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A28    u.s. news
                     Dialuna 21 Maart 2022

                         Firing-squad executions get the greenlight in South Carolina

            (AP)  —  South  Carolina                                                               states to still use the electric  uled less than a month after
            has given the greenlight to                                                            chair and one of four to allow  the  passage  of  the  new  law.
            firing-squad    executions,                                                            a  firing  squad,  according  to  Prisons  officials  had  previ-
            a  method  codified  into                                                              the  Washington-based  non-  ously said they still couldn’t
            state  law  last  year  after  a                                                       profit  Death  Penalty  Infor-  obtain  lethal  injection  drugs
            decade-long pause in car-                                                              mation Center.               and have yet to put together
            rying out death sentences                                                                                           a  firing  squad,  leaving  the
            because  of  the  state’s  in-                                                         In  June,  the  South  Carolina  109-year-old electric chair as
            ability  to  procure  lethal                                                           Supreme  Court  blocked  the  the only option.
            injection drugs.                                                                       planned  executions  of  two
                                                                                                   inmates  by  electrocution,  Attorneys for the two men ar-
            The  state  Corrections  De-                                                           saying they cannot be put to  gued in legal filings that death
            partment  said  Friday  that                                                           death  until  they  truly  have  by electrocution is cruel and
            renovations have been com-                                                             the  choice  of  a  firing  squad  unusual, saying the new law
            pleted on the death chamber                                                            option  set  out  in  the  state’s  moves  the  state  toward  less
            in  Columbia  and  that  the                                                           newly revised law.           humane  execution  methods.
            agency had notified Attorney  criminal-defense  lawyer  —  shooters will fire their weap-                           They have also said the men
            General  Alan  Wilson  that  it  introduced  the  firing  squad  ons.                  The  high  court  halted  the  have the right to die by lethal
            was able to carry out a firing-  option.  He  argued  that  it                         scheduled executions of Brad  injection — the method both
            squad execution.             presented “the least painful”  State  officials  also  have  cre-  Sigmon and Freddie Owens,  of  them  chose  —  and  that
                                         execution method available.  ated  protocols  for  carrying  writing  that  officials  needed  the state hasn’t exhausted all
            Lawmakers set about tweak-                                out the executions. The three  to put together a firing squad  methods to procure lethal in-
            ing  state  law  to  get  around  “The  death  penalty  is  go-  shooters,  all  volunteers  who  so  that  inmates  could  re-  jection drugs.
            the lethal injection drug situ-  ing  to  stay  the  law  here  for  are employees of the Correc-  ally  choose  between  that  or
            ation.  Legislation  that  went  a  while,”  Harpootlian  said.  tions  Department,  will  have  the electric chair. The state’s  Lawyers  for  the  state  have
            into effect in May made the  “If we’re going to have it, it  rifles loaded with live ammu-  plans, the court wrote in an  maintained that prisons offi-
            electric  chair  the  state’s  pri-  ought to be humane.”  nition,  with  their  weapons  unanimous  order,  were  on  cials are simply carrying out
            mary  means  of  execution                                trained on the inmate’s heart.  hold  “due  to  the  statutory  the  law,  and  that  the  U.S.
            while giving inmates the op-  According  to  officials,  the                           right of inmates to elect the  Supreme  Court  has  never
            tion of choosing death by fir-  death chamber now also in-  A  hood  will  be  placed  over  manner of their execution.”  found electrocution to be un-
            ing squad or lethal injection,  cludes a metal chair, with re-  the head of the inmate, who                         constitutional.
            if  those  methods  are  avail-  straints, in the corner of the  will be given the opportunity  Now that a firing squad has
            able.                        room  in  which  inmates  will  to make a last statement.  been  formed,  the  court  will  South  Carolina’s  last  execu-
                                         sit  if  they  choose  execution                          need to issue a new order for  tion took place in 2011, and
            During  South  Carolina’s  by  firing  squad.  That  chair  According  to  officials,  Cor-  any  execution  to  be  carried  its  batch  of  lethal  injection
            lengthy  debate,  Democratic  faces  a  wall  with  a  rectan-  rections spent $53,600 on the  out.                 drugs  expired  two  years  lat-
            state  Sen.  Dick  Harpoot-  gular  opening,  15  feet  away,  renovations.                                         er. There are 37 men on the
            lian — a prosecutor-turned-  through  which  the  three  South Carolina is one of eight  The  executions  were  sched-  state’s death row.

