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A28    u.s. news
                 Diasabra 30 OctOber 2021

                         Letitia James announces she will run for New York governor

                                                                      Cuomo’s  resignation,  James                              ditional preelection breakfast
                                                                      had  been  known  nationally  Cuomo  has  attacked  James’  for  Democratic  power  play-
                                                                      for her frequent legal tussles  report  as  inaccurate  and  bi-  ers.
                                                                      with Trump.                  ased,   denied   mistreating
                                                                                                   women and said he resigned  Hochul  thanked  the  crowd
                                                                      Since  she  became  attorney  in  order  to  avoid  subjecting  for  supporting  her  as  the
                                                                      general  in  2019,  her  office  the state to turmoil.    state’s  first-ever  female  gov-
                                                                      has  investigated  Trump’s                                ernor  and  implying  in  her
                                                                      business affairs and filed doz-  James  has  dismissed  the  remarks that she expected to
                                                                      ens  of  lawsuits  against  the  charge that her investigation  win multiple terms as gover-
                                                                      Republican’s  administration  was  politically  motivated,  nor.
                                                                      over  federal  policies  on  im-  saying  Cuomo  should  take
                                                                      migration,  the  environment  responsibility  for  his  own  “I feel the  weight  of history
                                                                      and other matters.           conduct.                     on my shoulders because it’s
                                                                                                                                my responsibility to demon-
                                                                      “I’ve sued the Trump admin-  James  made  the  announce-  strate that a woman can gov-
            (AP)  —  New  York  Attor-   elected  as  New  York’s  at-  istration 76 times. But who’s  ment the day after a criminal  ern with strength, with heart
            ney General Letitia James  torney  general  and  the  first  counting?” James said in her  complaint  was  filed  against  and  passion  and  fight  for
            formally  announced  Fri-    Black person to serve in the  kickoff video, making a play-  Cuomo  in  Albany,  accusing  the people of this state. And
            day  that  she  is  running  role.  She’s  expected  to  be  ful  shrug  of  her  shoulders  the former governor of com-  so  when  I’m  done  with  my
            for governor, a widely an-   a  strong  challenger  against  while looking into the cam-  mitting  a  misdemeanor  sex  terms, no one will ever ques-
            ticipated  move  from  the  Gov. Kathy Hochul, who had  era.                           crime of groping a woman in  tion the ability of a woman to
            woman  who  oversaw  an  been  Cuomo’s  lieutenant                                     December 2020.               hold the highest office in this
            investigation  into  allega-  governor, for the Democratic  James also filed a lawsuit ac-                          state or in this land,” Hochul
            tions that former Gov. An-   nomination.                  cusing the National Rifle As-  Cuomo’s lawyer, Rita Glavin,  said.
            drew Cuomo sexually ha-                                   sociation’s leaders of financial  said  in  a  statement  that  the
            rassed numerous women.       Hochul,  who  is  from  the  mismanagement, the latest in  Democrat  never  assaulted  James,  speaking  about  20
                                         Buffalo  area,  entered  office  a string of regulatory actions  anyone.  He’s  due  in  court  minutes  after  Hochul  at  the
            James announced her candi-   with  a  reputation  as  centrist  that  have  delighted  liberals  Nov.  17  to  respond  to  the  restaurant  in her home turf,
            dacy on Twitter, saying, “I’m  who is working to bolster her  but  drawn  complaints  from  charge.                 drew  loud  applause  and
            running  for  Governor  of  ties to New York City, where  Republicans that she has un-                              asked,  “Is  Brooklyn  in  the
            New York because I have the  James’  political  support  is  fairly used her office to target  New York City Public Advo-  house?”
            experience, vision, and cour-  based.                     political opponents.         cate  Jumaane  Williams  and
            age  to  take  on  the  powerful                                                       New  York  City  Mayor  Bill  The attorney general did not
            on  behalf  of  all  New  York-  James was born and raised in  While under public pressure  de Blasio have both said they  make any campaign remarks
            ers.”                        Brooklyn and made her first  in  2020,  Cuomo  authorized  are  considering  a  run.  Two  but urged attendees to vote in
                                         run  for  City  Council  as  a  James  to  investigate  allega-  other  potential  Democratic  the city’s upcoming elections
            A  campaign  video  cited  the  candidate of the liberal Work-  tions he had sexually harassed  candidates  come  from  Long  on  Tuesday  and  think  about
            multiple  lawsuits  she  filed  ing Families Party. Her path  several  women.  The  inde-  Island: Suffolk County exec-  “the  threats  to  our  democ-
            against  former  President  to the nomination will be the  pendent  investigators  she  utive Steve Bellone and U.S.  racy, to our freedom” includ-
            Donald Trump’s administra-   obverse of Hochuls, trying to  hired to conduct the inquiry  Rep.  Thomas  Suozzi,  who  ing  reproductive  rights  and
            tion and an investigation into  win  over  upstate  Democrats  released  a  report  in  August  lives in Nassau County.  threats to the environment.
            deaths  in  New  York’s  nurs-  who  might  be  less  progres-  concluding  that  there  were
            ing  homes  during  the  CO-  sive.                       credible  allegations  from  11  On  Friday  morning,  James  “Let  everybody  know  that
            VID-19 pandemic.                                          women,  including  one  aide  and Hochul each made brief  Brooklyn  and  New  York
                                         Before  her  bombshell  re-  who  said  the  governor  had  appearances  at  a  downtown  State  —  we’re  one,”  James
            James, 62, is the first woman  port was released, prompting  groped her breast.        Brooklyn restaurant for a tra-  said.

