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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 30 OctOber 2021

                       Blackhawks ask Hall of Fame to cover assistant’s name on Cup

            (AP)  —  Chicago  Black-     ton  had  nothing  to  do  with  assertion  by  the  owner  that
            hawks owner Rocky Wirtz  the team.                        also was supported by the re-
            wants the Hockey Hall of                                  port from Jenner & Block.
            Fame  to  cover  the  name  “That  decision,  among  oth-
            of  an  assistant  coach  en-  ers, reflects the Cup’s storied  The  AP  does  not  typically
            graved on the Stanley Cup  history  of  engraving  mis-   identify people who say they
            after the assistant was ac-  takes, misspellings and errors  are  victims  of  sexual  assault
            cused  of  sexually  assault-  that have ended up enshrined  unless  they  come  forward
            ing  a  player  during  the  in  silver,  or  been  corrected  publicly.  Beach  spoke  with
            team’s  run  to  the  2010  after the fact,” Wirtz writes.  TSN  on  Wednesday  and
            championship.                                             posted  a  statement  on  Twit-
                                         ESPN  first  reported  on  the  ter  on  Thursday  expressing
            In a letter addressed to Hall  letter. A message was left Fri-  gratitude  for  the  support  he
            of  Fame  chairman  Lanny  day by the AP seeking com-     had received in the past cou-
            McDonald,  dated  Thursday,  ment from the Hall of Fame.  ple days.
            Wirtz  writes  that  Brad  Al-
            drich’s  conduct  disqualifies  Wirtz and the Blackhawks are  Beach is slated to meet with  nected  to  Aldrich,  including  The  consequences  of  what
            him from being included on  picking up the pieces of the  NHL  Commissioner  Gary  by  a  Beach  confidant.  Fehr  the  Blackhawks  did  in  2010
            the Cup, and the team made  franchise’s  shattered  reputa-  Bettman  and  Donald  Fehr,  told investigators he couldn’t  —  specifically  a  three-week
            a  mistake  by  submitting  his  tion after it released a report  the leader of the NHL play-  recall  either  conversation,  period  during  the  playoffs
            name.                        Tuesday  detailing  how  the  ers’  association,  via  separate  but  did  not  deny  that  they  when  they  failed  to  act  on
                                         team’s  senior  leaders  badly  Zoom  calls  on  Saturday.  had occurred.              Beach’s  allegations,  allowing
            “I am humbly requesting that  mishandled  the  allegations  Susan  Loggans,  an  attorney                           Aldrich to remain around the
            the  Hockey  Hall  of  Fame  against  Aldrich  more  than  a  representing  Beach  in  his  Fehr  said  Wednesday  night  team  while  it  celebrated  the
            consider ‘x-ing’ out his name  decade ago.                lawsuit, said Fehr’s time has  in a statement that there was  championship  —  reverber-
            on  the  Stanley  Cup,”  Wirtz                            been  confirmed,  and  they  “no  doubt”  that  the  system  ated  throughout  the  NHL
            wrote.  “While  nothing  can  The independent review by a  were still working to finalize  had failed Beach and “we are  this week.
            undo what he did, leaving his  law  firm  was  commissioned  the schedule for the Bettman  part of that system.”
            name on the most prestigious  by  the  team  in  response  to  meeting.                                             Florida  Panthers  coach  Joel
            trophy  in  sports  seems  pro-  two  lawsuits  filed  against                         Stan  Bowman,  Chicago’s  Quenneville  met  with  Bet-
            foundly wrong.”              the franchise: one by former  Loggans  said  Bettman  and  general  manager  and  presi-  tman on Thursday and then
                                         first-round  pick  Kyle  Beach  Fehr each contacted her ask-  dent  of  hockey  operations,  resigned. Winnipeg Jets gen-
            The Hall of Fame cannot re-  alleging sexual assault by Al-  ing to meet with Beach.   resigned  in  the  wake  of  the  eral  manager  Kevin  Chevel-
            move a name from the Stan-   drich  in  2010,  and  another                            report,  and  the  Blackhawks  dayoff talked to Bettman on
            ley Cup, but it can decide to  filed by a former high school  “Kyle’s reaction was that he’s  announced that Al MacIsaac,  Friday,  and  the  league  an-
            engrave a series of X’s to cov-  student  whom  Aldrich  was  glad that they are paying at-  another one of the team’s top  nounced  that  Cheveldayoff
            er  it  up.  In  his  letter,  Wirtz  convicted  of  assaulting  in  tention to what he brought to  hockey  executives,  was  no  would not be disciplined.
            pointed  to  the  case  of  Basil  Michigan.              their attention 10 years ago,”  longer with the organization.
            Pocklington,  the  father  of                             Loggans told the AP. “So he’s                             Quenneville and Chevelday-
            the former Edmonton owner  Rocky  Wirtz  said  Tuesday  very  anxious  to  hear  what  The  NHL  fined  the  team  off were with the Blackhawks
            who had his name engraved  that  he  and  Danny  Wirtz,  they have to say.”            $2  million  for  “the  organi-  when  Beach’s  accusations
            on the trophy after the Oilers  his son and the team’s CEO,                            zation’s  inadequate  internal  were  first  reported  to  team
            won the 1984 title, but then  were first made aware of the  According to the Blackhawks’  procedures  and  insufficient  leadership.  Aldrich  has  told
            was covered at the NHL’s re-  accusations ahead of the May  report,  Fehr  was  contacted  and untimely response.”  investigators  the  encounter
            quest because Basil Pockling-  filing  of  Beach’s  lawsuit,  an  twice  about  allegations  con-                   was consensual.

