh-
and projects and also lob- economic, infrastructure, borhood, depending on
bies for development in dif- etc. To arrive at solutions, all their needs. It will stimulate
ferent areas. these different actors must growth of more programs
work together more struc- and specific projects for
This way CEDE Aruba be- turally. This is why the word groups in risk, like school
came a catalyst for devel- Unique refers to union, col- drop-outs, seniors in loneli-
opment in our community. laboration and the unique ness, and people with limi-
tations who no longer par-
ticipate anywhere. In an
ideal case, the programs
will be adapted to the
needs of each neighbor-
After a presentation with a
lot of information, each of
the 50 organizations pres-
ent was divided into ten
groups, and in the form of
a carousel, was given the
opportunity to present their
ideas and contributions.
This part was guided by
other colleagues of CEDE
Aruba. During this activ-
ity the event became very