                         Time to retool census? Some think so after minorities missed

            (AP) - Is it time to rethink  be  mostly  scrapped  because  gest between-census effort to  response.  Eventually,  data  the count used for allocating
            the census and other sur-    disruptions  caused  by  the  take the measure of the U.S.  related to people’s addresses,  congressional seats.
            veys that measure changes  pandemic  produced  fewer  population,  the  American  demographics,         businesses
            in the U.S. population?      responses in 2020.           Community Survey, produc-    and jobs would all be linked  Any  effort  to  revamp  how
                                                                      es  11  billion  statistics  from  together.              the  count  is  conducted  will
            Policymakers  and  demogra-  The undercounts in the 2020  interviews  with  3.5  million                            need  to  be  protected  from
            phers  have  been  asking  that  census  were  blamed  on  the  households  each  year,  and  In 2030, when the next cen-  similar efforts to misuse the
            question  since  results  re-  pandemic,  natural  disasters  the once-a-decade census tal-  sus takes place, the program  count  for  political  purposes,
            leased  by  the  U.S.  Census  and  political  interference  lies  every  U.S.  resident  for  could help count people with  said  Paul  Ong,  a  professor
            Bureau  this  month  showed  from the Trump administra-   a count used in divvying up  good  administrative  records  emeritus of urban studies at
            Black,  Hispanic,  American  tion, but undercounts of ra-  federal funding and congres-  or links to other records, and  UCLA.
            Indian  and  other  minority  cial and ethnic minorities are  sional seats among the states  more resources could be de-
            residents were undercounted  nothing  new  to  the  census;  as well as redrawing political  voted  toward  households  “The 2020 enumeration was
            at greater rates in 2020 than  they’ve  been  persistent  for  districts.              that are the hardest to count,  a  wakeup  call,”  Ong  said.
            in the previous decade.      decades.                                                  Census  Bureau  Director  “The  Census  Bureau  has  a
                                                                      Even  before  the  release  of  Robert Santos said in a recent  very  important  and  funda-
            On  the  top  of  that,  results  In  recent  years,  the  cost  of  the  2020  report  card  earlier  interview  with  The  Associ-  mental  function  in  our  so-
            from  a  version  of  its  most  censuses  and  surveys  have  this month, the Census Bu-  ated Press.              ciety. It is the keeper of our
            comprehensive        survey  grown  while  public  partici-  reau  had  been  developing                            demographic truths.”
            that  compares  year-to-year  pation rates for surveys have  new  ways  of  gathering  data.  Relying on administrative re-
            changes  in  U.S.  life  had  to  declined.  The  bureau’s  big-  Chief among them is the em-  cords may have its own prob-  From a purely civic perspec-
                                                                      bryonic Frames Program that  lems  because  some  groups,  tive, Terri Ann Lowenthal, a
                                                                      would  combine  all  kinds  of  such as people in the country  former  congressional  staffer
                                                                      data sets, including adminis-  illegally, often have little pa-  who specializes in census is-
                                                                      trative records from the pri-  per trail.                 sues,  worries  a  greater  reli-
                                                                      vate  sector  and  government                             ance  on  administrative  re-
                                                                      agencies,  as  well  as  surveys  Besides  naming  an  unusu-  cords at the expense of public
                                                                      and censuses that have been  ally  high  number  of  politi-  participation will be one less
                                                                      staples of Census Bureau da-  cal appointees to the Census  thing  that  engages  everyone
                                                                      ta-gathering for decades.    Bureau,  the  Trump  admin-  in  the  U.S.,  no  matter  their
                                                                                                   istration  unsuccessfully  at-  background.
                                                                      Under the concept, one data  tempted  to  use  administra-
                                                                      set  such  as  an  individual’s  tive  records  to  get  a  tally  of  “If you are in a millionaire’s
                                                                      IRS  file  would  be  linked  to  the  number  of  people  in  mansion  or  living  in  a  tent
                                                                      another, such as the individ-  the  country  illegally  so  they  under a bridge, you matter to
                                                                      ual’s  Census  Bureau  survey  could  be  eliminated  from  the census,” Lowenthal said.
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