Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20211030
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A26     u.s. news
                 Diasabra 30 OctOber 2021

                            Arpaio legal tab hits $100M as taxpayers foot his last bills

            (AP)  —  Nearly  five  years                                                                                        Michael  Manning,  an  attor-
            after Joe Arpaio was voted                                                                                          ney  who  won  settlements
            out as sheriff of Arizona’s                                                                                         over  deaths  in  Arpaio’s  jails
            most  populous  county,                                                                                             and on behalf of county em-
            taxpayers  have  covered                                                                                            ployees  investigated  by  the
            one  of  the  last  major                                                                                           sheriff,  said  it  was  shameful
            bills  from  the  thousands                                                                                         that  voters  kept  re-electing
            of  lawsuits  the  lawman’s                                                                                         Arpaio as his legal bills piled
            headline-grabbing  tactics                                                                                          up.
            inspired — and the overall
            legal tab has hit $100 mil-                                                                                         “They just didn’t care as long
            lion.                                                                                                               as they got the entertainment
                                                                                                                                value,” Manning said. “And it
            Officials in Maricopa Coun-                                                                                         just went on and on.”
            ty, home to Phoenix, agreed
            last week to pay $3.1 million                                                                                       Eventually,  voter  tolerance
            to cover the county’s portion                                                                                       for  Arpaio  and  his  tactics
            of  a  settlement  with  a  res-                                                                                    waned.  His  crushing  2016
            taurant  owner  who  alleged                                                                                        defeat to a Democratic chal-
            Arpaio defamed him and vio-                                                                                         lenger  has  been  attributed
            lated his rights when raiding                                                                                       to  his  escalating  troubles  in
            his businesses.                                                                                                     court,  taxpayer-funded  legal
                                                                                                                                bills  and  his  penchant  for
            The payout boosted the cost                                                                                         self-promotion.
            stemming from the Republi-
            can sheriff’s six terms to $100                                                                                     Advocates  for  immigrants
            million for attorney fees, set-                                                                                     have  long  warned  Arpaio
            tlements and other costs the                                                                                        should  be  viewed  as  a  cau-
            county  has  paid  from  law-  of businesses.             in a 2007 racial profiling case  curred during his successor’s  tionary tale for the long-term
            suits over things such as jail                            stemming from Arpaio’s sig-  watch as he works to comply  financial obligations commu-
            deaths,  failed  investigations  That doesn’t include the sep-  nature traffic patrols targeting  with court-ordered overhauls  nities take on when they let
            of  the  sheriff’s  political  en-  arate $178 million and count-  immigrants,  though  about  of the sheriff’s office.  local  police  officers  handle
            emies and immigration raids  ing taxpayers have shelled out  75% of that spending has oc-                           immigration enforcement.

                     Ex-Maryland man who joined al-Qaida sentenced at Guantanamo

             (AP)  —  A  military  jury  He apologized for his actions,
             imposed  a  sentence  of  26  which  included  planning                                                            “Since  the  commission  of
             years  Friday  on  a  former  al-Qaida  attacks  in  the  U.S.                                                     these crimes, Majid is a dif-
             Maryland  man  who  ad-     after  9/11  and  a  failed  plot                                                      ferent  person,”  said  Army
             mitted  joining  al-Qaida  to kill former Pakistan Presi-                                                          Maj. Michael Lyness, a mili-
             and  has  been  held  at  the  dent Pervez Musharraf. Dur-                                                         tary defense attorney. “Majid
             Guantanamo  Bay  deten-     ing a two-hour statement to                                                            Khan is reformed and deserv-
             tion  center.  But  under  a  jurors on Thursday, he said:                                                         ing of your mercy.”
             plea  deal,  the  man  could  “I did it all, no excuse. And
             be released as soon as next  I am very sorry to everyone I                                                         Army Col. Walter Foster, the
             year because of his coop-   have hurt.”                                                                            lead  prosecutor,  sought  to
             eration with U.S. authori-                                                                                         cast  doubt  on  Khan’s  story
             ties.                       The jury of eight military of-                                                         of  being  led  astray  by  radi-
                                         ficers  was  required  to  reach                                                       cal  Islam  as  a  young  man.
             The  sentencing  of  Majid  a sentence of 25 to 40 years.                                                          He  conceded  the  prisoner
             Khan  is  the  culmination  of  Jurors  heard  of  Khan’s  ex-                                                     had  also  experienced  “ex-
             the first trial by military com-  tensive  cooperation  with                                                       tremely  rough  treatment”
             mission for one of the 14 so-  U.S.  authorities  following  Pakistan.                Wells  Dixon,  a  lawyer  for   at the hands of the CIA, but
             called  high-value  detainees  his  guilty  plea  and  heard  a                       the  Center  for  Constitu-  pivoted  to  remind  the  court
             who  were  sent  to  the  U.S.  two-hour statement from the  Jurors  were  not  told  about  tional  Rights  who  was  part   of the 11 people killed in the
             naval  base  in  Cuba  in  2006  prisoner describing his brutal  the pretrial agreement, which  of the defense team, said he   Marriott bombing.
             after being held in a clandes-  CIA interrogation and captiv-  requires a Pentagon legal of-  expected  Khan’s  sentence  to
             tine network of overseas CIA  ity  in  the  three  years  before  ficial  known  as  a  convening  be  completed  in  February.   “He is still alive and with us
             detention  facilities  and  sub-  he came to Guantanamo.  authority to cut his sentence  He  said  Khan’s  team  looks   today, a luxury that the dead
             jected to the harsh interroga-                           to no more than 11 years be-  forward to working with the   and victims of the J.W. Mar-
             tion  program  developed  in  In  addition  to  the  sentence,  cause of his cooperation. He  Biden  administration  to  en-  riott bombing do not have,”
             response to the 9/11 attacks.  the  jury  foreman  said  seven  would  also  be  given  credit  sure  “he  has  the  necessary   Foster said.
                                         of the eight jurors had draft-  for some of the time he has  support to allow him to move
             Khan,  a  41-year-old  citizen  ed a letter to Pentagon legal  already spent in custody.  on with his life and be a posi-  Khan’s  cooperation  is  ex-
             of Pakistan who came to the  authorities   recommending                               tive, contributing member of   pected to help with other war
             U.S. in the 1990s and gradu-  clemency  to  the  defendant,  It will be up to the Biden ad-  society.”             crimes cases at Guantanamo,
             ated  from  high  school  near  which is an option under the  ministration, which is work-                         one involving five men held
             Baltimore,  earlier  pleaded  military  commission  legal  ing  to  close  the  detention  Despite  the  pretrial  agree-  there  who  are  charged  with
             guilty to war crimes charges  system.                    center  that  now  holds  39  ment, the prosecution urged   planning and aiding the Sept.
             that included conspiracy and                             men, to find a country will-  the jury to recommend a sen-  11, 2001, attacks. Such cases
             murder  for  his  involvement  A  pretrial  agreement  means  ing to accept Khan for reset-  tence at the higher end of the   have  been  bogged  down  for
             in al-Qaida plots such as the  he could be released as early  tlement  along  with  his  wife  range  as  the  defense  urged   years  in  the  pretrial  stage  at
             deadly  bombing  of  the  J.W.  as  February,  at  which  point  and  the  daughter  who  was  jurors to consider Khan’s co-  the base and become one of
             Marriott hotel in Jakarta, In-  he  would  be  resettled  in  an  born after he was captured in  operation, contrition and the   the  obstacles  to  closing  the
             donesia, in August 2003.    as-yet to be determined third  Pakistan.                  brutal conditions of his cap-  detention enter.
                                         country. He cannot return to                              tivity.
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