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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 28 Mei 2021

                           Belarus stripped of European track cycling championships

            (AP)  —  Belarus  was  a  state-sponsored  hijacking.  ger,  26-year-old  activist  Ra-
            stripped  of  hosting  next  Belarus  has  been  in  turmoil  man  Pratasevich,  was  taken
            month's  European  track  since authoritarian leader Al-  from the plane.
            cycling championships on  exander Lukashenko claimed
            Thursday  amid  an  inter-   victory  last  August  in  a  dis-  After  European  cycling  of-
            national furor after a pas-  puted presidential election.  ficials said they were "work-
            senger jet was diverted to                                ing on finding an alternative
            Minsk so a dissident jour-   The  EU  advised  member  solution" for staging the track
            nalist could be arrested.    countries'  airlines  this  week  championships,  Lithuania's
                                         to avoid Belarus airspace and  government made an offer.
            The     European    Cycling  barred the former Soviet re-  "Lithuania  is  ready  to  host"
            Union  cited  the  "current  public's planes from their air-  the  event,  Prime  Minister
            international  situation"  for  ports and airspace.       Ingrida  Šimonytė  wrote  on
            canceling the event in Minsk  A Ryanair flight from Greece  her verified Twitter account.
            scheduled from June 23-27.   to  Lithuania  was  told  by  Šimonytė  previously  called
                                         flight   controllers,   citing  the  airplane  incident  an  "act
            European  Union  leaders  a  bomb  threat,  to  land  in  of state terrorism."         Union  replied  saying  "Dear  be delighted to develop your
            called  the  airplane  incident  Minsk on Sunday. A passen-  The   European   Cycling  Prime  Minister  we  would  proposition."

                             Bettiol gets 1st Grand Tour stage win, Bernal keeps lead

            (AP) — Italian cyclist Al-   the 18th stage of the Giro  Tour,  and  Egan  Bernal  be heading for the win after  utes behind. The 2019 Tour
            berto  Bettiol  timed  his  d'Italia  on  Thursday  for  kept the leader's pink jer-   attacking  on  the  approach  de  France  champion  main-
            attack  perfectly  to  win  his first victory in a Grand  sey at the end of the race's  to  the  fourth-category  Cas-  tained his lead of 2 minutes,
                                                                      longest leg.                 tana climb and crossing with  21  seconds  over  Damiano
                                                                                                   a  28-second  advantage,  but  Caruso  and  3:23  ahead  of
                                                                      Bettiol, who rides for EF Ed-  Bettiol had set off in pursuit  third-place Simon Yates.
                                                                      ucation–Nippo,  had  plenty  and  caught  and  passed  the
                                                                      of  time  to  sit  up  on  his  bi-  French  time-trial  champion  "You  can't  say  you  are  over-
                                                                      cycle  and  repeatedly  lift  up  with about  seven kilometers  confident because in just one
                                                                      his  hands  to  encourage  the  remaining.                bad day, you can lose every-
                                                                      home  fans  that  lined  the                              thing,"  Bernal  said.  "I  have
                                                                      route  to  cheer  louder  as  he  "The  final  was  really  hectic  a lot of respect for the other
                                                                      approached the finish line.  because a lot of guys looked  guys and I need to be focused
                                                                                                   at me, everybody were in my  and just try do my best and
                                                                      "It  means  really,  really  a  lot  wheel, and I was sure that a  that's it."
                                                                      for me, for my team, and for  strong guy like Rémi Cavag-
                                                                      the people that always believe  na  would  try  something,"  Friday's  19th  stage  has  been
                                                                      in me," the 27-year-old Bet-  Bettiol said. "Fortunately the  modified  to  bypass  the  top-
                                                                      tiol said. "It's a gift that I want  final was really, really strong  category  climb  of  the  Mot-
                                                                      to  go  to  my  former  agent,  and really, really hard, and I  tarone after a cable car disas-
                                                                      Mauro Battaglini, that passed  could use my legs ...  and in  ter there killed 14 people on
                                                                      away last year, and was like a  the end I catch him, and I im-  Sunday.  The  new,  slightly-
                                                                      second father for me, so this  mediately attacked."       shorter  route  nevertheless
                                                                      victory is for him that for sure                          includes  three  categorized
                                                                      he looks on me from the sky."  Simone  Consonni  led  the  climbs  —  including  a  top-
                                                                      The  231-kilometer  (144-    rest of the breakaway across,  classed  one  to  the  finish  —
                                                                      mile) route from Rovereto to  17  seconds  behind  Bettiol.  on  the  166-kilometer  (103-
                                                                      Stradella was mainly flat but  Nicolas  Roche  was  third  to  mile) leg from Abbiategrasso
                                                                      ended  with  a  series  of  short  complete  an  all-Italian  po-  to Alpe di Mera.
                                                                      climbs  through  the  rolling  dium.
                                                                      Pavia winelands.                                          The Giro finishes on Sunday
                                                                                                   Bernal crossed the line in the  in  Milan  with  an  individual
                                                                      Rémi  Cavagna  appeared  to  peloton, more than 23 min-   time trial.

