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A30    world news
                     Dialuna 21 Maart 2022

                          S. Korea’s next leader to abandon Blue House for new office

            (AP)  —  South  Korea’s                                                                tasks  require  more  urgent  it would allow the enemy to
            incoming  president  said                                                              attention,  such  as  surging  strike  the  presidential  office
            Sunday  he  will  abandon                                                              COVID-19 cases, the North  and  military  headquarters
            the  mountainside  presi-                                                              Korean nuclear threat and di-  simultaneously,  according  to
            dential  palace  of  Blue                                                              verse economic woes.         South Korean media.
            House  and  establish  his                                                             Yun  Ho-jung,  a  leader  of
            office at the Defense Min-                                                             the liberal Democratic Party,  Outgoing  liberal  President
            istry compound in central                                                              the  biggest  political  party  in  Moon  Jae-in,  a  Democratic
            Seoul to better communi-                                                               South Korea, said the reloca-  Party  member,  had  earlier
            cate with the public.                                                                  tion would cause “a big hole  also promised to move out of
                                                                                                   in  national  security”  amid  the Blue House but canceled
            The plan drew an immediate                                                             North  Korean  threats  be-  the plans after failing to find a
            backlash  from  critics  of  the                                                       cause of the hasty movement  site for the new office.
            relocation plan, who warned                                                            of key facilities at the Defense
            that a hasty movement of top  room  are  not  in  the  same  personnel  would  be  moved  Ministry compound. He said  Yoon  said  he  was  aware  of
            government  offices  would  building where the president  in phases to a war command  some Seoul residents will also  concerns but said if he starts
            undermine  South  Korea’s  works  and  are  hundreds  of  center  on  the  outskirts  of  likely suffer “immense dam-  his term at the Blue House,
            national security, require ex-  meters  (yards)  apart.  Some  Seoul.                  age”  in  their  property  rights  which  critics  have  called  “a
            cessive  spending  and  violate  former  officials  said  they                         because of expected govern-  symbol of imperial power,” it
            property  rights  of  residents  sometimes  used  bicycles  or  Yoon  said  a  massive  public  ment-imposed   restrictions  will become harder to move
            in the new presidential office  cars to visit the president.  park  will  be  set  up  near  the  on developments in the areas  out.
            area.                                                     new  presidential  office  and  near the new office.
                                         Yoon  told  a  televised  news  ordinary citizens will be able                         “I know relocating the presi-
            Relocating  the  presidential  conference  Sunday  that  he  to look at his office at a close  “Is it appropriate to unilater-  dential  office  isn’t  an  easy
            office was one of President-  chose  the  Defense  Ministry  distance. He said he also plans  ally push for the relocation of  thing. But if I back down on
            elect  Yoon  Suk  Yeol’s  main  compound  because  it’s  al-  to establish a press center and  the Blue House and the De-  a  promise  with  the  people
            campaign  promises.  The  ready equipped with security-   meet journalists frequently.  fense Ministry, which would  (on the relocation) again, no
            conservative former top pros-  related  command  facilities.                           determine  national  security  other future president would
            ecutor whose single five-year  He  said  his  team  drooped  According  to  Yoon’s  plans,  and citizens’ property rights,  attempt to do it,” Yoon said.
            term begins on May 10 said  other sites because of incon-  the current Blue House will  without  asking  the  pub-  “I’ve  made  this  decision  for
            the location and design of the  veniences  to  the  public  by  be  open  to  the  public  as  a  lic  opinions?”  Yun  said.  He  the future of the country.”
            Blue  House  have  fed  criti-  presidential security.    park on his inauguration day.  urged  the  president-elect  to
            cism that South Korean lead-                              He  said  he’ll  collect  public  cancel the relocation.  Yoon  said  the  relocation
            ers are cut off from the public  Yoon said he’ll begin his term  opinions to choose the name                        would  cost  about  50  billion
            and wield excessive power.   at  the  new  office.  He  said  of the new office.       A group of 11 former heads  won  ($41  million).  Some
                                         Defense  Ministry  officials                              of  the  Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff  critics  earlier  said  it  would
            At  the  Blue  House  com-   would be moved to the Joint  Critics  of  Yoon’s  plan  have  conveyed  to  Yoon’s  transi-  cost  up  to  1  trillion  won
            pound,  offices  for  presiden-  Chiefs  of  Staff  building  at  called  on  him  not  to  rush  tion team a statement oppos-  ($825  million),  an  estimate
            tial  advisers  and  the  press  the compound, and that JCS  the  relocation,  saying  other  ing the relocation. They said  Yoon called “groundless.”

