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A30 world news
Diabierna 28 Mei 2021
France's Macron admits some guilt for Rwanda's genocide
examination of truth for too long,” Macron arrived in Kigali early Thurs-
Macron said. Appearing to explain his lack of apol- day and met Kagame at the presiden-
ogy, Macron said: “A genocide cannot tial residence. Macron then toured
When the genocide started, “the in- be excused, one lives with it.” the memorial to the frenzied 1994
ternational community took close slaughter in which Hutu extremists
to three months, three interminable Instead, he explained that he decided killed mainly minority Tutsis and
months, before reacting and we, all to apply “the white light of truth” to moderate Hutus who tried to protect
of us, abandoned hundreds of thou- France’s role in the genocide and rec- them.
sands of victims.” ognize its responsibilities.
Macron’s trip builds on a series of
France’s failures contributed to “27 “This recognition is what I can give. A French efforts since his election in
years of bitter distance” between the pardon is not mine to give,” Macron 2017 to repair ties between the two
(AP) — In a key speech on his two countries, he said. “I have to said, promising beefed-up efforts to countries.
visit to Rwanda, French Presi- come to recognize our responsibili- bring genocide suspects to justice.
dent Emmanuel Macron said he ties,” Macron said. Although Macron Two reports completed in March
recognizes that France bears a didn’t apologize, he won praise from Macron also said that he’d come with and in April that examined France’s
heavy responsibility for the 1994 Rwandan President Paul Kagame for 100,000 coronavirus vaccines for role in the genocide helped clear a
genocide in the central African his “powerful speech.” Rwanda. path for Macron’s visit, the first by a
country. French president in 11 years.
“His words were something more Rwandans who had hoped for an
Macron solemnly detailed how valuable than an apology, they were apology said they were disappointed The previous visit, by Nicolas Sar-
France had failed the 800,000 victims the truth,” Kagame said. “This was an by Macron’s speech. kozy in 2010, was the first by a French
of the genocide but he stopped short act of tremendous courage.” Kagame leader after the 1994 massacre sent
of an apology. France “was not an ac- and Macron both signaled that a page “We don’t want to hear him talk relations into a tailspin. Rwanda’s
complice” in the genocide but ended had been turned in France-Rwanda about responsibility, about France’s government and genocide survivor
up siding with Rwanda’s “genocidal ties. “This visit is about the future, role in the genocide,” genocide survi- organizations often accused France of
regime” and bore an “overwhelming not the past,” Kagame said, adding vor Dan Karenzi told The Associated training and arming militias and for-
responsibility” in the slide toward that he and Macron discussed a range Press. “We, the survivors, wanted to mer government troops who led the
the massacres, the French leader said, of issues, including investment and hear Macron apologizing to us offi- genocide.
speaking Thursday at the genocide support for businesses. cially. I am really disappointed.”
memorial in the capital, Kigali. Kagame, who has been Rwanda’s
Macron said they were opening “a The opposition Rwandese Platform de facto leader since 1994 and its
“France has a role, a history and a new page” and rebuilding ties that for Democracy party tweeted ahead president since 2000, has won praise
political responsibility in Rwanda. It are “strong and irreversible.” He said of Macron’s speech that it hoped abroad for restoring order and mak-
has a duty: That of looking history in that he asked to be able to appoint a he would “apologize honestly” and ing advances in economic develop-
the face and recognizing the suffer- French ambassador to Rwanda, after “promise to pay reparations” to geno- ment and health care. But rights
ing that it inflicted on the Rwandan six years where France has been with- cide victims. watchdogs, dissidents, and others ac-
people by favoring silence over the out one in the country. cuse Kagame of harsh rule.
Proposal to decriminalize abortion prompts debate in Malta
(AP) — A proposal to de- not the same as promoting wouldn’t legalize abortion, an unintended consequence the AP she got in touch with
criminalize abortion in it,” Farrugia told The Asso- just remove the penalties for of efforts to save a woman’s an international organization
Malta has stirred up a po- ciated Press. “By criminaliz- it, opponents disagree. life, said Andrea Dibben, of that helped her obtain abor-
larized debate on an is- ing women, stigmatizing the the Women Rights Founda- tion pills. She was worried
sue long considered taboo subject of abortion and keep- “We view the decriminaliza- tion in Malta. She added that about any potential side ef-
in the country with the ing this discussion a taboo, tion of abortion as a smoke- this principle cannot always fects from the pills but said
strictest abortion laws in we are not saving lives and screen to introduce abortion be applied and is insufficient. she wouldn’t have sought
the European Union. we are not helping the cause right up until birth in Malta,” medical help right away had
of making abortion obsolete.” said Miriam Sciberras, Chair- Malta’s Archbishop, Charles she needed it, out of the fear
Independent lawmaker Mar- person of the anti-abortion Scicluna, has also weighed in of being caught.
lene Farrugia caught many The Catholic island nation group, the Life Network on the discussion and deliv-
by surprise this month when has liberalized some laws in Foundation Malta. ered a homily in what was an “If something goes wrong,
she presented a bill in Parlia- recent years, legalizing di- indirect response to the no- you’re stuck,” she said. “Peo-
ment calling for the removal vorce 10 years ago and same- “If we really care about tion of decriminalizing abor- ple should be able to find
of paragraphs in the crimi- sex marriage in 2017. women, we first let them be tion. the support they need in the
nal code that make it a crime born,” Sciberras said. “The country. Not everyone has
punishable by up to three The bill is unlikely to ad- law is there for a reason. It is “A mother’s womb is dear the financial means to travel
years in prison to have an vance through Parliament, there to protect us all, espe- and holy, it is there that hu- abroad.”
abortion or assist a woman in where one major party has cially the vulnerable.” man life grows,” he said on
having one. declared itself against de- May 13. “Let us pray for the Farrugia, who describes her-
criminalization and the other Abortion has been legalized womb to remain a place of self as “pro-life,” says she will
Though the law is rarely en- implied it wants a debate in in nearly all EU countries, life, not a place where killing continue to urge women “to
forced — the Home Affairs society rather than a vote in though Poland this year takes place.” use prevention and also not
Ministry says the last per- Parliament. But supporters tightened its abortion laws to terminate even if they find
son jailed for abortion was say it has sparked a conversa- following a constitutional Doctors for Choice estimates themselves burdened by an
in 1980 — backers argue it tion that is long overdue. court ruling. The only excep- that at least 300 women in unwanted pregnancy.”
acts as a deterrent. Farrugia tions allowed under Polish Malta have abortions every
disagrees, saying that the fear “The people have woken up law are when the woman’s year, either by traveling to “However, should they de-
of reprisal and punishment and many more have come life or health is at risk or if a countries where abortion is cide to terminate after going
prevents women from seek- out of the woodwork to de- pregnancy results from rape legal, including Britain, Italy through support and coun-
ing counselling and help in clare themselves openly pro- or incest. In Malta, the law or the Netherlands, or by ob- selling, then abortion needs
Malta, where surveys show choice,” said Isabel Stabile, of doesn’t allow for any excep- taining abortion pills. to be highly regulated and
public opinion remains firm- abortion rights activist group tions, but in practice doctors safe.” she added. “Ultimately,
ly against abortion. Doctors for Choice. apply the “moral principle of One woman, who spoke on no woman should be forced
double effect,” whereby the condition of anonymity for to carry on with a pregnancy
“Decriminalizing abortion is While Farrugia insists her bill death of a fetus is viewed as fear of being prosecuted, told she does not want.”