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A30    world news
                        Diamars 10 mei 2022

                            Sri Lankan prime minister resigns after weeks of protests

                                                                      economy  has  swiftly  unrav-  deficits after cutting taxes in
                                                                      eled in recent weeks. Imports  2019 and struggling to collect  Three people were hospital-
                                                                      of  everything  from  milk  to  taxes during the COVID-19  ized  with  gunshot  wounds
                                                                      fuel have plunged, spawning  pandemic. It also has piled up  from the shots fired from the
                                                                      dire food shortages and roll-  massive foreign debt — much  lawmaker’s vehicle, he said.
                                                                      ing power cuts. People have  of  it  owed  to  China  —  and
                                                                      been forced to stand in lines  has  scant  foreign  exchange  Separately, in the Rajapaksas’
                                                                      for  hours  to  buy  essentials.  reserves  to  pay  for  imports  hometown of Weeraketiya, a
                                                                      Doctors have warned of crip-  and  to  defend  its  embattled  crowd that tried to set fire to
                                                                      pling shortages of life-saving  currency, the rupee.      a local politician’s home was
                                                                      drugs  in  hospitals,  and  the                           fired  upon  killing  two  pro-
                                                                      government  has  suspended  Sri  Lanka  is  at  the  top  of  a  testers, he said.
                                                                      payments  on  $7  billion  in  list  compiled  by  Liliana  Ro-
                                                                      foreign  debt  due  this  year  jas-Suarez  of the Center  for  Protesters tried several times
                                                                      alone.                       Global  Development  that  to  break  into  the  prime
                                                                                                   ranks the countries most ex-  minister’s  official  residence
                                                                      President Gotabaya Rajapak-  posed  to  financial  shocks.  Monday  night  forcing  po-
            (AP) — Sri Lanka’s prime  For  more  than  a  month,  sa initially blamed Sri Lanka’s  Those  most  vulnerable  rely  lice  to  fire  tear  gas.  Homes
            minister resigned Monday  protests  have  spread  across  economic woes on global fac-  on  commodity  imports  and  of government ministers and
            following  weeks  of  pro-   the  country,  drawing  people  tors like the pandemic batter-  have  low  foreign  exchange  politicians  supporting  the
            tests  demanding  that  he  across  ethnicities,  religions  ing  its  tourism  industry  and  reserves  compared  to  what  Rajapaksas were also attacked
            and his brother, the coun-   and  class.  For  the  first  time  the  Russia-Ukraine  conflict  they owe other countries.  and  some  set  on  fire.  The
            try’s president, step down  middle-class Sri Lankans also  pushing up global oil prices.                            memorial  for  the  brothers’
            for  dragging  the  nation  took  to  the  streets  in  large  But both he and his brother  Monday’s  violence  triggered  parents was vandalized.
            into  its  worst  economic  numbers,  marking  a  dra-    have  since  admitted  to  mis-  widespread  anger,  with  peo-
            crisis in decades.           matic revolt by many former  takes  that  exacerbated  the  ple  singling  out  Rajapaksa  Jayadeva Uyangoda, a politi-
                                         Rajapaksa  supporters,  some  crisis,  including  conceding  supporters   and   attacking  cal scientist in Colombo, said
            Prime Minister Mahinda Ra-   of  whom  have  spent  weeks  they  should  have  sought  an  them  in  many  parts  of  the  the prime minister’s resigna-
            japaksa  said  on  Twitter  that  protesting  outside  the  presi-  International Monetary Fund  country.           tion marked a new chapter in
            he submitted his resignation  dent’s office.              bailout sooner.                                           the  country’s  political  crisis.
            to  President  Gotabaya  Raja-                                                         Ruling party lawmaker Ama-   “The  prime  minister  had  to
            paksa, a move that followed a  The  protests  underscored  a  Sri  Lanka  has  been  holding  rakeerthi Athukorale and his  resign  in  disgrace  after  his
            violent attack by government  dramatic  fall  from  favor  of  talks with the IMF to set up  bodyguard  were  killed  in  supporters  unleashed  such
            supporters  on  the  protest-  the  Rajapaksas,  Sri  Lanka’s  a  rescue  plan  but  its  prog-  Nittambuwa,  some  30  kilo-  violence,” he said.
            ers, prompting authorities to  most  powerful  political  dy-  ress depends on negotiations  meters  (20  miles)  north  of
            deploy  armed  troops  in  the  nasty for decades. The broth-  on  debt  restructuring  with  Colombo  after  the  car  they  He  added  that  it  would  be
            capital, Colombo.            ers  were  once  hailed  as  he-  creditors.  Any  long-term  were  traveling  in  was  inter-  difficult  for  President  Got-
                                         roes by many of the island’s  plan  would  take  at  least  six  cepted  by  an  angry  crowd,  abaya  Rajapaksa  to  maintain
            Four people, including a rul-  Buddhist-Sinhalese  majority  months to get underway.   the police spokesman said.   credibility  after  Monday’s
            ing  party  lawmaker,  died  in  for ending the country’s 30-                                                       violence.
            Monday’s  violence,  police  year  civil  war,  and  despite  Sri  Lanka  was  in  finan-  Athikorale  or  his  bodyguard
            spokesman  Nihal  Thalduwa  accusations of war atrocities,  cial  trouble  even  before  the  had fired gunshots at the pro-  But  the  president  has  so  far
            told  the  Associated  Press.  were firmly entrenched at the  Ukraine  war  drove  up  food  testers, who chased them and  refused to resign and Parlia-
            President Rajapaksa imposed  top of Sri Lankan politics un-  and  oil  prices  and  made  trapped them inside a build-  ment must go through a dif-
            a countrywide curfew Mon-    til now.                     things worse.                ing where their badly beaten  ficult process if it attempts to
            day  evening  lasting  until                                                           bodies  were  recovered  by  oust him. The resignation of
            Wednesday morning.           The  prime  minister’s  resig-  The Sri Lankan government  police several hours later, the  the prime minister meant the
                                         nation comes as the country’s  has been running big budget  spokesman said.            entire Cabinet was dissolved.

