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A4   U.S. NEWS
                     Tuesday 7 March 2023
             Dozens face domestic terrorism charges in Georgia incident

            By  JEFF  MARTIN  and  JEFF                                                                                         Department of Public Safe-
            AMY                                                                                                                 ty said Monday. Along with
            Associated Press                                                                                                    classrooms and administra-
            ATLANTA (AP) — More than                                                                                            tive  buildings,  the  training
            20 people from around the                                                                                           center  would  include  a
            country  faced  domestic                                                                                            shooting  range,  a  driving
            terrorism  charges  Monday                                                                                          course  to  practice  chases
            after dozens of young men                                                                                           and  a  "burn  building"  for
            in  black  masks  attacked                                                                                          firefighters  to  work  on  put-
            the site of a police training                                                                                       ting  out  fires.  A  "mock  vil-
            center  under  construction                                                                                         lage"  featuring  a  fake
            in  a  wooded  area  outside                                                                                        home,  convenience  store
            Atlanta  that  has  become                                                                                          and  nightclub  would  also
            the  flashpoint  of  conflict                                                                                       be built for rehearsing raids.
            between  authorities  and                                                                                           Opponents  have  said  the
            left-leaning protesters.                                                                                            site will be used to practice
            Two  of  those  arrested  are                                                                                       "urban  warfare."  Oppo-
            from  Georgia  but  the  oth-                                                                                       nents say that building the
            ers  hail  from  around  the                                                                                        85-acre  (34-hectare)  train-
            country,  police  said.  One   This image provided by the Atlanta Police Department shows construction equipment set on fire   ing  center  would  involve
            suspect is from France and   Saturday, March 4, 2023 by a group protesting the planned public safety training center, accord-  cutting  down  so  many
            another  is  from  Canada,   ing to police.                                                                         trees that it would be envi-
            according  to  police,  who                                                                        Associated Press   ronmentally damaging.
            did  not  release  further  de-                                                                                     Atlanta Mayor Andre Dick-
            tails about the suspects.    lanta  Public  Safety  Train-  Demonstrations  spread  to  by  police  show  a  piece  ens  has  said  that  the  fa-
            Flaming  bottles  and  rocks  ing  Center  that  would  downtown Atlanta on Jan.  of  heavy  equipment  in  cilities will be built on a site
            were  thrown  at  officers  boost  police  prepared-      21,  when  a  police  cruiser  flames. It was among mul-  that was cleared decades
            during a protest Sunday at  ness morale in the wake of  was set ablaze, rocks were  tiple pieces of construction  ago for a former state pris-
            "Cop  City,"  where  26-year-  violent  protests  that  roiled  thrown  and  fireworks  were  gear  that  were  destroyed,  on farm. He said the tract is
            old  environmental  activ-   the  country  after  George  launched  at  a  skyscraper  police   said.   Protesters  filled with rubble and over-
            ist  Manuel  Esteban  Paez  Floyd's death in 2020.        that houses the Atlanta Po-  threw rocks, bricks, Molotov  grown  with  invasive  spe-
            Terán,  or  "Tortuguita,"  was  Now, authorities and young  lice  Foundation.  Windows  cocktails,  and  fireworks  at  cies,  not  hardwood  trees.
            shot to death by officers at  people are embroiled in a  were shattered.               police, officials said.      The  mayor  also  said  that
            a protest in January. Police  clash that appears to have  On  Sunday,  Atlanta  Police  Officers used nonlethal en-  while the facility would be
            said  Tortuguita  attacked  little to do with other high-  Chief  Darin  Schierbaum  forcement methods to dis-      built on 85 acres, about 300
            them, a version other activ-  profile conflicts.          said  at  a  midnight  news  perse the crowd and make  others would be preserved
            ists have questioned.        Protesters   against   what  conference, several pieces  arrests,  Schierbaum  said,  as a public greenspace.
            From a Venezuelan family,  detractors  call  "Cop  City"  of  construction  equipment  causing  "some  minor  dis-  Many activists also oppose
            Tortuguita  was  dedicated  run  the  gamut  from  more  were set on fire in what he  comfort.                      spending  millions  on a  po-
            to  preserving  the  environ-  traditional   environmental  called  "a  coordinated  at-  Demonstrators tried to blind  lice  facility  that  would  be
            ment,  friends  and  family  environmentalists to young,  tack" at the site for the At-  officers  by  shining  green  surrounded by poor neigh-
            said.  Those  ideals  clashed  self-styled  anarchists  seek-  lanta Public Safety Training  lasers  into  their  eyes,  and  borhoods in a city with one
            with  Atlanta's  hopes  of  ing clashes with what they  Center in DeKalb County.       used  tires  and  debris  to  of  the  nation's  highest  de-
            building  a  $90  million  At-  see as an unjust society.  Surveillance video released  block a road, the Georgia  grees of inequality.q

             Florida bill would force bloggers to register with state

                                                                      son  Brodeur  of  Lake  Mary,  Amendment  groups  who  Senate  and  a  spokesman
                                                                      would  require  bloggers  to  argue it violates press free-  for  Gov.  Ron  DeSantis  for
                                                                      file  periodic  reports  with  doms.                      comment.
                                                                      the state if they are paid for  "The  only  thing  that  I  can  In  a  Twitter  post,  Brodeur
                                                                      posts about the state's gov-  see  is  that  it's  an  attempt  said  the  bill  is  aimed  at
                                                                      ernor,  lieutenant  governor,  to  limit  and  control  free  bringing  transparency  to
                                                                      cabinet  members  or  legis-  speech," said Bobby Block,  blogs  that  advocate  or
                                                                      lative officials.            executive  director  of  the  lobby  for  specific  causes.
                                                                      Bloggers  would  have  to  First  Amendment  Founda-      The  text  of  his  bill  states
                                                                      disclose  who  paid  them  tion.  "It's  an  attempt  to  that it would apply to any
                                                                      and how much, along with  bring critics to heel and it's  blogger who is paid to write
                                                                      other  information  such  as  an  attempt  to  make  sure  about  elected  officials  in
                                                                      where  the  post  is  located  that  people  who  want  to  Florida.
                                                                      online. They would be fined  talk  about  you  think  real  "Do you want to know the

            State Sen. Jason Brodeur, R-Sanford, stis at his desk in the Florida   $25 per each day the report  hard before they do so."  truth  about  the  so-called
            Senate, May 24, 2022 at the Capitol in Tallahassee, Fla.   is late, up to a maximum of  It is unclear how far the pro-  "blogger"  bill?"  Brodeur's
                                                     Associated Press   $2,500 for each report. The  posal  will  go  in  the  GOP-  post reads. "It brings the cur-
                                                                      legislation would not apply  controlled  statehouse  dur-  rent pay-to-play scheme to
            By ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE         officials  to  register  with  to content on "the website  ing  the  upcoming  legisla-  light and gives voters clar-
            Associated Press             the  state,  raising  concern  of  a  newspaper  or  other  tive  session,  which  begins  ity as to who is influencing
            TALLAHASSEE,  Fla.  (AP)  —  among  First  Amendment  similar publication."            Tuesday.  The  Associated  their  elected  officials,  JUST
            A  Republican  lawmaker  groups who are calling the  The  proposal,  filed  last  Press  reached  out  to  Bro-     LIKE how we treat lobbyists.
            in  Florida  wants  bloggers  proposal unconstitutional.  week,  has  already  begun  deur as well as Republican  It's an electioneering issue,
            who  write  about  elected  The  bill,  filed  by  Sen.  Ja-  to  draw  criticism  from  First  leaders  of  the  House  and  not a free speech issue."q
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