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A28    u.s. news
                        Diamars 10 mei 2022

                     Transgender treatment, doctors threatened by new Alabama law

                                                                      law.  He  said  it  was  already                          families with kids identifying
                                                                      hard  enough  for  families  in  Four  Alabama  families  with  as trans and seeking help for
                                                                      this  very  conservative  state  transgender  children  have  gender-related  issues,  they
                                                                      to come to terms themselves  filed a lawsuit challenging the  decided  to  found  a  clinic  to
                                                                      with  their  children’s  situa-  new state law as unconstitu-  treat  children  with  gender
                                                                      tions. They had already faced  tional. The U.S. Department  dysphoria.  They  now  treat
                                                                      the  social  stigma  and  “the  of Justice has joined the suit.  more than 150 young people
                                                                      difficult  decision  of  leaving  A  federal  judge  heard  evi-  who are transgender or gen-
                                                                      their church family or being  dence this week on a request  der diverse.
                                                                      viewed less worthy,” he said.  to  block  the  state  from  en-
                                                                                                   forcing the statute while the  Ladinsky,  who  testified  last
                                                                      But  gradually,  he  said,  trans  legal challenge goes forward.  week as a witness in the law-
                                                                      kids became more visible and  More  than  20  medical  and  suit,  told  The  Associated
                                                                      there was a greater openness  mental  health  organizations,  Press  that  she  felt  like  she
                                                                      in the state for them to come  including   the   American  was “walking in a nightmare”
                                                                      out.                         Academy  of  Pediatrics,  have  when  the  Alabama  Legisla-
                                                                                                   also urged the judge to block  ture  approved  the  ban.  She
                                                                      “They  always  existed,  but  the law. A decision is expect-  says  the  measure  is  an  un-
                                                                      they  often  did  not  have  the  ed sometime this week.  precedented  legislative  over-
            (AP)  —  Dr.  Hussein  Ab-   hormones  to  trans  people  feeling  of  empowerment  to                              reach  into  the  decisions  of
            dul-Latif  spent  the  last  under  age  19.  A  judge  has  come  out,  or  come  out  to  Alabama  maintains  the  law  parents  and  the  practice  of
            week typing out prescrip-    not yet ruled on a request to  their  physicians,”  he  said.  is about protecting children.  medicine.
            tion  refills  for  his  young  block the state from enforc-  “And now that they are, we’re  “The  science  and  common
            transgender  patients,  try-  ing the law.                hitting them back with legal  sense are on Alabama’s side.  “This  is  the  first  time  ever
            ing to make sure they had                                 action.”                     We will win this fight to pro-  that I can remember, at least
            access  to  their  medica-   The measure is part of a wave                             tect  our  children,”  Alabama  for pediatricians, that we are
            tions for a few months be-   of legislation in Republican-  Abdul-Latif  notes  that  the  Attorney General Steve Mar-  literally forced to choose be-
            fore  Alabama  made  it  il-  controlled  states  focused  on  American  Academy  of  Pedi-  shall said last week.  tween  the  Hippocratic  Oath
            legal for him to prescribe  LGBTQ  youth.  Bills  have  atrics  and  the  Pediatric  En-                            we took to ‘do no harm’ and
            them.                        been introduced to limit dis-  docrine Society both endorse  Now  that  the  law  is  in  ef-  never  abandon  our  patients
                                         cussion of gender and sexual  the  treatments  that  clinics  fect,  families  are  wondering  versus the facing of a poten-
            He  also  answered  questions  identity  issues  in  younger  here  and  in  other  states  are  if they will have to move out  tial  felony  conviction,”  she
            from  anxious  patients  and  grades  or  to  prohibit  kids  providing  for  transgender  of state and doctors are wor-  said.
            their parents: What will hap-  from using school restrooms  youth.                     ried about what will become
            pen to me if I suddenly have  or  playing  on  sports  teams                           of their patients.           Ladinsky  quickly  agreed  to
            to  stop  taking  testosterone?  that don’t align with their sex  In contrast, “The state is not                    co-found  the  gender  clinic
            Should we go out of state for  at birth.                  only saying I am criminal for  Abdul-Latif, who is originally  in Birmingham when Abdul-
            care?                                                     prescribing  those  medica-  from Jordan, and pediatrician  Latif  approached  her  about
                                         Abdul-Latif,  a  pediatric  en-  tions, but it’s saying that my  Dr.  Morissa  Ladinsky  both  it. She had moved to the city
            A new state law that took ef-  docrinologist and co-founder  organization of thousands of  moved to Alabama years ago  from a hospital in Cincinnati,
            fect Sunday makes it a felony,  of  a  clinic  in  Birmingham  physicians,  pediatricians  and  to  work  as  instructors  and  Ohio,  that  had  a  pediatric
            punishable by up to 10 years  to  treat  children  with  gen-  pediatric endocrinologists are  physicians  at  the  University  gender health team, and was
            in prison, for doctors to pre-  der dysphoria, said he is very  maybe partners in that crimi-  of  Alabama  at  Birmingham.  familiar with the treatments.
            scribe  puberty  blockers  and  discouraged  by  the  Alabama  nal enterprise,” he said.  In  2015,  after  seeing  more