                             Swiss bank Julius Baer to pay nearly $80M in FIFA case

            (AP)  —  The  Swiss  bank  is due within 10 days of the  The bank said in November  in February 2020 by the Swiss  of the case in Brooklyn fed-
            Julius Baer  agreed  to  pay  formal  filing  of  the  agree-  it was setting aside $79.7 mil-  Financial Market Supervisory  eral court and also waived the
            nearly $80 million in fines  ment  later  Thursday,  Chen  lion for an expected payment  Authority (FINMA) for fail-  right  to  attempt  to  suppress
            and  penalties  for  its  role  said.                     in  the  case.  Julius  Baer  has  ing a duty to combat money  any evidence. The bank also
            in illegal payments involv-                               cooperated with the prosecu-  laundering,  including  in  its  agreed to enhance its corpo-
            ing  FIFA  and  the  South  Christoph  Hiestand,  Julius  tion since charges in the soc-  ties to FIFA officials.   rate compliance program.
            American governing body  Baer's  Zurich-based  group  cer case were first unsealed in
            CONMEBOL.                    general  counsel,  appeared  2015.                        Julius Baer, founded in 1890,  The fine would be have been
                                         during  a  telephone  hear-                               admitted   it   transported,  $45.6  million  but  was  re-
            The  bank  will  pay  a  $43.32  ing  held  at  federal  court  in  Jorge  Arzuaga,  a  former  Ju-  transmitted  and  transferred  duced 5% as part of the plea
            million fine plus $36,368,400  Brooklyn and said the bank's  lius  Baer  banker,  pleaded  funds from February 2013 to  agreement.
            in restitution -- matching the  board of directors and man-  guilty  before  Chen  on  June  May 2015 that it knew repre-  More  than  40  soccer  and
            total  of  the  illegal  payments  aging  directors  approved  a  15,  2017,  to  one  count  of  sented  proceeds  of  unlawful  marketing officials and agen-
            -- for a total of $79,688,400,  resolution to have Julius Baer  money  laundering  conspir-  activity  and  the  transactions  cies  have  been  convicted,
            according to a plea agreement  cooperate with U.S. prosecu-  acy  and  forfeited  $1,046,000  were designed in whole or in  entered guilty pleas, or been
            read  into  the  record  Thurs-  tors. The bank entered into a  to  the  U.S.  and  Swiss  gov-  part to conceal ownership.  indicted.  Some  await  sen-
            day  by  U.S.  District  Judge  42-month  deferred  prosecu-  ernments.                Julius  Baer  waived  the  right  tencing or have yet to be ex-
            Pamela K. Chen. The money  tion agreement.                Julius Baer also was penalized  to  object  to  the  jurisdiction  tradited to the U.S.
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