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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 21 Maart 2022

                          Ousted Tennessee senator sentenced to probation for fraud

            (AP) — A former Tennes-      health care workers she start-                                                         perjury during her trial when
            see  state  senator  expelled  ed  running  before  she  was                                                        she  defended  an  email  that
            from  office  after  a  con-  elected to public office.                                                             said money she used on her
            viction  for  using  federal                                                                                        wedding  was  for  a  commu-
            grant  money  on  wedding  In July 2020, prosecutors ac-                                                            nity  patient  education  event
            expenses  instead  of  the  cused  Robinson  of  paying                                                             and  should  be  covered  by
            nursing  school  she  oper-  personal expenses from more                                                            grant money.
            ates was sentenced Friday  than  $600,000  in  federal
            to a year of probation but  grant money awarded to The                                                              After  the  hearing,  Robinson
            no prison time.              Healthcare  Institute,  which                                                          told  reporters  that  she  felt
                                         trains nurses and focuses on                                                           probation  was  appropriate
            Katrina  Robinson  had  faced  helping  low-income  minor-                                                          and  she  plans  to  continue
            four to 10 months in prison  ity  students.  She  was  ulti-                                                        working in the community.
            under  sentencing  guidelines  mately convicted of only two
            after she was found guilty in  of 20 counts, involving about                                                        While she gets to avoid pris-
            September  of  two  counts  of  $3,400  in  wedding  expenses                                                       on,  Robinson  has  already
            wire fraud in Memphis fed-   in 2016.                                                                               paid  a  steep  price,  both  to
            eral court. But U.S. District                             ing  she  had  shown  “abject  the coronavirus pandemic to  her  reputation  and  her  fi-
            Judge Sheryl H. Lipman de-   Before  the  27-5  vote  to  re-  defiance of accepting any re-  help care for sick patients in  nances, said her lawyer, Law-
            parted from the guidelines at  move  her  from  the  Senate,  sponsibility  for  her  actions”  hospitals.          rence  Laurenzi.  Robinson
            sentencing,  saying  Robinson  Robinson,  who  is  Black,  ar-  and had unfairly blamed rac-                        has  struggled  in  securing  a
            had  already  suffered  greatly  gued  that  she  had  been  un-  ism for the charges.  However, Lipman also scold-  checking account, her retire-
            and  the  Memphis  commu-    fairly  judged  by  the  white-                           ed Robinson for blaming the  ment account has been seized
            nity  would  gain  no  ben-  majority  body.  She  called  During the sentencing hear-  charges  on  “hot  button  is-  by  the  federal  government,
            efit from prison time for the  it  a  “procedural  lynching,”  ing, Robinson told the judge  sues”  such  as  race,  although  and she could lose her nurs-
            nursing school administrator,  prompting cheers of support  that she understood the im-  the  judge  did  acknowledge  ing license, the lawyer said.
            community leader and moth-   that  the  Republican  speaker  portance of her case and ac-  past  cases  of  racial  injustice
            er of two.                   gaveled  down.  Some  of  her  knowledged that she did not  in the court system. Lipman  Laurenzi said he plans to ap-
                                         supporters in the gallery were  keep a “tight eye on things.”  criticized  Robinson’s  sloppy  peal the conviction.
            Robinson,  a  Democrat,  was  in  tears  and  others  stood  in                        record  keeping  and  added
            elected to represent a Mem-  solidarity.                  Lipman,  the  judge,  said  she  that  Robinson  failed  to  re-  After   Robinson’s   expul-
            phis district in the state Sen-                           read  57  letters  of  support  spect the federal grant fund-  sion  from  the  Senate,  the
            ate in 2018. She was removed  It was the first time the cham-  for  Robinson.  Former  stu-  ed by taxpayers by not giving  Shelby County Commission
            from office last month by the  ber  had  removed  a  senator  dents  and  current  employ-  it proper attention.    chose another Black woman,
            Republican-led  Senate  in  a  since at least the Civil War.  ees  described  her  as  a  great                     Democratic  state  Rep.  Lon-
            vote along party lines.                                   mother,  nurturing  educator,  The  judge  gave  Robinson  don  Lamar,  to  replace  her.
                                         On Friday, prosecutor Chris-  inspiring  community  leader  some advice.               Commissioners  will  choose
            The  criminal  case  against  topher  Cotten  asked  the  and dedicated nurse. Robin-                               Lamar’s  replacement  in  the
            Robinson  involved  federal  judge  to  sentence  Robinson  son traveled outside Tennes-  Lipman also ruled Friday that  state House.
            grant money for a school for  to 10 months in prison, say-  see during the early stages of  Robinson  had  committed

                         State constitutional convention measures stoke partisan fear

            (AP)  —  Simmering  pub-     vision, something opponents
            lic  anger  in  Alaska  over  consider  dangerous  in  an
            the legislature’s failure to  era  of  deep  partisan  divides,
            settle  the  state’s  most  ra-  culture  wars  and  campaigns
            dioactive issue — how big  fueled by deep-pocketed do-
            a  check  residents  should  nors from out of state.
            receive from the state’s oil
            wealth  fund  —  is  collid-  Talking  about  changing  the
            ing  with  a  once-a-decade  constitution  is  “like  walking
            opportunity  for  political  around in a dynamite storage
            activists:  The  chance  for  room with a lighter. You bet-
            voters to call a convention  ter know what you’re doing,”
            to amend the state’s con-    said  John  Coghill,  a  conser-
            stitution.                   vative former state lawmaker
                                         whose father was one of the
            The  frustration  over  the  delegates to Alaska’s original
            long-festering oil check ques-  constitutional convention.
            tion is providing a tail wind
            for groups seeking to change  Alaska  is  one  of  three  states
            the constitution to address a  where voters will decide this
            range  of  hot  button  topics,  fall whether to call a conven-
            such  as  restricting  abortion  tion to consider amendments
            and  altering  the  process  for  to  their  constitution.  The
            selecting judges in a way that  question has gained little at-                         tions  called  by  voters  have  making it to the ballot. Vot-
            opponents  say  could  make  tention  in  Missouri  and  has  In all, 14 states are required to  become  increasingly  rare.  ers  approved  six,  including
            the process more partisan.   generated  only  mild  interest  hold periodic elections asking  More  than  30  such  ballot  measures  that  required  the
                                         so  far  in  New  Hampshire,  voters  whether  to  convene  questions  have  failed  since  legislature  to  meet  annually
            This  year’s  political  turbu-  where  a  group  opposed  to  a  constitutional  convention.  Rhode  Island  voters  last  au-  instead  of  every  other  year
            lence  could  turn  what  is  COVID-19 mandates and re-   Delegates typically have free  thorized one in 1984.      and  ensuring  polling  places
            usually  an  overlooked  ballot  strictions has discussed start-  reign to propose revisions —                      would  be  accessible  to  dis-
            question  into  a  high-stakes  ing  a  campaign  to  advocate  or even entirely new consti-  Voters  in  New  Hampshire  abled voters.
            fight over the direction of the  for a convention. That group,  tutions — that would then go  haven’t authorized one since
            state.  A  convention  would  Rebuild NH, hasn’t yet said  back to voters for ratification.  1982. Delegates at that gath-  The country is more divided
            open  Alaska’s  foundational  what  amendments  it  might                              ering  debated  more  than  today.
            document to any type of re-  favor.                       State  constitutional  conven-  100  amendments,  with  10
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