                                Yemen rebels launch barrage of strikes on Saudi sites

            (AP) — Yemen’s Houthi rebels un-    Amin H. Nasser told reporters the at-  renewed  anxieties  about  global  sup-  mission said.
            leashed one of their most intense bar-  tacks had no impact on oil supplies,  ply shortages and soaring oil prices.
            rages of drone and missile strikes on  the  Saudi  energy  ministry  acknowl-                               The White House condemned the at-
            Saudi Arabia’s critical energy facilities  edged  that  a  drone  strike  targeting  Aramco,  also  known  as  the  Saudi  tacks, blaming Iran for supplying the
            on Sunday, sparking a fire at one site  the Yanbu Aramco Sinopec Refining  Arabian Oil Co., released its annual  Houthis with missile and drone parts,
            and  temporarily  cutting  oil  produc-  Company  caused  “a  temporary  re-  earnings after weeks of intense vola-  as well as training and expertise.
            tion at another.                    duction in the refinery’s production.”  tility in energy markets triggered by
                                                                                    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.       The  Saudi-led  military  coalition  re-
            The salvo marked a serious escalation  The disruption, as oil prices spike in                               ported aerial strikes on a range of fa-
            of  rebel  attacks  on  the  kingdom  as  an already-tight energy market, “will  The  international  oil  benchmark  cilities: an Aramco liquified gas plant
            the war in Yemen rages into its eighth  be compensated for from the inven-  Brent  crude  spiked  over  $107  on  in the Red Sea port of Yanbu, an oil
            year and peace talks stall.         tory,” the ministry said, without elab-  Sunday after nearly hitting a peak of  storage  plant  in  Jiddah,  a  desalina-
                                                orating.                            $140 earlier this month. Saudi Arabia  tion facility in Al-Shaqeeq on the Red
            The attacks did not cause casualties,                                   and  the  United  Arab  Emirates  have  Sea coast and an Aramco oil facility
            the Saudi-led military coalition fight-  Another aerial attack later in the day  so far resisted Western appeals to in-  in the southern border town of Jizan,
            ing  in  Yemen  said,  but  struck  sites  struck a fuel tank at an Aramco distri-  crease oil production to offset the loss  among others.
            belonging to one of the world’s most  bution station in the port city of Jid-  of Russian oil as gasoline prices sky-
            important  energy  companies  and  dah and ignited a fire.              rocket.                             The extent of damage on Saudi infra-
            damaged civilian vehicles and homes.                                                                        structure  remained  unclear,  and  the
            The coalition also said it destroyed a  The  relentless  wave  of  strikes  re-  Yehia Sarie, a spokesman for Yemen’s  ministry  said  only  the  Yanbu  refin-
            remotely piloted boat packed with ex-  vealed the expanding reach and pre-  Iran-backed Houthis, said the rebels  ery saw a temporary drop in output.
            plosives dispatched by the Houthis in  cision of the rebels and the persistent  had launched “a wide and large mili-  A joint venture between Aramco and
            the busy southern Red Sea.          gaps in the kingdom’s air defenses. A  tary operation” in retaliation for the  China, the $10 billion Yanbu Aramco
                                                sophisticated strike in 2019 on Aram-  Saudi-led “aggression and blockade”  Sinopec  Refining  Company  on  the
            Hours after oil giant Aramco’s CEO  co oil facilities knocked out half the  that has turned much of Yemen into  Red Sea pumps 400,000 barrels of oil
                                                kingdom’s oil production and threat-  a wasteland.                      a day.
                                                ened to ignite a regional crisis — an
                                                attack that the U.S. and Riyadh later  The escalation followed a flurry of di-  The Saudi Press Agency shared pho-
                                                alleged came from Iran.             plomacy over the weekend in Oman’s  tos  of  firetrucks  dousing  leaping
                                                                                    capital of Muscat. The U.N. special  flames with water and a trail of rub-
                                                The attacks on Sunday came as Sau-  envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg,  ble wrought by shrapnel that crashed
                                                di  Arabia’s  state-backed  Aramco,  met  with  the  chief  Houthi  negotia-  through  ceilings  and  pocked  apart-
                                                the  world’s  largest  oil  company,  an-  tor and Omani officials to discuss “a  ment  walls.  Other  images  showed
                                                nounced  its  profits  surged  124%  in  possible truce during the holy month  wrecked cars and giant craters in the
                                                2021 to $110 billion, a jump fueled by  of Ramadan” in early April, the U.N.  ground.
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