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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 21 Maart 2022

                        Moore scores 21, Houston hammers Illinois to make Sweet 16

            (AP)  —  Taze  Moore                                                                                                early  going,  and  the  intense
            scored  21  points,  Jamal                                                                                          pressure  seemed  to  squeeze
            Shead added 18 and Hous-                                                                                            the rims a little tighter, too.
            ton, a Final Four team last
            season,  advanced  to  the                                                                                          Unlike Friday’s game, when
            Sweet  16  of  the  NCAA                                                                                            Houston started six of seven
            Tournament  with  a  68-53                                                                                          on 3-pointers to startle UAB,
            win  Sunday  over  Illinois,                                                                                        the  Cougars  were  off  the
            ousted  in  the  opening                                                                                            mark — in some cases, way
            weekend  for  the  second                                                                                           off.  Illinois  was  even  worse,
            straight year.                                                                                                      starting 1 of 9 on 3s.
            The  fifth-seeded  Cougars                                                                                          The  bigger  issue,  though,
            (31-5),  who  lost  their  two                                                                                      was the Illini couldn’t figure
            best players to season-ending                                                                                       out how to get the ball inside
            injuries,  are  headed  home                                                                                        to  Cockburn,  who  had  two
            to Texas for the next round,                                                                                        and  three  Houston  players
            which  will  be  in  San  Anto-                                                                                     swarming  on  him  whenever
            nio, about a three-hour drive                                                                                       he got a touch. On one of the
            from Houston.                                                                                                       rare  occasions  the  7-footer
                                                                                                                                got  it  cleanly,  Josh  Carlton
            Kyler  Edwards  added  15                                                                                           grabbed  his  arms  and  was
            points  for  Houston,  a  team                                                                                      called for a Flagrant 1 foul.
            often overlooked but making
            major noise again this March.  lini (23-10) were determined  in what was likely his last col-  it  went  out  of  bounds  with  Houston  opened  a  12-point
                                         to  go  farther  after  being  lege game.                 his left hand to Moore for a  lead, and Illinois was reeling.
            With  Houston’s  fans  chant-  bumped  by  Loyola  Chicago                             layup.
            ing “Sweet 16, Sweet 16” in  last year, but couldn’t get past  Down by 12 in the first half,                        That’s when coach Brad Un-
            the  final  seconds,  Edwards  the second round again.    Illinois battled back and was  It’s been that kind of season  derwood turned to freshman
            dropped  one  last  3-point-                              within  56-49  after  Alfonso  for  the  Cougars,  who  lost  reserve  Luke  Goode,  who
            er  and  seconds  later  lifted  All-American  center  Kofi  Plummer’s four-point play.  Marcus  Sasser  and  Tramon  came off the bench and made
            Moore, another of Houston’s  Cockburn did his part, scor-                              Mark — two mainstays from  a pair of 3-pointers.
            transfers, off the floor.    ing 19 in 38 minutes to lead  But after Shead hit a floater,  last year’s semifinal team —
                                         Illinois. The big man spurned  Houston’s  Fabian  White  Jr.  but are one of 16 teams still  Trent  Frazier’s  nailed  a  3  at
            For Illinois, it’s another year  the NBA last year for a shot  made  the  play  of  the  game  alive for a national title,  the  horn  to  pull  the  Illini
            of deep disappointment. The  at some tournament redemp-   by racing into the backcourt                              within 30-26 at half.
            fourth-seeded  Fighting  Il-  tion,  only  to  come  up  short  and  swatting  the  ball  before  Both teams were tight in the

                          Private investigator says drug kingpin targeted David Ortiz

            (AP)  —  A  Dominican  kingpin  in  2019  and  he  was  be  Sixto  David  Fernandez,  Ortiz maintained a home in  tine after the shooting and he
            drug  trafficker  who  was  extradited  to  the  U.S.  terri-  who was sharing a table with  the Boston area and had been  underwent further surgery in
            jealous of David Ortiz and  tory in December.             Ortiz when he was shot. Au-  living part of the year in the  the U.S.
            felt  disrespected  by  him                               thorities  said  the  hit  men  Dominican  Republic.  He
            had him shot at a Domini-    Ortiz’s  spokesperson,  Joe  confused  Fernandez  with  was seriously wounded in the  Ortiz  told  the  Globe  he
            can nightclub in 2019, ac-   Baerlein, told the Globe that  Ortiz, one of the most pop-  June 9, 2019 shooting. Doc-  wants  to  know  why  anyone
            cording  to  private  inves-  Davis’  findings  were  with-  ular  Dominican  ballplayers  tors  in  the  Dominican  Re-  might  want  him  dead,  but
            tigators the Red Sox slug-   held  for  Ortiz’s  safety  until  ever.                  public removed Ortiz’s gall-  “the most important thing is,
            ger hired to look into the  Peralta was in U.S. custody.                               bladder and part of his intes-  thank God I’m alive.”
            attack  that  nearly  killed                              Thirteen  people  have  been
            him.                         Peralta has not been charged  charged in relation to Ortiz’s
                                         in  relation  to  Ortiz’s  shoot-  shooting  and  are  awaiting
            The findings by former Bos-  ing. Peralta’s lawyer, Joaquin  trial  in  the  Dominican  Re-
            ton police commissioner Ed-  Perez, said Peralta had noth-  public.
            ward  Davis  reported  by  the  ing to do with the attempt on
            Boston  Globe  on  Saturday  Ortiz’s life.                Baerlein said Ortiz was wait-
            contradict  the  theory  of  the                          ing further legal action in the
            crime developed by Domini-   “As bad as César Peralta is, it’s  Dominican  and  U.S.  courts
            can prosecutors.             not even close to being in the  to  bring  clarity  about  why
                                         ballpark to say he had some-  this happened to him.
            Davis told the newspaper that  thing to do with this,” Perez
            he  identified  the  drug-traf-  said.                    A  10-time  All-Star,  Or-
            ficker  César  Peralta  as  hav-                          tiz  helped  the  Red  Sox  end
            ing orchestrated the shooting  Perez  described  Ortiz  and  their  86-year  championship
            by placing a bounty on Ortiz  Peralta as “close friends.” Or-  drought  in  2004  and  bat-
            and sanctioning the hit squad  tiz told The Globe he knew  ted .688 against the St. Louis
            that  tried  to  kill  him.  Do-  Peralta only casually and that  Cardinals in 2013 to win the
            minican  authorities  did  not  he was “sad, confused, angry,  Series MVP.
            cooperate with the private in-  all kinds of emotions” when
            vestigation.                 he  received  the  news  from  Ortiz  retired  after  the  2016
                                         Davis  and  Ric  Prado,  a  for-  season with 541 home runs,
            Peralta is being held in held  mer  high-ranking  CIA  offi-  and the team retired his uni-
            without  bail  in  Puerto  Rico  cial  who  participated  in  the  form No. 34. He was elected
            on unrelated charges of con-  inquiry.                    to the Baseball Hall of Fame
            spiracy to import cocaine and                             in his first appearance on the
            heroin.  The  U.S.  Treasury  Dominican  authorities  have  ballot in January.
            designated  Peralta  a  drug  said the target was meant to
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