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                      Thursday 2 July 2020
            Protest versus Africa’s 1st COVID-19 vaccine test shows fear

            By CARA ANNA                                                                                                        said in a statement. "These
            Associated Press                                                                                                    principles will be guided by
            JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  —                                                                                               respect  for  the  dignity  of
            Protesters  against  Africa's                                                                                       Africans,  the  beneficence
            first COVID-19 vaccine trial                                                                                        and non-maleficence, and
            burned  their  face  masks                                                                                          justice."
            Wednesday      as   experts                                                                                         Madhi,  the  professor  in
            note  a  worrying  level  of                                                                                        charge  of  the  South  Af-
            resistance and misinforma-                                                                                          rica  vaccine  trial,  has  said
            tion  around  testing  on  the                                                                                      volunteers  were  given  an
            continent.    Anti-vaccine                                                                                          explanation about the trial
            sentiment  in  Africa  is  "the                                                                                     and possible risks and then
            worst  I've  ever  seen,"  the                                                                                      had  to  score  80%  on  a
            CEO  of  the  GAVI  vaccine                                                                                         questionnaire to take part.
            alliance,  Seth  Berkley,  told                                                                                     But why not target more af-
            an  African  Union  vaccine                                                                                         fluent parts of South African
            conference last week.                                                                                               society? Phasha asked.
            "In  general,  people  in  Af-                                                                                      "I  believe  in  science,"  she
            rica  know  the  diseases                                                                                           said.  "And  I  believe  that
            and want to protect each                                                                                            science  has  managed  to
            other," he said. "In this case,                                                                                     solve most of the problems
            the  rumor  mill  has  been   People  protest  against  Coronavirus  vaccine  trials  in  Africa,  outside  the  University  of  the   society  is  faced  with.  I'm
            dramatic."                   Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday, July 1, 2020.                  not  against  vaccinations,
            The  trial  that  began  last                                                                      Associated Press  I'm against profiteering."
            week  in  Johannesburg  is  testing  drugs  on  people  ments,  no  resuscitation?"  the  World  Health  Organi-    Fellow protesters sang and
            part of one already under-   who  don't  understand  the  He  compared  it  to  some  zation,  Tedros  Adhanom  danced  with  banners  say-
            way in Britain of the vaccine  risks. "The people chosen as  AIDS studies: "In prostitutes,  Ghebreyesus,  called  the  ing  "We  not  guinea  pigs"
            developed at the University  volunteers for the vaccina-  we  try  things  because  we  comments  "racist"  and  a  and "No safe vaccine."
            of Oxford. Some 2,000 vol-   tion, they look as if they're  know  that  they  are  highly  "hangover  from  a  colonial  "If  you  want  to  test,  test  in
            unteers in South Africa are  from  poor  backgrounds,  exposed and that they do  mentality." The head of the  the  areas  which  they  call
            expected to take part.       not qualified enough to un-  not protect themselves."     Africa  Centers  for  Disease  the epicenter of the world,"
            It's important that vaccines  derstand" protest organizer  "The  narrative  we  got  is  Control  and  Prevention,  demonstrator  Sean  Goss
            be  tested  in  Africa  to  see  Phapano  Phasha  told  The  our continent is a dumping  John  Nkengasong,  called  said.  Africa  has  seen  trou-
            how  they  perform  in  the  Associated  Press  ahead  ground,"  Phasha  said.  First  the  remarks  "very  disgust-  bled testing and treatment.
            local  context,  professor  of  of  the  event.  "We  believe  ensure  the  vaccine  works  ing" and "condescending."  Some  families  in  Nigeria
            vaccinology Shabir Madhi,  they  are  manipulating  the  elsewhere  before  bringing  "Africa  CDC  will  continue  won payouts in a legal fight
            leader  of  the  new  COV-   vulnerable."                 it to Africa, she added.     to  work  very  closely  with  with Pfizer after several chil-
            ID-19 vaccine trial in South  The  activist  and  political  The French researcher later  the  World  Health  Organi-  dren  died  of  meningitis  in
            Africa,  told  reporters  and  commentator      brought  apologized  for  his  com-    zation  to  ensure  that  only  a  clinical  trial  for  an  oral
            others in a webinar Sunday.  up  the  widely  circulated  ments,  but  they  continue  ethically  and  scientifically  antibiotic in 1996. And ear-
            But the small band of dem-   remarks  earlier  this  year  to  circulate  on  social  me-  sound clinical trials for vac-  lier this year, South Africa's
            onstrators  who  gathered  by  a  French  researcher,  dia among those opposed  cines and therapies will be  Commission  for  Gender
            Wednesday  at  the  Univer-  Jean-Paul  Mira,  who  said,  to vaccine testing in Africa,  conducted  in  Africa,  us-  Equality said dozens of HIV-
            sity  of  the  Witwatersrand,  ""If  I  can  be  provocative,  Meanwhile,  anger  among  ing exactly the same stan-  positive  women  had  been
            where  the  trial  is  based,  shouldn't  we  be  doing  this  African health officials and  dards  and  principles  as  forced or coerced into ster-
            reflect  long-running  fears  study in Africa, where there  others was swift.          those employed elsewhere  ilization after giving birth at
            among some in Africa over  are  no  masks,  no  treat-    The  Ethiopian  director  of  in  the  world,"  Nkengasong  public hospitals.q
               The Netherlands marks anniversary of abolition of slavery

                                                                      on  the  Black  Lives  Matter  ument   in   Amsterdam's  liamentary  debate,  Prime
                                                                      movement that swept the  Oosterpark  was  deco-         Minister Mark Rutte said he
                                                                      globe in the aftermath of  rated  for  Wednesday's  did  not  consider  the  time
                                                                      the death of George Floyd  observance  with  black  right  to  apologize  for  the
                                                                      in Minneapolis.             and  red  cloths,  colors  of  country's  role  in  slavery,
                                                                      Protesters  in  the  Nether-  mourning  in  West  Africa.  despite  calls  for  a  formal
                                                                      lands  have  vandalized  The government used the  apology."For some people
                                                                      several  statues  of  historic  day  to  announce  plans  that goes too far. Can you
                                                                      figures  linked  to  the  slave  for a nationwide dialogue  hold  people  alive  today
                                                                      trade and called for such  to  confront  the  country's  responsible for the distant
                                                                      statues to be removed.      historic  links  to  slavery.  past?"  Rutte  said  in  com-
               A statue of the Dutch Golden Age trader and brutal colonialist   From the 17th century un-  The dialogue will focus on  ments  aired  by  national
               Jan  Pieterszoon  Coen  stands  tall  above  a  square  in  his
               hometown of Hoorn, north of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Friday,   til  the  abolition  of  slavery  "how the slavery history still  broadcaster NOS. Amster-
               June 19, 20202.                                        in  1863,  Dutch  merchants  influences  our  daily  lives,"  dam  Mayor  Femke  Hal-
                                                      Associated Press  and  ships  were  heavily  Education  Minister  Ingrid  sema said the Black Lives
                                                                      involved  in  slave-trading,  van  Engelshoven  said.  Matter  movement  had
               THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  slavery  on  July  1,  1863,  and  plantation  owners  in  "I  hope  that  it  will  open  brought  about  a  tipping
               (AP)  —  The  Netherlands  with  a  solemn  event  in  Dutch colonies in the Ca-   the  eyes  of  many  Dutch  point and created "an un-
               marked  157  years  since  Amsterdam  on  Wednes-      ribbean used slave labor.   people,  young  and  old."  stoppable  new  people's
               the   country   abolished  day  that  also  reflected  The national slavery mon-   Later Wednesday in a par-   movement." q
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