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                                                                                            technology Thursday 2 July 2020
            Zoom got big fast. Then videobombers made it rework security

            By MICHAEL LIEDTKE           a digital waiting room until  book, said Rory Mir, a grass-
            AP Technology Writer         the  meeting  host  let  them  roots  advocacy  organizer
            SAN  RAMON,  Calif.  (AP)  in.Behind the scenes, Yuan  for  the  Electronic  Frontier
            —  Back  in  March  as  the  began  meeting  regularly  Foundation, a digital rights
            coronavirus      pandemic  with  a  council  consisting  group.
            gathered steam in the U.S.,  of  top  security  executives  "People don't have a lot of
            a  largely  unheralded  vid-  in  the  tech  industry  and  great options right now, but
            eo-conferencing     service  brought  in  former  Yahoo  Zoom is kind of leading the
            suddenly found itself in the  and  Facebook  executive  charge  to  make  these  im-
            spotlight.                   Alex  Stamos  as  a  special  provements," said Mir, who
            And just as quickly as Zoom  consultant.  He  also  con-  uses they/them pronouns.
            became      a    household  ferred with other supportive  Zoom hasn't said when end-
            name for connecting work  executives  such  as  Oracle  to-end  encryption  will  be
            colleagues,  church  and  founder  Larry  Ellison,  who  ready, but it's already had
            school groups, friends, fam-  took  the  unusual  step  of  to  expand  on  its  original
            ily,  book  clubs  and  others  posting  a  video    hailing  plan  to  make  it  available  This  April  18,  2019,  file  photo  shows  a  sign  for  Zoom  Video
            during  stay-at-home  lock-  Zoom  as  an  "essential  ser-  only  to  paid  subscribers.  Communications ahead of the company's Nasdaq IPO in New
            downs,  it  also  gained  a  vice."  (Perhaps  not  coinci-  The day after its original an-  York.
            reputation  for  lax  security  dentally, Zoom relies on Or-  nouncement, faced with a                                          Associated Press
            as intrusive "videobombers"  acle and Amazon for much  backlash, Zoom agreed to  said he was referring to ef-
            barged  into  private  meet-  of the computing power it  extend  the  encryption  to  forts  intended  to  prevent
            ings  or  just  spied  on  inti-  needs  to  handle  an  ex-  free plans as well.      Zoom  from  being  used  for
            mate conversations.          pected  two  trillion  minutes  It's  been  a  heady  ride  for  child  pornography.  "Some
            On April 1, following a wave  of meetings — the equiva-   the  company.  Its  shares  activists now believe Zoom
            of  lawsuits  over  privacy  lent  of  38,000  centuries  —  closed Tuesday at $253.54,  is like a cop," Mir said.
            breaches,  CEO  Eric  Yuan  this year.)                   nearly  four  times  their  val-  In a familiar refrain  among
            ordered  a  halt  to  work  on  The  biggest  security  leap  ue  in  December,  creating  tech companies operating
            new  features  and  vowed  is  still  to  come.  Zoom  has  $50  billion  in  shareholder  around  the  world,  Steckel-
            to  fix  the  service's  weak-  promised to make it virtually  wealth. The San Jose, Cali-  berg  said  Zoom  complies
            nesses in 90 days. That time  impossible for anyone out-  fornia,  company  expects  with  local  laws  in  each  of
            is up, and Zoom is ready to  side  a  meeting  to  eaves-  paid  subscribers  to  gener-  the more than 80 countries
            take a bow.                  drop  by  scrambling  con-   ate  $1.8  billion  in  revenue  where its service is used.
            The  work  on  "security  and  versations  via  end-to-end  for the company this year,  More  privacy  issues  could
            privacy is never going to be  encryption.  The  technique  triple  what  Zoom  pulled  in  loom  if,  as  some  analysts
            done, but it is now embed-   would  lock  up  conversa-   last year.                   anticipate,  Zoom  decides
            ded  in  how  we  approach  tions  so  that  even  Zoom  If  Zoom  wants  to  prove  it  to start showing ads on the
            everything we do at Zoom  couldn't  play  them  back.  puts the privacy of its users  free version of is service to
            now," the company's chief  Law enforcement general-       first, Mir believes it will have  boost its profit. Steckelberg
            financial   officer,   Kelly  ly opposes such encryption  to  show  it's  willing  to  fight  said  the  company  doesn't
            Steckelberg, told The Asso-  —  already  in  use  on  apps  requests from law enforce-  have any immediate plans
            ciated Press in a recent in-  such  as  iMessage,  What-  ment  and  other  govern-    to  sell  ads,  but  didn't  rule
            terview. Zoom hailed some  sApp and others — saying it  ment  agencies    trying  to  out that possibility.
            of  the  strides  that  it  says  it  impedes  legitimate  police  pry  into  the  conversations  If  Zoom  goes  down  that
            has made in a Wednesday  investigations.                  on  its  service.  The  Zoom  road, Mir believes it will be
            blog post.                   Such  a  security  feature  CEO  has  said  he  wanted  difficult to resist the oppor-
            The  most  visible  changes  would  give  the  company  to  limit  the  use  of  end-to-  tunity to mine the personal
            included a switch that au-   an even bigger advantage  end encryption so that the  information  it's  collecting
            tomatically  protected  all  over  competing  services  company  could  continue  because, they said, "data is
            meetings  with  passwords  from  Google,  Microsoft,  to  work  with  law  enforce-    the new oil. But it also can
            and kept all participants in  Cisco  Systems  and  Face-  ment;  the  company  later  be toxic."q

            China: U.S. ‘oppressing

            Chinese companies’ in

            new Huawei move

            By JOE McDONALD              subsidies  from  a  govern-
            AP Business Writer           ment fund, stepping up ef-
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  on  forts to limit their access to
            Wednesday       demanded  the U.S. market.
            Washington  stop  "oppress-  A  foreign  ministry  spokes-
            ing Chinese companies" af-   man  accused  Washington     Residents wearing masks to curb the spread of the coronavirus
            ter U.S. regulators declared  of  "abusing  state  power"   past by a Huawei shop in Beijing on Friday, June 5, 2020.
            telecom equipment suppli-    to hurt Chinese companies                                             Associated Press
            ers  Huawei  and  ZTE  to  be  "without any evidence."    reasonably oppressing Chi-   com switching equipment,
            national security threats.   "We  once  again  urge  the  nese  companies,"  said  the  and its smaller Chinese rival
            The  Federal  Communica-     United States to stop abus-  spokesman, Zhao Lijian.      ZTE Corp. are controlled by
            tions  Commission  on  Tues-  ing the concept of national  U.S.  regulators  say  Huawei  the ruling Communist Party
            day  blocked  the  Chinese  security,  deliberately  dis-  Technologies  Ltd.,  the  big-  and  say  they  might  facili-
            vendors    from   receiving  crediting  China  and  un-   gest  global  maker  of  tele-  tate Chinese spying. q
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