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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 10 mei 2022

                        Schalke promoted back to Bundesliga after ending Russia ties

            (AP) — Schalke is coming  nine of them seriously.
            back to the Bundesliga af-
            ter  a  year  of  transforma-  “This  pitch  invasion  could
            tion on and off the field.   have ended in disaster,” said
                                         Peter Both, the senior officer
            A humiliating relegation from  on duty.
            the  top  division  forced  one
            of  Germany’s  traditional  gi-  In  January  2021,  Schalke
            ants to rebuild its team. Then  ended  a  12-month  losing
            came the war in Ukraine and  streak  one  game  shy  of  the
            Schalke cut ties with the Rus-  all-time Bundesliga record of
            sian state gas company Gaz-  31. When relegation was con-
            prom,  the  financial  fuel  for  firmed  three  months  later,
            some of its greatest successes,  fans  confronted  players  and
            leaving the club facing an un-  staff, attacking some of them
            certain future.              as they left the team bus.

            Schalke’s  late  surge  for  pro-  The lack of ticket sales dur-
            motion this season was mir-  ing the coronavirus pandem-
            rored  in  the  game  Saturday  ic  caused  the  club  to  warn
            which  secured  its  return  to  of  possible  insolvency.  Even
            the  Bundesliga.  Schalke  was  with a reported 20 million eu-
            down 2-0 at halftime against  ros ($21 million) a year from
            promotion rival St. Pauli but  Gazprom  in  the  top  flight,  for  the  Social  Democratic  much less than the Gazprom  which  all  were  once  top-
            recovered to win 3-2.        Schalke  had  been  spending  Party,  one  of  the  country’s  agreement, which was to run  flight  stalwarts  and  are  now
            “I have huge respect for this  beyond its means as it chased  two  major  political  forces.  through 2025.         battling against a slow decline
            group, how they stepped up.  glory  in  the  Bundesliga  and  Sideline  advertising  boards                         after relegation.
            Incredible,” said coach Mike  Champions League, where it  featured  the  logo  of  Nord  Fans  made  stickers  to  cover
            Büskens,  himself  a  Schalke  last played in 2018-19.    Stream  2,  a  gas  pipeline  the  Russian  company’s  logo  Schalke may be on a high for
            great for winning the UEFA                                project  between  Russia  and  on  their  replica  shirts,  or  now  but  the  transition  back
            Cup  as  a  player  in  1997.  Gazprom  sells  gas  in  vast  Germany which would have  scrambled  to  buy  new  ones  to  the  Bundesliga  won’t  be
            “You’re  dumped  unceremo-   quantities  to  industrial  buy-  extended  Gazprom’s  control  without  Gazprom’s  name.  easy.  This  season’s  standout
            niously  out  of  the  division,  ers  and  countries,  not  Ger-  of  European  markets.  That  Schalke now donates money  player  with  29  goals  in  as
            you have no team. And then  man  households,  so  one  of  project was suspended short-  to  charities  helping  Ukrai-  many league games is Simon
            a  group  develops  where  ev-  the   longest-running   and  ly before the invasion.   nians  for  every  new  club  Terodde,  a  34-year-old  Ger-
            eryone is prepared to believe  most  lucrative  sponsorship                            member and every shirt sold  man who has a superb record
            in the others, to give it their  deals  in  world  soccer  was  a  When   Russia   invaded  with  a  “Together  for  Peace”  in the second division but has
            all, and I have to say, the guys  paradox — what was the ad-  Ukraine on Feb. 24, Schalke  message.  Goalkeeper  Ralf  repeatedly  struggled  in  the
            earned it.”                  vertising really for?        ended  the  sponsorship  deal  Fährmann  arranged  game  top league. Leading defender
                                                                      with  Gazprom  and  Matth-   tickets for 100 refugees.    Ko  Itakura  is  a  loanee  from
            A  shadow  was  cast  over  the  The  sponsorship  started  in  ias  Warnig,  an  old  friend  of                   Manchester City.
            festivities when fans were in-  2006 and made locals used to  Russian  President  Vladimir  Getting  promoted  at  the
            jured  in  crushes  and  falls  as  seeing the Russian state com-  Putin,  left  the  board.  The  first  attempt  was  vital  for  First,  though,  Schalke  fans
            thousands  pushed  forward  pany’s logo in Germany’s in-  new sponsor is a local real es-  Schalke in a division packed  will get to continue the cele-
            onto  the  field.  Police  said  dustrial  heartland,  which  is  tate firm. The new deal isn’t  with  teams  like  Hamburg,  brations at Sunday’s last game
            Monday 18 people were hurt,  also  an  electoral  stronghold  public  but  is  likely  worth  Nuremberg  and  Hannover,  of the season at Nuremberg.