                      Aaron molded careers of World Series managers Snitker, Baker

                                                                      The  impact  of  Aaron,  the  already  an  established  star,  and  manager.  When  it  was
                                                                      Hall  of  Famer  who  died  on  promised Baker’s mother he  clear  Snitker  had  no  future
                                                                      Jan. 22, is seen in much more  would take care of her young  as a catcher or first baseman,
                                                                      than the number.             son.                         Aaron offered an opportunity
                                                                                                                                to  remain  in  the  game  as  a
                                                                      “Hank’s  footprints  are  all  Aaron  kept  the  promise  —  coach.
                                                                      over  this  series,”  Houston  and  kept  up  with  Baker’s
                                                                      manager Dusty Baker said.    mom,  even  after  Baker’s  Snitker  has  remained  in  the
                                                                                                   playing career ended.        organization  as  roving  in-
                                                                      If not for Aaron, it’s possible                           structor,  coach  and  manager
                                                                      neither  Baker  nor  Atlanta  “Going  over  the  conversa-  for 40 years, including six as
                                                                      manager Brian Snitker would  tions  we  would  have  had,  Atlanta’s manager.
                                                                      hold their current jobs.     we  probably  wouldn’t  have  Baker, 72, and Snitker, 66, are
                                                                                                   much about baseball,” Baker  trying to win their first World
                                                                      “I  would  assume  he  helped  said  Thursday.  “First  thing  Series  championship.  Each
                                                                      mold  both  of  us,  Dusty  as  he  asks,  he  asks  me  about  said  he  feels  Aaron’s  pres-
                                                                      a  young  player  and  me  as  a  my mother. ... Like I said, he  ence. Each wants to make his
                                                                      young manager/coach,” Snit-  promised  my  mom  when  I  mentor proud.
                                                                      ker  said  Thursday.  “He  was  was 18 years old.”
                                                                      very  instrumental,  I  know,                             “I  think  about  him  all  the
                                                                      in  both  our  careers  because  Baker  was  only  19  when  he  time,  especially  in  a  series
                                                                      I know both of us just loved  made  his  major  league  de-  like this,” Baker said. “I feel
                                                                      the man to death for what he  but  with  Atlanta  in  1968  —  his  presence,  especially  him
            (AP) — Hank Aaron’s im-      at  the  Braves’  Truist  Park  did for us.”              against the Astros, then a Na-  and my dad.”
            print is firmly stamped on  all season. It remains in big,                             tional League team.
            the World Series.            bold green for Friday night’s  Aaron  was  responsible  for                            Similarly, Baker keeps touch
                                         Game 3 against the Houston  convincing  Baker  to  sign  As the Braves’ farm director,  with Aaron’s family. He said
            His No. 44 has been painted  Astros.                      with the Braves as a teenage  Aaron  set  the  path  for  Snit-  he called Aaron’s son, Hank
            on  the  grass  in  center  field                         outfielder  in  1967.  Aaron,  ker’s  long  career  as  a  coach  Jr., on Thursday.
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