                                        NY sheriff defends decision to charge Cuomo

            (AP) — A New York sher-      Nevertheless, he added: “We                               Talk 1300. “I have no doubt
            iff on Friday defended his  have the facts of the investi-  Forcible touching is a misde-  that  they  believe  in  their  Craig  said  it  was  “disheart-
            decision to file a criminal  gation and the criminal sum-  meanor  in  New  York,  pun-  case. I have no issue with any  ening” that the court system
            complaint  against  former  mons was issued. So on No-    ishable by up to a year in jail,  of that. It’s just that this is a  made the criminal complaint
            New  York  Gov.  Andrew  vember 17th, that individual  though many cases for first-    politically  charged  matter,  public  immediately,  some-
            Cuomo  without  consult-     will  have  to  answer  to  that  time  offenders  are  resolved  right? ... So I think it’s only  thing he described as a “leak,”
            ing prosecutors or inform-   charge,” said Craig, referring  with  probation  or  a  shorter  prudent  to  allow  the  pros-  although  such  court  filings
            ing the accuser, a woman  to  Cuomo  and  the  date  he  jail sentence.                ecutorial authority to have a  are public in New York and
            who  says  she  was  groped  has been ordered to appear in                             say  in  how  the  investigation  are  routinely  made  available
            by the Democrat last year.   court.                       The Albany County District  is  conducted  and  whether  to reporters.
                                                                      Attorney’s  office  said  after  there’s a prosecution, right?”
            Albany County Sheriff Craig  The  one-page  complaint,  the  charge  was  filed  that  it
            Apple  said  in  a  radio  inter-  filed  in  Albany  City  Court,  had not been informed ahead
            view  that  he  did  not  intend  accuses  Cuomo  of  commit-  of time. It has been conduct-
            for the criminal charge to be-  ting  the  crime  of  forcible  ing its own investigation and
            come public so soon, but he  touching by putting his hand  was expected to take the lead
            said  the  case  should  go  for-  under  a  woman’s  shirt  on  on a decision about whether
            ward.                        Dec. 7, 2020.                to prosecute.

            “We didn’t want everybody to  The complaint did not name  Commisso’s  lawyer,  Brian
            know  exactly  what  we  were  the  woman,  but  she  has  Premo,  said  he  had  also  ex-
            doing because we didn’t want  identified herself as Brittany  pected the district attorney’s
            all this, the circus,” Craig said  Commisso,  who  worked  as  office to handle the case.
            in  an  interview  with  radio  one  of  Cuomo’s  executive
            host  Paul  Vandenburgh  of  assistants before his resigna-  “I  have  no  doubt  that  the
            Albany’s Talk 1300.          tion amid sexual harassment  sheriff’s  investigators  did  a
                                         allegations in August.       thorough  job,”  Premo  told
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