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world news Diamars 10 mei 2022
Russian envoy to Poland hit with red paint at war cemetery
(AP) — Russia’s am- thrown from behind at him
bassador to Poland was before a protester standing
splattered with red paint beside him threw a big blob
thrown at him by protest- of it in his face.
ers opposed to the war in
Ukraine, preventing him The protesters carried Ukrai-
from paying respects on nian flags and chanted “fas-
Monday at a Warsaw cem- cists” and “murderers” at him,
etery to Red Army soldiers while some were dressed in
who died during World white sheets smeared with
War II. red, symbolizing the Ukrai-
nian victims of Russia’s war.
Russian Foreign Ministry Other people in his entou-
spokeswoman Maria Zakha- rage were also seen splattered
rova denounced the attack, with what appeared to be red
saying that “we won’t be paint.
scared” while the “people of
Europe should be scared to Zakharova said that “admir-
see their reflection in a mir- ers of the neo-Nazis have
ror.” once again shown their face.”
She said that along with the
Polish Foreign Minister removal of monuments to
Zbigniew Rau described the Soviet army World War II he-
incident as “highly deplor- roes, the attack reflected the
able.” “course for the reincarnation
of fascism.” weeks “you could feel how ister Mariusz Kaminski add- final resting place of more
“Diplomats enjoy special May 9 could end in Warsaw.” ed. “The emotions of Ukrai- than 20,000 Red Army sol-
protection, regardless of the Some Russian commentators nian women taking part in diers who perished on Polish
policies pursued by the gov- suggested that the attack on Poland’s current interior the demonstration, whose soil fighting while helping to
ernments that they repre- the ambassador could prompt minister, however, said Po- husbands are fighting bravely defeat Nazi Germany.
sent,” he said. Moscow to recall him and land’s government opposed in defense of their homeland,
ask the Polish ambassador to the ambassador against lay- are understandable.” While Poland has removed
Ambassador Sergey Andreev leave Russia. ing a wreath at the cemetery, some monuments to the Red
arrived at the Soviet soldiers’ and noted that police helped Protesters also marched in Army in the decades since it
cemetery to lay flowers on The Polish government faced him to safely leave the scene. Warsaw on Sunday evening threw off Moscow-backed
Victory Day, which marks the some criticism for not pro- The ambassador had origi- to protest the war, bringing a communist rule, it has al-
defeat of Nazi Germany by viding the ambassador with nally hoped to hold a Victory tank on a tractor and parking lowed the cemetery to re-
the Allies. The major Russian more security, allowing for an Day march in Warsaw, but it in front of the Russian Em- main undisturbed. Though
patriotic holiday was cele- incident to occur that Russia national and city authorities bassy. Since the war began on Soviet soldiers defeated the
brated with pomp in a parade could use to depict Poland as opposed that — and some Feb. 24, images of Ukrainian Nazis, earlier in the war the
at Red Square in Moscow. hostile to Moscow. viewed his appearance at the tractors hauling off Russian Soviet forces had invaded Po-
cemetery as provocative. tanks have been symbols of land following a secret agree-
As he arrived at the Soviet Among the critics was a for- Ukrainian resistance. ment with the German Nazi
Military Cemetery in the mer interior minister, Bart- “The gathering of opponents government, and carried out
Polish capital, Andreev was lomiej Sienkiewicz, who said of Russian aggression against The Soviet cemetery is set atrocities against Poles, in-
met by hundreds of activ- he couldn’t understand why Ukraine, where the crime of amid a vast park on the route cluding mass executions and
ists opposed to Russia’s war there wasn’t more protection genocide takes place every linking the downtown to the deportations to Siberia.
in Ukraine. Red paint was for the ambassador when for day, was legal,” Interior Min- international airport. It is the
UK Labour leader says he’ll quit if fined for office beer
(AP) — The leader of and food with colleagues Starmer has acknowledged meal, which took place dur- tacking him of “trying to feed
Britain’s main opposition while the U.K. was under having a takeout curry and a ing campaigning for a special cynicism, so the public to
party said Monday that he coronavirus restrictions. beer in a lawmaker’s office election, was part of a work- believe all politicians are the
will resign if he is fined by in northeast England in April day and broke no rules. same.”
police for having a beer Labour Party leader Keir 2021. Starmer insists the
After days of headlines about Conservatives accuse Starm-
the story in Conservative- er of hypocrisy because he
supporting newspapers, the has called on Prime Minister
local police force has said it Boris Johnson to resign over
will investigate. lockdown-breaching par-
ties in government offices.
Starmer said Monday he was Johnson was fined 50 pounds
“absolutely clear that no laws ($62) by police for attend-
were broken.” ing his own surprise birthday
party in 10 Downing Street
“They were followed at all in June 2020 when lockdown
times. I simply had some- rules barred social gatherings.
thing to eat whilst working
late in the evening, as any pol- Johnson has apologized but
itician would do days before denies knowingly breaking
an election,” he said. “But if the rules. He faces the possi-
the police decide to issue me bility of more fines over oth-
with a fixed penalty notice I er parties and a parliamentary
would, of course, do the right investigation into whether he
thing and step down.” misled lawmakers about his
Starmer accused those at-