                            Taliban divisions deepen as Afghan women defy veil edict

            (AP)  —  Arooza  was  furi-  public. The edict said only a  He favors the harsh elements  ment  has  been  dealing  with  be  allowed  back  in  school.
            ous  and  afraid,  keeping  woman’s eyes should be vis-   of the group’s previous time  a worsening economic crisis.  Akhunzada  asserted  that  al-
            her eyes open for Taliban  ible.                          in power, in the 1990s, when  And  Taliban  efforts  to  win  lowing the older girls back to
            on  patrol  as  she  and  a                               girls and women were largely  recognition  and  aid  from  school violated Islamic prin-
            friend shopped Sunday in  The  decree  by  the  Taliban’s  barred  from  school,  work  Western  nations  have  floun-  ciples.
            Kabul’s  Macroyan  neigh-    hardline  leader  Hibaitullah  and public life.           dered,  largely  because  they
            borhood.                     Akhunzada  even  suggested                                have not formed a more rep-  A  prominent  Afghan  who
                                         women shouldn’t leave their  Like Taliban founder Mullah  resentative  government,  and  meets  the  leadership  and  is
            The  math  teacher  was  fear-  homes  unless  necessary  and  Mohammad  Omar,  Akhun-  restricted  the  rights  of  girls  familiar  with  their  internal
            ful her large shawl, wrapped  outlines  a  series  of  punish-  zada  imposes  a  strict  brand  and women.         squabbles  said  that  a  senior
            tight  around  her  head,  and  ments  for  male  relatives  of  of Islam that marries religion                     Cabinet  minister  expressed
            sweeping  pale  brown  coat  women violating the code.    with ancient tribal traditions,  Until  now,  hardliners  and  his outrage over Akhunzada’s
            would  not  satisfy  the  latest                          often blurring the two.      pragmatists in the movement  views  at  a  recent  leadership
            decree by the country’s reli-  It  was  a  major  blow  to  the                        have  avoided  open  confron-  meeting.  He  spoke  on  con-
            giously  driven  Taliban  gov-  rights of women in Afghani-  Akhunzada  has  taken  tribal  tation.                 dition of anonymity to speak
            ernment. After all, more than  stan,  who  for  two  decades  village  traditions  where girls                      freely.
            just  her  eyes  were  showing.  had been living with relative  often  marry  at  puberty,  and  Yet  divisions  were  deepened
            Her face was visible.        freedom  before  the  Taliban  rarely leave their homes, and  in March, on the eve of the
                                         takeover last August — when  called it a religious demand,  new  school  year,  when  Ak-
            Arooza,  who  asked  to  be  U.S. and other foreign forces  analysts say.              hunzada issued a last-minute
            identified  by  just  one  name  withdrew in the chaotic end                           decision that girls should not
            to  avoid  attracting  attention,  to a 20-year war.      The Taliban have been divid-  be  allowed  to  go  to  school
            wasn’t  wearing  the  all-en-                             ed  between  pragmatists  and  after  completing  the  sixth
            compassing  burqa  preferred  A  reclusive  leader,  Akhun-  hardliners,  as  they  struggle  grade. In the weeks ahead of
            by the Taliban, who on Sat-  zada  rarely  travels  outside  to  transition  from  an  insur-  the  start  of  the  school  year,
            urday  issued  a  new  dress  southern  Kandahar,  the  tra-  gency  to  a  governing  body.  senior  Taliban  officials  had
            code for women appearing in  ditional  Taliban  heartland.  Meanwhile,  their  govern-  told journalists all girls would
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