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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 7 March 2023
             Made in the USA? Proposed rule clarifies grocery meat labels

            By JONEL ALECCIA                                                                                                    cluding  the  U.S.  Cattle-
            AP Health Writer                                                                                                    men's  Association,  which
            Shoppers  could  soon  find                                                                                         petitioned the USDA for the
            it easier to tell if those gro-                                                                                     label change in 2019.
            cery  store  steaks  or  pork                                                                                       "The  proposed  rule  finally
            chops were really "Made in                                                                                          closes this loophole by ac-
            the USA."                                                                                                           curately   defining   what
            Federal agriculture officials                                                                                       these   voluntary    origin
            on  Monday  released  new                                                                                           claims  mean,"  said  Justin
            requirements that would al-                                                                                         Tupper,  the  group's  presi-
            low labels on meat, poultry                                                                                         dent.  "If  it  says  'Made  in
            or eggs to use that phrase                                                                                          the USA,' then it should be
            --  or  "Product  of  USA"  --                                                                                      from cattle that have only
            only if they come from ani-                                                                                         known  USA  soil.  Consum-
            mals  "born,  raised,  slaugh-                                                                                      ers have the right to know
            tered  and  processed  in                                                                                           where  their  food  comes
            the  United  States."  That's                                                                                       from, full stop."
            a  sharp  change  from  cur-                                                                                        Thomas Gremillion, director
            rent  policy,  which  allows                                                                                        of food policy for the Con-
            voluntary use of such labels                                                                                        sumer Federation of Amer-
            on  products  from  animals                                                                                         ica,  said  the  change  is  a
            that  have  been  imported                                                                                          "small  but  important  step"
            from a foreign country and                                                                                          that  should  have  been
            slaughtered in the U.S., but   In this photo made on June 16, 2022, rows of fresh cut beef is in the coolers of the retail section at   made long ago.
            also  on  meat  that's  been   the Wight's Meat Packing facility in Fombell, Pa.                                    Under the current rule, Gre-
            imported and repackaged                                                                            Associated Press  million  noted,  a  cow  can
            or further processed.                                                                                               be  raised  in  Mexico  under
            Imports of beef from coun-   bels with consumers' views.  About  12%  of  all  meat,  a  nationally  representa-    that  country's  regulations
            tries  including  Australia,  A survey commissioned by  poultry  and  egg  products  tive  sample  of  more  than  for  feed  and  medications,
            Canada  and  Brazil,  for  in-  the USDA found that nearly  sold  in  the  country  carry  4,800 American adults who  then  shipped  across  the
            stance, account for about  two-thirds  of  shoppers  be-  the U.S.-origin labels, USDA  do  the  grocery  shopping  border  and  slaughtered
            12% of the total consumed  lieved  that  a  "Product  of  officials said.              for  their  families  and  who  that  same  day  to  make
            in  the  U.S.  Overall,  imports  USA" label meant that most  The  label  change  was  first  bought beef or pork in the  ground  beef  and  steaks
            of red meat and poultry ac-  or  all  meat  production  proposed by President Joe  previous  six  months.  More  that  qualify  as  "Product  of
            count for less than 6%, while  steps occurred in the U.S.  Biden  in  2021  and  was  in-  than  40%  of  the  shoppers  USA."
            imports of eggs account for  "There's obviously a discon-  cluded last year in a series  said  they  look  for  the  USA  Carrie  Balkcom,  executive
            less than half of 1%.        nect  between  what  the  of  steps  to  bolster  the  U.S.  label when buying meat.   director of the trade group
            U.S.  Department  of  Agri-  consumers' understandings  meat  and  poultry  supply  The  rule  was  praised  by  American Grassfed Associ-
            culture  Secretary  Tom  Vil-  and  expectations  are  and  chain.                     consumer  advocates  and  ation, said the existing rule
            sack said the proposed rule  what the label currently is,"  The USDA survey, conduct-  representatives   for   U.S.  also penalizes small domes-
            would  better  align  the  la-  Vilsack said in an interview.  ed  last  summer,  included  ranchers  and  farmers,  in-  tic producers.q

             Several GOP states pull out of effort to thwart voter fraud

            By CHRISTINA A. CASSIDY      souri Secretary of State Jay  "We will continue our work
            Associated Press             Ashcroft said Monday that  on behalf of our remaining
            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Election  he  had  been  pushing  the  member  states  in  improv-
            officials  in  Florida,  Missouri  group to address concerns  ing the accuracy of Ameri-
            and West Virginia said Mon-  by him and others.           ca's voter rolls and increas-
            day  they  are  withdrawing  "It  appears  that  ERIC  will  ing access to voter registra-
            from  a  bipartisan,  multi-  not  make  the  necessary  tion for all eligible citizens,"
            state effort aimed at ensur-  changes  to  address  these  Hamlin said in a statement.
            ing  the  accuracy  of  voter  concerns,  therefore,  it  is  The program was started in
            rolls that has found itself in  time to move on," Ashcroft  2012  by  seven  states  and
            the crosshairs of conspiracy  said in a statement.        was  bipartisan  from  the
            theories  fueled  by  Donald  West  Virginia  Secretary  of  beginning, with four of the
            Trump's  false  claims  about  State  Mac  Warner  said  he  founding  states  led  by  Re-
            the  2020  presidential  elec-  did not expect the depar-  publicans.  After  the  states
            tion.                        ture  from  the  program  to  officially  depart,  partici-
            The system to thwart voter  affect  his  state's  ability  to  pation will be limited to 28   A poll worker prepares to give a ballot to a voter at the Blue Ash,
            fraud  known  as  the  Elec-  maintain  accurate  voter  states  and  the  District  of   Ohio Municipal building for the primary, Aug. 2, 2022.
            tronic Registration Informa-  rolls.  Florida's  secretary  of  Columbia.                                                       Associated Press
            tion Center, or ERIC, has be-  state, who is appointed by  The  departures  have  frus-
            come a target of suspicion  the  governor,  did  not  im-  trated  state  election  offi-  out  of  ERIC  are  primarily  ing  to  me  that  any  official
            among  some  Republicans  mediately respond to a re-      cials  involved  in  the  effort  harming  their  own  state's  would  choose  validating
            after a series of online posts  quest for comment.        and  have  demonstrated  ability  to  keep  their  voter  misinformation  over  be-
            early  last  year  questioning  Shane  Hamlin,  the  group's  how  deeply  election  con-  list  accurate,"  Michigan  ing part of a collaborative
            its funding and purpose.     executive  director,  con-   spiracies   have    spread  Secretary  of  State  Jocelyn  that has the sole and well-
            Louisiana   withdrew    last  firmed the three states had  throughout the Republican  Benson said in a statement  established  purpose  of  im-
            year and Alabama is in the  provided  notice  to  with-   Party.                       Monday to The Associated  proving the integrity of our
            process  of  doing  so.  Mis-  draw.                      "Election  officials  who  pull  Press. "It's odd and disturb-  elections."q
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