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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 2 July 2020
            Republicans, with exception of Trump, now push mask-wearing

            Continued from Front                                                                                                he  said  included  about
                                                                                                                                eight  White  House  staffers,
            Both  Vice  President  Mike                                                                                         only  national  security  ad-
            Pence  and  Senate  Majo-                                                                                           viser  Robert  O’Brien  wore
            rity  Leader  Mitch  McCon-                                                                                         a  mask,  Sherman  said.  He
            nell  in  recent  days  have                                                                                        added  that  no  one  in  the
            urged  Americans  to  wear                                                                                          secure  briefing  room  was
            one when they are unable                                                                                            able  to  maintain  6  feet
            to maintain social distance.                                                                                        (1.8  meters)  of  social  dis-
            Sen.  Mitt  Romney,  a  Utah                                                                                        tancing, as recommended
            Republican, told reporters it                                                                                       by the Centers for Disease
            would be “very helpful” for                                                                                         Control and Prevention.
            Trump  to  encourage  mask                                                                                          “I learned something major,
            usage.                                                                                                              and that is the White House
            Last   week,    Republican                                                                                          is  a  mask-free zone,” Sher-
            Rep.  Liz  Cheney  of  Wy-                                                                                          man  told  The  Associated
            oming  tweeted  a  photo                                                                                            Press. “The president is con-
            of  her  father,  former  Vice                                                                                      sistent. He’s fine with peop-
            President   Dick   Cheney,                                                                                          le not wearing masks.”
            wearing a disposable mask                                                                                           Polls show how the partisan
            and a cowboy hat. She in-                                                                                           divide  on  masks  has  see-
            cluded the message: “Dick                                                                                           ped into public opinion.
            Cheney says WEAR A MASK                                                                                             The vast majority of Demo-
                 #realmenwearmasks,”                                                                                            crats  think  people  in  their
            a  hashtag  that  echoed     Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, left and   community  should  wear  a
            words spoken earlier by the   Center for Disease Control (CDC) Director Dr. Robert Redfield, talk with Sen. Lamar Alexander,   mask  when  they  are  near
            Democratic  House  Spea-     R-Tenn., right, as they prepare to testify before a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions   other people in public pla-
            ker  Nancy  Pelosi.  Steve   Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 30, 2020.    Associated Press  ces  at  least  most  of  the
            Doocy, co-host of a Trump-                                                                                          time,  including  63%  who
            friendly morning show, “Fox  candidate  in  August,  an-  that  he  is  regularly  tested  one when necessary.      say they should always, ac-
            &  Friends,”  said  during  an  nounced  a  mask  requi-  for  the  coronavirus,  as  are  But  even  with  safeguards,  cording to a Pew Research
            interview with House Mino-   rement  for  indoor  public  his aides. Those outside the  the virus has found its way  Center  poll  published  in
            rity  Leader  Kevin  McCar-  spaces this week. The pre-   administration  —  including  into the White House. A top  early June. Among Republi-
            thy  that  he  doesn’t  “see  sident’s eldest son said the  White  House  visitors  and  aide to Pence, as well as a  cans, 29% say masks should
            any  downside  in  the  presi-  new requirements were no  members  of  the  media  military  valet  to  Trump,  in  be  worn  always,  and  23%
            dent  being  seen  more  of-  big deal.                   who  are  in  close  proximity  May tested positive for the  say  they  should  be  worn
            ten wearing it.” McCarthy,  “You  know,  I  don’t  think  to  him  and  Pence  —  are  virus.                       most  of  the  time.  Another
            R-Calif.,  responded  that,  that it’s too complicated to  also tested.                Still,  mask  usage  remains  23% say masks should rarely
            for  the  upcoming  holiday,  wear a mask or wash your  White House press secreta-     rare in the West Wing, said  or never be worn.
            “we could all show our pa-   hands and follow basic hy-   ry Kayleigh McEnany didn’t  Rep. Brad Sherman, a Ca-      Trump has been caught on
            triotism  with  a  red,  white  giene  protocols,”  Donald  directly  address  Republi-  lifornia  Democrat  who  at-  camera  once  wearing  a
            and  blue  mask.”  Jackson-  Trump  Jr.  told  Fox  Business  can calls for Trump to wear  tended   an   intelligence  mask. But Pence and mem-
            ville, the Florida city where  on Tuesday.                a  mask  in  public  more  of-  briefing at the White House  bers  of  the  White  House
            Trump  is  scheduled  to  ac-  Trump  aides  have  defen-  ten, but noted that the pre-  on  Tuesday  with  senior  coronavirus  task  force  fre-
            cept  his  renomination  as  ded the president’s refusal  sident  has  said  in  the  past  members of the president’s  quently  appear  in  public
            Republicans’    presidential  to  wear  a  mask  by  noting  he has no problem wearing  staff. At the briefing, which  wearing masks. q

              Ex-Bush officials launch super PAC backing Biden over Trump

              By ALEXANDRA JAFFE          incumbent.  They're  plan-  have to agree with a presi-
              Associated Press            ning  to  roll  out  supportive  dent on all of his policy de-
              WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  testimonial  videos  featur-    cisions or agenda. We ask
              group  of  former  George  ing  high-profile  Republi-  them  to  go  to  the  White
              W.   Bush   administration  cans  and  launch  a  voter  House  and  do  what  they
              and  campaign  officials  turnout effort in key states,  think is in the best interest
              have  launched  a  new  aimed at turning out disaf-     of the country. That's what
              super   PAC     supporting  fected Republican voters.  we  as  alumni  of  George
              Democratic     presidential  News of the group was first  W. Bush did, and we think
              candidate  Joe  Biden,  the  reported by Reuters.       Joe  Biden  will  deliver  that
              latest  in  a  growing  num-  Kristopher   Purcell,   who  as well," he said. The group
              ber  of  Republican  groups  worked  in  the  Office  of  has been in touch with the
              to come out in support of  Communications  in  the  Biden campaign and oth-
              Biden over President Don-   White  House  and  in  the  er  GOP  groups  opposed
              ald  Trump.  The  group,  43  State  Department  during  to  Trump  to  coordinate
              Alumni  for  Biden,  has  re-  the  Bush  administration,  some of its activities going   Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe
              cruited at least 200 former  said many of the members  forward,  and  it's  alerted   Biden departs after speaking at Alexis Dupont High School in
                                                                                                   Wilmington, Del., Tuesday, June 30, 2020.
              White House officials, cam-  of  the  group  still  consider  Bush's  office  of  their  ac-                                Associated Press
              paign  aides  and  Cabinet  themselves    Republicans  tivities,  though  it  remains
              secretaries  who  worked  but see the need to defeat  unaffiliated  with  the  for-  the   Trump   campaign's  swamp — yet again — try-
              under Bush to join the push  Trump as beyond their per-  mer  president  directly.  In  director  of  press  commu-  ing to take down the duly
              against  the  Republican  sonal  politics.  "You  don't  a  statement,  Erin  Perrine,  nications,  said  "this  is  the  elected president." q
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