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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 21 Maart 2022

                              French leftist Melenchon rallies before presidential vote

            (AP)  —  Three  weeks  be-   stumbles  of  the  French  So-
            fore  France’s  presidential  cialists in recent years.
            election,  far-left  leader
            Jean-Luc  Melenchon  ral-    “We  are  going  to  win!  Me-
            lied  tens  of  thousands  of  lenchon! President!” chanted
            supporters    Sunday    on  supporters ahead of a 45-min-
            the streets of Paris for his  ute speech during which the
            biggest  campaign  event  rebellious  leftist  highlighted
            to  date  —  one  in  which  contrasts  with  Macron,  the
            he  framed  himself  as  the  incumbent  president  who
            anti-Emmanuel  Macron  polls consider the favorite to
            candidate.                   win  the  vote.  The  70-year-
                                         old  criticized  Macron’s  plan
            Polling  in  third  or  fourth  for  different  teaching  meth-
            place in the presidential vote,  ods  in  school  and  backed
            Melenchon — who has been  lowering  the  retirement  age
            known as “Melen-show” for  from 62 to 60.
            his crowd-attracting rhetoric
            — aimed to unite left-leaning  Under Macron, it will be, he
            supporters  after  the  brutal  said, “the end of the repub-

                                                                      lican  school,  the  end  of  the  ers attended the central Paris  right.
                                                                      one  and  indivisible  French  rally.
                                                                      people,”  he  claimed.  “Vote                             In 2017, the charismatic Me-
                                                                      (for  me  and)  you  will  retire  France’s  first  round  of  the  lenchon  failed  to  reach  the
                                                                      at 60!”                      presidential  election  takes  presidential runoff, in which
                                                                                                   place  on  April  10,  with  a  Macron  beat  far-right  chal-
                                                                      Melenchon’s  campaign  of-   presidential  runoff  on  April  lenger Marine Le Pen.
                                                                      ficials  said  100,000  support-  24 if no candidate wins out-

                          Surrogate babies born in Ukraine wait out war in basement

                                                                                                   some fresh air but don’t dare  Europe,  Latin  America  and
                                                                                                   stay  out  too  long.  She  wor-  China.
                                                                                                   ries about her own children,
                                                                                                   too — both her sons, ages 22  Yashchenko  would  not  say
                                                                                                   and 30, are fighting to defend  how many parents have come
                                                                                                   their country.               to  get  their  children,  how
                                                                                                                                many infants are still waiting
                                                                                                   Exhaustion is constant.      or how many more surrogate
                                                                                                                                mothers  are  expected  to  de-
                                                                                                   “We  are  almost  not  sleep-  liver soon.
                                                                                                   ing  at  all,”  Yashchenko  said.
                                                                                                   “We  are  working  round  the  While there’s plenty of food
                                                                                                   clock.”                      and  baby  supplies  to  care
                                                                                                                                for  their  young  charges,  the
                                                                                                   Ukraine  has  a  thriving  sur-  nurses  are  left  to  hope  and
                                                                                                   rogate industry and is one of  wait for the newborns to be
                                                                                                   the  few  countries  that  allow  picked up — just as they wait
                                                                                                   the  service  for  foreigners.  for the war to end.
                                                                                                   These babies’ parents live in

            (AP)  —  At  a  makeshift  even below ground the blasts  circle the city.
            basement bomb shelter in  of occasional shelling can be
            Ukraine’s  capital,  at  least  heard clearly.            “Now  we  are  staying  here
            20  babies  born  to  surro-                              to  preserve  our  and  the  ba-
            gate  mothers  are  waiting  Many  of  the  surrogacy  cen-  bies’  lives,”  said  Lyudmilia
            for  their  foreign  parents  ter’s nurses are also stranded  Yashchenko,  a  51-year-old
            to be able to travel to the  in the shelter because it’s too  nurse.  “We  are  hiding  here
            war-torn country and take  dangerous  to  travel  to  and  from  the  bombing  and  this
            them home.                   from their homes. Ukrainian  horrible misery.”
                                         troops  have  been  resisting
            Some just a few days old, the  Russian forces in Kyiv’s sub-  Yashchenko  said  they  leave
            infants are well cared for, but  urbs  as  they  attempt  to  en-  briefly during the day to get
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