                         Ex-Oklahoma officers charged in fatal shooting of Black man

            (AP) — Two former Oklahoma po-      ers then moved partially behind the  man on Sunday. “These are good po-  representing Sanders’ family. Merritt
            lice officers have been charged with  refrigerator.  Sanders  wasn’t  armed,  lice officers.”               said he wants the charges upgraded to
            first-degree manslaughter in the fatal  Cabelka said.                                                       murder.
            shooting of a Black man in December                                     James said a gun was later discovered
            while responding to a 911 call of an  Hinkle  shot  four  times  at  Sanders,  on a table in the living room where  “It really shocks the conscience when
            alleged protective order violation.  who appeared to have his right hand  Sanders came out of.              you have a chance to see Mr. Sand-
                                                raised above his head before falling to                                 ers literally doing whatever he could
            Following  a  monthslong  probe  by  the ground. Sanders sat up with his  Civil  rights  attorney  S.  Lee  Mer-  to try to save his own life, and these
            the  Oklahoma  State  Bureau  of  In-  hands  above  his  head.  Hinkle  then  ritt,  who  represented  the  family  of  officers are operating with such cal-
            vestigation, Comanche County Dis-   fired seven more times.             George Floyd and is the lead lawyer  lousness,”  Merritt  told  KSWO-TV
            trict Attorney Kyle Cabelka on Friday  Ronan also fired four times at Sand-  for Ahmaud Arbery ’s estate, is also  Channel 7 in Lawton.
            charged  ex-Lawton  Officers  Robert  ers,  according  to  Cabelka,  bringing
            Hinkle,  30,  and  Nathan  Ronan,  29,  the  total  number  of  shots  fired  at
            in the death of Quadry Sanders, 29,  Sanders to 15.
            The Oklahoman reported.
                                                Cabelka  said  no  weapon  was  found
            Body camera footage released by the  on Sanders nor in the area where he
            Lawton  Police  Department  shows  was shot.
            Sanders  stands  as  he  is  confronted
            by  police  outside  a  Lawton  home  Gary James, an Oklahoma City-based
            on Dec. 5, 2021. The 911 caller re-  attorney representing Hinkle, who is
            ported Sanders was waving a gun in  Black, and Ronan, who is white, said
            the house and wouldn’t let a resident  officers had repeatedly been called to
            leave, according to authorities.    the house because of Sanders, and ev-
                                                idence will show on the night of the
            The  video  shows  Sanders  appeared  fatal  shooting  they  believed  he  was
            from around a refrigerator, his hands  reaching for a weapon in his pants.
            were  visible  and  he  appeared  to  be
            holding a ball cap, which he moved  “Nobody is looking into the facts of
            from his right hand to his left. Sand-  this  case,”  James  told  The  Oklaho-
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