Page 2 - aruba-today-20230307
P. 2
Tuesday 7 March 2023
Continued from Front North Carolina Gov. Roy
Democrats across New Cooper, a Democrat, at-
Hampshire are upset with tributed Biden’s political
the Democratic president challenges to Democratic
for trying to end the state’s leaders who haven’t done
status as home to the first- enough to promote his ac-
in-the-nation presidential complishments.
primary. But their concerns “The real disconnect right
about Biden run much now is communication,”
deeper, in line with a ma- Cooper said in an inter-
jority of Democratic voters view. “President Biden
nationwide, who question has accomplished in two
the 80-year-old president’s years what many presi-
plans to soon launch his re- dents would only hope to
election campaign. do in eight. His success has
Just 37% of Democrats na- meant real wins for working
tionwide want the presi- families. People are going
dent to seek a second to begin to see real im-
term, according to a poll provement in their lives. It’s
released last month by The our job to make sure that
Associated Press-NORC they know it was President
Center for Public Affairs Biden who got it done.”
Research. That was down “Democrats came togeth-
from 52% in the weeks be- Former Democratic N.H. House Speaker Steve Shurtleff, center, listens to then-Democratic vice er once before in 2020 to
presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., right, during a campaign stop, Aug. 12, 2016, in
fore last year’s midterm Concord, N.H. ask him to do a job, and he
elections. Associated Press accomplished it — he beat
Many worry about Biden’s President Trump,” Cooper
age. Others, like Shurtleff, cy of our predictions versus That state is now Biden’s Democratic convention still added. “And now he’s
are upset about the admin- theirs, we are happy for this pick to lead the 2024 presi- comes up in conversation. gonna do it again.”
istration’s messy withdrawal dynamic to continue.” dential primary calendar. California Rep. Ro Khan- Despite such optimism,
from Afghanistan. And the Still, there’s a risk of a dis- Interviews with angry New na, a progressive favorite, Democrats across New
party’s progressive wing connect between rank- Hampshire Democrats has also said he would not Hampshire believe it will
has never been enthusi- and-file Democrats and across state government challenge Biden, although be difficult for Biden to
astic about Biden, who is the party’s establishment. and local Democratic he has been a vocal advo- match his 2020 victory of
perceived as a moderate, While voters are signaling committees suggest there is cate for New Hampshire’s 7 percentage points in the
despite his lengthy list of unease about the prospect some appetite for a serious place atop the primary cal- state in 2024. Former Gov.
achievements. of another Biden cam- primary challenger in 2024. endar. John Lynch, a Democrat,
The White House cast paign, Democratic gover- But top-tier prospects don’t Meanwhile, Biden’s allies declined to say whether
Biden’s perceived weak- nors, senators and congres- seem to be interested. privately believe the prima- he wanted Biden to seek
ness within his own party sional representatives are So far, only Democratic ac- ry dispute will be long for- reelection when asked di-
as an exaggerated narra- virtually unanimous in sup- tivist and author Marianne gotten by the time voters rectly.
tive that he has repeatedly porting Biden’s reelection. Williamson has entered the cast ballots in November Biden’s push to change the
proven wrong. One exception may be 2024 primary field. Robert F. 2024, especially with former primary calendar, Lynch
“We’re aware pundits’ at- New Hampshire, a small Kennedy Jr., the son of the President Donald Trump or said, has created such anti-
titude toward President swing state whose elec- late New York senator and one of his Republican aco- Biden furor that it puts New
Biden is unchanged from toral votes could be critical known for railing against lytes on the ballot. Hampshire’s four electoral
before he earned the nom- in a tight general election. vaccines, met with New Biden supporters also note votes at risk in the 2024 gen-
ination faster than anyone The state has challenged Hampshire voters on Friday. that some of the nation’s eral election. He was quick
since 2004, won the most Biden before. He’s also leaning toward a most popular two-term to note that four electoral
votes in American history, Voters here served Biden bid. presidents confronted op- votes would have tipped
built the strongest legisla- an embarrassing fifth-place But the likes of Vermont position from within their the 2000 presidential elec-
tive record in generations finish in the 2020 Democrat- Sen. Bernie Sanders, Biden’s own parties ahead of their tion in Al Gore’s favor.
and led the best midterm ic primary. New Hampshire fiercest primary challenger reelection. “It could cost Democrats
outcome for a new Dem- polls were still open when in 2020, has vowed to back “We had a lot of work to do, the presidency,” Lynch
ocratic president in 60 he decamped to South the president in 2024. So but the fundamentals were said. “Republicans won’t
years,” Biden spokesman Carolina, where his presi- has Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, there,” said Stephanie Cut- let voters forget. They’ll
Andrew Bates said. “Based dential ambitions were re- whose appearance at last ter, who helped managed hammer the Democrats on
on comparing the accura- vived by a decisive win. year’s New Hampshire’s Obama’s 2012 reelection. this.”q
In 'junk fee' fight, U.S. details airline
family seating rules
Associated Press ing separated on planes. if seats are available. On
The Transportation Depart- It's the latest salvo in the Monday, only three of the
ment is rolling out a "dash- Biden administration's ef- 10 U.S. airlines listed on the
board" to let travelers see forts to clamp down on website received a green
at a glance which airlines what it calls " junk fees " check: Alaska, American
help families with young and to put pressure on air- and Frontier. The site also
children sit together at no lines to improve service. includes links to each air-
extra cost. The dashboard rewards line's customer policies.
In this Oct. 15, 2020 file photo, Hawaii resident Ryan Sidlow car- The announcement Mon- airlines with a green check Last month, Frontier Airlines
ries his son Maxwell as their family boards a United Airlines flight day comes as the depart- if they guarantee that an said it would automatically
to Hawaii at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco. ment works on regulations adult family member can sit seat at least one parent
Associated Press to prevent families from be- next to their young children next to any child under 14.