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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 10 mei 2022

                              Call Trump or Pence? It’s decision time for Jan. 6 panel

            (AP) — The House com-        worst  attack  on  the  Capitol  the evidence it has compiled
            mittee  investigating  the  in  more  than  two  centu-   is enough to link Trump to a
            Jan.  6  insurrection  has  ries,  the  House  committee  federal crime.
            interviewed  nearly  1,000  has interviewed hundreds of
            people.  But  the  nine-     witnesses and received more  Much  of  the  evidence  the
            member  panel  has  yet  than 100,000 pages of docu-      committee has released so far
            to  talk  to  the  two  most  ments. Interviews have been  has come from White House
            prominent players in that  conducted  out  of  the  public  aides  and  staff  —  including
            day’s  events  —  former  eye in obscure federal office  little-known  witnesses  like
            President  Donald  Trump  buildings  and  private  Zoom  Cassidy  Hutchinson,  a  for-
            and former Vice President  sessions.                      mer  special  assistant  in  the
            Mike Pence.                                               Trump  White  House,  and
                                         The    Democratic    chair-  Greg  Jacob,  who  served  as
            As  the  investigation  winds  man,  Mississippi  Rep.  Ben-  Pence’s  chief  counsel  in  the
            down  and  the  panel  plans  a  nie Thompson, said in early  vice  president’s  office.  The
            series  of  hearings  in  June,  April that the committee has  panel  also  has  thousands
            members  of  the  committee  been able to validate a lot of  of  texts  from  Trump’s  final
            are  debating  whether  to  call  the  statements  attributed  to  chief  of  staff,  Mark  Mead-  Jan. 6, when Trump made his  ate at all.
            the  two  men,  whose  con-  Trump  and  Pence  without  ows,  and  has  talked  to  two  final plea for Pence to over-
            flict  over  whether  to  certify  their  testimony.  He  said  at  of  the  former  president’s  turn  the  election  when  he  While Pence has yet to com-
            Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential  that  time  there  was  “no  ef-  children,  Ivanka  Trump  and  presided  over  the  Electoral  ment  on  the  committee’s
            election win was at the cen-  fort on the part of the com-  Donald Trump Jr., who were  College  count  in  Congress.  work, Trump would certainly
            ter of the attack. Trump pres-  mittee” to call Pence, though  with  their  father  the  day  of  Lawmakers have been able to  be a hostile witness. He has
            sured  Pence  for  days,  if  not  there  have  been  discussions  the attack.         document  most  of  Trump’s  fought  the  investigation  in
            weeks, to use his ceremonial  since  then  about  potentially                          end of the call but not what  court,  demonized  the  com-
            role presiding over the Jan. 6  doing so.                 Among  hundreds  of  others,  Pence said in response.     mittee on TV and tried to as-
            count to try to block or delay                            the committee has also inter-                             sert  executive  privilege  over
            Biden’s  certification.  Pence  Speaking   about   Pence,  viewed former White House  In  the  hours  after  Trump  White House papers and any
            refused to do so, and rioters  Thompson said the panel had  aide  Jared  Kushner,  Ivanka’s  and  Pence  spoke,  the  vice  conversations he had with his
            who broke into the building  “initially  thought  it  would  husband,  former  communi-  president  issued  a  statement  aides — demands that would
            that day called for his hang-  be  important”  to  call  him,  cations director Alyssa Farah  saying  he  did  not  have  the  certainly apply to his morn-
            ing.                         but “there are a lot of things  and  multiple  Pence  aides,  power to object to the count-  ing call with Pence.
                                         on that day we know — we  including  his  chief  of  staff,  ing of electoral votes. But the
            There are reasons to call ei-  know the people who tried to  Marc Short, and his national  president did not relent, and  In addition, calling a former
            ther  or  both  of  them.  The  get  him  to  change  his  mind  security  adviser,  Keith  Kel-  went on to publicly pressure  president  or  vice  president
            committee  wants  to  be  as  about  the  count  and  all  of  logg.  Former  White  House  Pence at his massive rally in  to  testify  in  a  congressional
            thorough  as  possible,  and  that, so what is it we need?”  press  secretaries  Kayleigh  front of the White House and  investigation is a rare, if not
            critics  are  sure  to  pounce  if                        McEnany  and  Stephanie  then on Twitter even after his  unprecedented,  move  that
            they don’t even try. But some  A  lot  of  the  people  they  are  Grisham have also appeared,  supporters  had  broken  into  could  face  major  legal  hur-
            lawmakers on the panel have  interviewing,    Thompson  as  has  former  senior  policy  the Capitol.               dles and backfire politically.
            argued that they’ve obtained  added, “are people we didn’t  adviser Stephen Miller.
            all the information they need  have on the original list.”                             Still,  it  is  unlikely  that  the  The  Jan.  6  committee  has
            without Trump and Pence.                                  There are still questions that  two  former  leaders  would  given only a glimpse of what
                                         The  panel,  comprised  of  Trump and Pence could an-     speak about the conversation  it has found, mostly in court
            Nearly a year into their wide-  seven  Democrats  and  two  swer,  including  what  they  to the committee — and it’s  filings  where  excerpts  of
            ranging investigation into the  Republicans,  has  said  that  talked about the morning of  unclear if they would cooper-  transcripts have been used.

                      More human remains in Lake Mead found amid water level drop

                                                                                                   (AP) — A week after a de-    Vegas  police  said.  The  re-
                                                                                                   cades-old body was found  mains are currently with the
                                                                                                   in  receding  Lake  Mead,  Clark County Coroner’s Of-
                                                                                                   authorities  in  Las  Vegas  fice.
                                                                                                   are  trying  to  identify  a
                                                                                                   second  set  of  newly  dis-  The  discovery  came  after  a
                                                                                                   covered human remains.       body  in  a  barrel  was  found
                                                                                                                                May  1  along  newly  exposed
                                                                                                   Two sisters from the Las Ve-  shoreline of the lake formed
                                                                                                   gas  suburb  of  Henderson  by  Hoover  Dam  between
                                                                                                   were paddle boarding on the  Nevada and Arizona.
                                                                                                   drought-stricken  Colorado
                                                                                                   River  reservoir  when  they  In  that  case,  police  said  the
                                                                                                   spotted bones Saturday in the  body  was  a  man  who  had
                                                                                                   Callville Bay area of the lake.  been shot, probably between
                                                                                                                                the mid-1970s and the early
                                                                                                   Lindsey  Melvin  told  KLAS-  1980s  because  he  was  wear-
                                                                                                   TV that they thought at first  ing shoes manufactured dur-
                                                                                                   it  was  a  bighorn  sheep,  but  ing that period.
                                                                                                   saw  what  appeared  to  be  a
                                                                                                   human  jaw  and  called  park  Drought  has  dropped  the
                                                                                                   rangers.  The  National  Park  Lake  Mead  water  level  so
                                                                                                   Service confirmed in a state-  much that Las Vegas’ upper-
                                                                                                   ment  that  the  bones  found  most  water  intake  became
                                                                                                   were human.                  visible two weeks ago.
                                                                                                   Investigators are not treating
                                                                                                   the  case  as  a  homicide,  Las
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