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u.s. news Diabierna 28 Mei 2021
Family of boy killed by officer plans home for at-risk teens
(AP) — Family members since shortly after his death he was a curious little boy
of a 13-year-old boy who when Mayor Lori Lightfoot who lived to play with his
was fatally shot by a Chi- seemed to suggest that the younger brother, loved ani-
cago police officer an- boy was involved with gangs. mals, made jokes and told his
nounced plans Wednesday mother not to worry.
to build a home in rural “Gangs are preying on our
Wisconsin where at-risk most vulnerable, corrupt- “He was a little kid, he made
boys could go to escape ing these young minds with one mistake, and everyone is
the dangers of the city promises of familia and lu- just judging him and assum-
streets. cre,” she said during a press ing things from the last few
conference in which she de- moments and minutes of his
Adam Toledo’s mother stood manded the police find out life,” said Esmeralda Toledo,
in front of a mural of her son how the boy got the gun that the boy’s 24-year-old sister.
that was recently painted in police say he was carrying Nobody, she said, “is deserv-
the Little Village neighbor- until just before he was shot. ing the way he died or the Hirschhorn said the plan is to tion of the foot chase, and
hood where he was killed on bad, negative things being “take these marginalized, at- the instant when Officer Eric
March 29. She lamented that The shooting garnered na- said about him.” risk young boys out of dan- Stillman shot Toledo in the
while she could not be with tional attention and brought ger, where gangs and guns chest less than a second after
her son Wednesday on what new scrutiny to the Chicago The family’s attorney, and violence pervades” and he either dropped or tossed
would have been his 14th Police Department’s use-of- Joel Hirschhorn, said that put them into a safe environ- the gun aside.
birthday, she might be able to force policy, particularly after Wednesday’s announcement ment where they can learn
help save others like him. the release of the video that had to be delayed a short about farming and “work as The Civilian Office of Po-
shows the boy wasn’t holding time because the artist and a team.” lice Accountability (COPA),
“What I really want is to have a gun the instant he was shot. the family wanted to paint which reviews police shoot-
Adam back, and we can’t do On Wednesday, the depart- over what “some cowardly, Authorities have said that ings, is continuing its in-
that,” Betty Toledo wrote ment announced it was im- evil person” had scrawled on a gun detection alerted po- vestigation. On Wednesday,
in a speech that was read by plementing a new policy that the mural. lice to a spot where a gun spokesman Ephraim Eaddy
someone else because she was significantly limits when of- had been fired several times. said he could not comment
too emotional to speak. “We ficers are authorized to chase Hirschhorn said donations When they arrived, an officer on the investigation and that
can try to help other families suspects on foot. have already come in, and spotted the boy and the man no recommendation about
protect their sons from the he has signed a contract to they later said had fired the Stillman has been made.
temptations that took Adam But it was the boy’s short life buy about 71 acres in Potosi weapon, and chased them. Stillman was placed on desk
into the street that night, the that Toledo’s family and oth- in southwestern Wisconsin, duty and in what Eaddy said
night he was killed.” ers focused on Wednesday. including a small barn, a fa- They said Toledo, who had was an unusual move, the
While Lightfoot and others cility boys can sleep in, and apparently been given the board recommended that the
The family also alluded to the have suggested that the boy land to grow crops and raise gun by the man after he fired time Stillman remain on desk
depiction of Adam’s life that was drawn to gangs, the fam- livestock. Modeled after Boys it, ran into an alley. Body duty be extended 30 days.
has been part of the narrative ily also wanted it known that Farm in South Carolina, camera video showed a por-
US pipelines ordered to increase cyber defenses after hack
(AP) — U.S. pipeline operators will be re- of pipeline used to transport oil, other liquids and
quired for the first time to conduct a cyberse- Criminal syndicates, often based in Russia or else- natural gas around the U.S.
curity assessment under a Biden administra- where in Eastern Europe, have unleashed a wave of
tion directive in response to the ransomware ransomware attacks in which they scramble a tar- The TSA is responsible for the physical security
hack that disrupted gas supplies in several get’s data with encryption and demand a ransom. and cybersecurity of this network and has worked
states this month. Victims have included state and local governments, with owners and operators, about 100 companies
hospitals and medical researchers and businesses in all, to develop the voluntary guidelines and con-
The Transportation Security Administration direc- large and small, leaving some victims unable to ducts on-site assessments. Lawmakers and experts
tive released Thursday also requires that pipeline perform even routine operations. have been critical of industry security standards.
owners and operators report any cyber incidents to
the federal government and have a cybersecurity The hack that targeted Colonial Pipeline prompted DHS, under Mayorkas, launched a “60-day sprint”
coordinator available at all times to work with au- the company to shut down a system that delivers to focus the agency on the ransomware threat weeks
thorities in the event of an attack like the one that about 45% of the gasoline consumed on the East before the Colonial Pipeline hack became publicly
shut down Colonial Pipeline. Coast for about a week. It led to panic-buying and known on May 7. The directive is intended to ad-
shortages at gas stations from Washington, D.C., to dress issues that emerged in the response and may
Pipeline companies, which until now operated Florida. have enabled the hack to occur in the first place.
under voluntary guidelines, could face financial
penalties that start at $7,000 per day if they fail to It came up in Congress on Wednesday as DHS Pipeline owners will be required to do the assess-
comply with a security directive that reflects an ad- Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas outlined the agen- ment within 30 days. They will have to show how
ministration focus on cybersecurity that predates cy’s budget next year to the House Appropriations their processes line up with the voluntary guide-
the May attack on Colonial, senior Department of Committee’s subcommittee for homeland security. lines, identify any gaps and provide a plan for ad-
Homeland Security officials said. dressing them, the officials said.
“The evolution of ransomware attacks in the last “The Colonial Pipeline breach, in particular, was a
12-18 months has gotten to a point that it poses wake-up call to many Americans about how mali- Operators will be required for the first time to re-
a national security risk and that we are concerned cious cyber actors, often backed by foreign states, port any cybersecurity incidents to the Cyberse-
about the impact on national critical functions,” can disrupt the U.S. economy and all of our lives,” curity and Infrastructure Security Agency, another
one of the officials said, speaking on the condition said Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-Calif., the pan- DHS component. Companies have been reluctant
of anonymity to discuss details of the regulation el’s chair. to report breaches in the past for a variety of rea-
ahead of the formal release. sons, including embarrassment and concern that
Colonial Pipeline, based in Alpharetta, Georgia, they could expose themselves to legal liability.
The six-page directive, which takes effect Friday, later disclosed it paid a ransom of $4.4 million to
applies to owners and operators of hazardous liq- retrieve access to its data from the gang of hackers, Pipeline companies will also have to designate a cy-
uids or natural gas pipelines or natural gas facilities linked by the FBI to a Russian-speaking criminal bersecurity coordinator who would be on duty 24
that have been deemed part of the nation’s “criti- syndicate known as DarkSide. hours a day, seven days a week to work with TSA
cal” infrastructure that must be protected from cy- and CISA in case of a breach like the one at Colo-
ber threats such as ransomware. The episode exposed the threat to the vast network nial Pipeline.