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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 2 July 2020
            Health experts slam U.S. deal for large supply of virus drug

            By MARIA CHENG                                                                                                      stock  to  only  one  coun-
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   try.  It's  very  strange  and
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Public                                                                                             quite  inappropriate,"  he
            health experts on Wednes-                                                                                           said.  "Right  now  we  have
            day  criticized  the  U.S.  for                                                                                     enough to make it through
            securing  a  large  supply  of                                                                                      the summer if the intake of
            the  only  drug  licensed  so                                                                                       patients is as it is now. If a
            far to treat COVID-19.                                                                                              second  wave  comes,  we
            The  U.S.  government  an-                                                                                          may be challenged."
            nounced  this  week  that  it                                                                                       Dr.  Michael  Ryan,  the
            had  an  agreement  with                                                                                            emergencies  chief  of  the
            Gilead  Sciences  to  make                                                                                          World Health Organization,
            the  bulk  of  their  produc-                                                                                       said the agency was look-
            tion of remdesivir available                                                                                        ing into the implications of
            to  Americans  for  the  next                                                                                       the U.S. deal for remdesivir.
            three  months.  The  Depart-                                                                                        "There  are  many  people
            ment of Health and Human                                                                                            around the world who are
            Services said it had secured                                                                                        very sick .... and we want to
            500,000 treatments through                                                                                          ensure that everybody has
            September, which amounts                                                                                            access  to  the  necessary,
            to all but 10% of production                                                                                        life-saving   interventions."
            in August and September.                                                                                            He  said  WHO  was  "fully
            "To the extent possible, we                                                                                         committed"  to  working  to-
            want  to  ensure  that  any   This is an April 30, 2020, file photo showing Gilead Sciences headquarters in Foster City, Calif.   ward  equitable  access  for
            American     patient   who                                                                         Associated Press  such treatments.
            needs  remdesivir  can  get  middle-income  countries,  ized  with  COVID-19  found  likely  under  "certain  politi-  Gilead had been develop-
            it," Health and Human Ser-   Gilead  is  allowing  generic  that  those  who  received  cal pressures locally."     ing  remdesivir  for  years  as
            vices  Secretary  Alex  Azar  makers  to  supply  the  drug  the  treatment  recovered  British  Prime  Minister  Bo-  a  viral  treatment,  with  mil-
            said in a statement.         at much lower prices.        quicker  than  those  who  ris  Johnson's  spokesman,  lions in U.S. funding, before
            Ohid  Yaqub,  a  senior  lec-  In  a  statement  Wednes-  didn't. It is the only drug li-  James  Slack,  declined  to  it was tried for coronavirus.
            turer at the University of Sus-  day,  the  California-based  censed  by  both  the  U.S.  criticize  the  United  States  The  consumer  group  Pub-
            sex,  called  the  U.S.  agree-  Gilead  said  its  agreement  and the European Union as  for  the  move.  He  said  the  lic Citizen estimates that at
            ment "disappointing news."   with  the  U.S.  allows  for  un-  a  treatment  for  those  with  U.K. had a "sufficient stock"  least $70 million in U.S. pub-
            "It so clearly signals an un-  needed  supplies  to  be  severe illness from the coro-  of  remdesivir  for  patients  lic funding went to develop
            willingness  to  cooperate  sent to other countries. The  navirus.                     who  need  it,  but  didn't  remdesivir.
            with  other  countries  and  company said it is "working  Dr. Peter Horby, who is run-  specify  how  much  that  On  Monday,  Gilead  said
            the  chilling  effect  this  has  as quickly as possible" to en-  ning  a  large  study  testing  was.              it  will  charge  government
            on   international   agree-  able access worldwide. But  several treatments for CO-    Thomas  Senderovitz,  head  insurance plans in all devel-
            ments  about  intellectual  it noted that U.S. is seeing a  VID-19,  told  the  BBC  that  of  the  Danish  Medicines  oped  countries  $2,340  for
            property rights," Yaqub said  significant rise in COVID-19  "a   stronger   framework"  Agency, told Danish broad-  a course of remdesivir and
            in a statement               cases,  while  "most  EU  and  was needed to ensure fair  caster  DR  that  the  move  private U.S. insurers, $3,120.
            Until  now,  Gilead  had  do-  other developed countries  prices  and  access  to  key  could endanger Europeans  Gilead  has  said  it  expects
            nated  the  drug.  That  end-  have  reduced  their  levels  medicines  for  people  and  and others down the road.  to spend more than $1 bil-
            ed Tuesday and Gilead this  of disease considerably."     nations  around  the  world.    "I  have  never  seen  any-  lion  by  year's  end  on  test-
            week set the price for new  Early  studies  testing  rem-  He  said  that  as  an  Ameri-  thing like that. That a com-  ing  and  manufacturing  of
            shipments.  In  127  poor  or  desivir  in  patients  hospital-  can company, Gilead was  pany  chooses  to  sell  their  remdesivir.q

            Mexico celebrates start of new trade accord with U.S., Canada

            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex-      Their  supply  chains  are  won Mexican elections two
            ico  celebrated  the  imple-  deeply  intertwined.  During  years ago. But the arrest in
            mentation  of  a  new  free  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  June of crusading Mexican
            trade    agreement     with  there was pressure from the  labor  lawyer  Susana  Prieto
            Canada  and  the  United  U.S.  government  to  allow  on  charges  of  inciting  riot,
            States that it hopes will lead  some  Mexican  assembly  threats  and  coercion  has
            to  more  investment  in  its  plants to quickly reopen or  cast  a  shadow  over  the
            struggling economy.          remain open to cause less  new trade pact, which was
            President  Andrés  Manuel  interruption.                  supposed  to  improve  pro-
            Obrador will travel to Wash-  "There are clear rules," López  tections for workers rights.
            ington  July  8-9  to  meet  Obrador  said  Wednesday.  United  Steelworkers  Inter-
            with with President Donald  "You can't have border clo-   national   President   Tom
            Trump  and  recognize  the  sures  or  tariff  increases  on  Conway wrote that the ar-
            achievement  of  the  U.S.-  products  without  a  legal-  rest  of  Prieto  proves  "that
            Mexico-Canada accord.        type  procedure  with  the  Mexico hasn't stopped the
            López  Obrador  said  the  famous  panels  where  rep-    bullying  of  workers  and   In this Dec. 10. 2019 file photo, Mexico's Treasury Secretary Arturo
                                                                                                   Herrera, left, standing next to Mexico's President Andres Manuel
            accord,  which  replaces  resentatives  of  the  three  their allies"                  Lopez Obrador, attend a trade agreement signing ceremony at
            the  North  American  Free  countries participate."       Lori  Wallach,  the  director   the National Palace in Mexico City.
            Trade Agreement, will pro-   Known  as  the  USMCA  in  of  Public  Citizen's  Global                                           Associated Press
            vide  greater  certainty  to  English,  the  new  agree-  Trade Watch, said "It's a ter-
            the  three  countries  in  their  ment began to be negoti-  rible start that on day one  transform  trade,  a  lead-  has  spent  weeks  in  jail  on
            commercial relationships.    ated when López Obrador  of a deal Trump said would  ing  Mexican  labor  lawyer  trumped up charges."q
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