                             Nadal likens his body to ‘an old machine’ at Italian Open

            (AP)  —  At  35  and  after  the  19-year-old  Spaniard  in  cover the way that I have to  through.”                “It’s pretty good to have (an)
            nearly  two  decades  at  or  the quarterfinals.          play on clay.”                                            opportunity to do something
            near the top of tennis, Ra-                                                            Nadal, who has won the Ital-  like that in between tourna-
            fael Nadal likens his body  Nadal  won  his  opening  20  Nadal, who turns 36 on June  ian Open a record 10 times,  ments,  in  the  middle  of  the
            to “an old machine.”         matches  of  the  year,  which  3, is playing his final warmup  will open at the Foro Italico  season,”  Swiatek  said.  “I’m
                                         included the Australian Open  in  Rome  this  week  before  against  either  big-serving  more  fresh.  Mentally  and
            A  machine  that  was  idle  for  title, but he said at the Italian  attempting  to  add  to  his  re-  American  John  Isner  or  Ar-  physically, I had time to rest.”
            more than a month recently  Open  on  Monday  that  his  cord total of 13 French Open  gentine  qualifier  Francisco  Swiatek then trained for five
            when  the  21-time  Grand  stretch  of  good  form  means  titles.                     Cerundolo,  who  reached  days at Rafael Nadal’s acade-
            Slam champion was recover-   nothing now.                                              the  semifinals  of  the  Miami  my in Mallorca, Spain, which
            ing from a rib stress fracture.                           The  tournament  at  Roland  Open.                        gave  her  an  opportunity  to
                                         “My body is like an old ma-  Garros starts in less than two                            visit the Nadal museum.
            After  he  was  injured  during  chine.  To  put  this  machine  weeks.                Swiatek’s streak
            a  semifinal  win  over  Carlos  on again it takes some time,”                         Top-ranked  Iga  Swiatek  is  “It  was  inspiring,”  Swiatek
            Alcaraz  at  Indian  Wells  in  Nadal said. “It’s not the same  “I need some time, but may-  back  on  tour  looking  to  ex-  said.  “Seeing  numbers  on
            March, Nadal returned to ac-  when you (are) 19 than when  be  this  week  can  be  a  posi-  tend  her  23-match  winning  Wikipedia  is  one  thing,  but
            tion at the Madrid Open last  you have almost 36, with all  tive  week,  maybe  not.  Who  streak and defend her Rome  seeing  all  the  trophies,  how
            week, when he was beaten by  the issues that I went through  knows?”  Nadal  said.  “The  title.                    consistent he was sometimes
                                         in my tennis career.         only  thing  that  is  sure,  I’m                         in  some  tournaments,  it’s
                                                                      going to keep trying and I’m  Swiatek  sat  out  last  week’s  amazing.”
                                         “You need to build again the  going  to  keep  building  con-  Madrid  Open  because  of  a
                                         confidence on your body, on  fidence to try to be ready for  sore  arm  after  winning  four  Swiatek,  the  2020  French
                                         your  movements,  then  you  next week, for in two weeks.  consecutive titles.         Open    champion,   routed
                                         going  to  start  feeling  again  That’s my goal unfortunate-                          Karolina Pliskova 6-0, 6-0 in
                                         comfortable  with  your  ten-  ly this year, because I didn’t  She said she spent “five or six  last year’s Rome final. She’ll
                                         nis.  It’s  more  about  being  have  another  chance  to  ap-  days” without picking up her  open  against  either  one  of
                                         confident  with  my  move-   proach this clay-court season  racket.                    two Americans: Shelby Rog-
                                         ments, recover the speed, re-  with all the things that I went                         ers or Alison Riske.
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