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U.S. NEWS Dialuna 5 September 2022
Some states could tax Biden’s student loan debt relief
(AP) — President Joe the affected states might be
Biden’s student loan for- required to declare that as in-
giveness plan could lift come. Depending on a state’s
crushing debt burdens tax rates, the taxpayer’s other
from millions of borrow- income and the deductions
ers, but the tax man may and exemptions they’re able
demand a cut of the relief to claim, that could add up to
in some states. several hundred extra tax dol-
lars that they’ll owe.
That’s because some states
tax forgiven debt as income, Spokespeople for tax agencies
which means borrowers who in several states — including
are still paying down stu- Virginia, Idaho, New York,
dent loans could owe taxes West Virginia, Pennsylvania
on as much as $10,000 or and Kentucky — told The
even $20,000 that was taken Associated Press that their
off their bill. In Mississippi, states definitely won’t tax
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ar- student loans forgiven under
kansas and North Carolina, Biden’s program. Revenue
forgiven student loans will be officials in a few other states
subject to state income taxes said they needed to do more
unless they change their laws research to know.
to conform with a federal tax
exemption for student loans, Newman, 38, went into debt
according to a tally by the Tax to pay for graduate school.
Foundation, a Washington, She had already set herself
D.C.-based think tank. Newman said she can come people can’t.” for those who also used fed- up for relief under the federal
up with the cash because she eral Pell Grants to pay for Public Service Loan Forgive-
That dismays Cathy New- has a good job, but she knows More than 40 million Ameri- college. But it only applies ness program, though that
man, a Louisiana State Uni- of a lot of other borrowers cans could see their student to those whose loans were requires five more years of
versity graduate who just who will still be stuck in dif- loan debt cut or eliminated paid out before July 1, which teaching on top of the five
took a job teaching freshman ficult financial positions even under the forgiveness plan leaves out current high school she already taught at the Uni-
biology at the University with their loans forgiven. Biden announced late last seniors and students who will versity of Louisiana Monroe.
of Southern Mississippi in month. The president is eras- follow them. Biden’s program would cut
Hattiesburg. She figures she “If they stay in the state, they ing $10,000 in federal student $10,000 off her debt load
could end up owing a few could end up with a pretty loan debt for individuals with Although having $10,000 or when it takes effect, but un-
hundred dollars of money hefty tax burden if things incomes below $125,000 a $20,000 in loan payments der existing Mississippi tax
that she could have kept had don’t change,” Newman said. year, or households that earn eliminated will be a boon law, the relief won’t come
she stayed in Louisiana. “I won’t be happy if I have to less than $250,000. He’s can- over the long term to bor- free.
do it. I can do it. But a lot of celing an additional $10,000 rowers who qualify, those in
US election conspiracies find fertile ground in conferences
(AP) — On a quiet Satur- She can’t shake the belief that about two-thirds of Re- conference featured some of events that have been held
day in an Omaha hotel, that voting machines are be- publicans say they do not the nation’s most prominent around the country for the
about 50 people gathered ing manipulated even in her think Biden was legitimately figures pushing conspiracy better part of a year.
in a ballroom to learn home county, where then- elected. theories that the last presi-
about elections. President Donald Trump Events like the one held Aug. dential election was stolen Despite the relatively light at-
won 85% of the vote in 2020. 27 in Nebraska’s largest city from Trump through wide- tendance, the events are often
The subject wasn’t voter ADVERTISEMENT are one reason why. spread fraud or manipulation livestreamed and recorded,
registration drives or poll Billed as the “Nebraska Elec- of voting machines. It was ensuring they can reach a
worker volunteer training. “I just don’t know the truth tion Integrity Forum,” the just one of dozens of similar wide audience.
Instead, they paid $25 each because it’s not open and ap-
to listen to panelists lay out parent, and it’s not transpar-
conspiracy theories about ent to us,” said Sauder, 38.
voting machines and rigged “We are trusting people who
election results. In language are trusting the wrong peo-
that sometimes leaned into ple.”
violent imagery, some panel- It’s a sentiment now shared
ists called on those attending by millions of people in the
to join what they framed as a United States after relentless
battle between good and evil. attacks on the outcome of the
2020 presidential election by
Among those in the audi- Trump and his allies. Nearly
ence was Melissa Sauder, two years after that election,
who drove nearly 350 miles no evidence has emerged to
from the small western Ne- suggest widespread fraud or
braska town of Grant with manipulation while reviews
her 13-year-old daughter. in state after state have upheld
After years of combing inter- the results showing President
net sites, listening to podcasts Joe Biden won.
and reading conservative me-
dia reports, Sauder wanted to Even so, the attacks and false-
learn more about what she hoods have made an impact:
believes are serious problems An Associated Press-NORC
with the integrity of U.S. Center for Public Affairs Re-
elections. search poll from 2021 found