Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20220905
P. 29
WORLD NEWS Dialuna 5 September 2022
China, Japan ground ferries, flights as typhoon approaches
(AP) — Cities in eastern trees violently shaken by the
China suspended ferry storm, with fierce rainfall hit-
services and classes and ting the pavement. A green-
flights were canceled in house for mangoes on Ishiga-
Japan on Sunday as Ty- ki Island was knocked down.
phoon Hinnamnor, the On the main Okinawa island,
strongest global storm this two elderly people fell down
year, blew its way past Tai- and were slightly injured, ac-
wan and the Koreas with cording to media reports.
fierce winds and heavy
rains. Officials said the slow-mov-
ing typhoon could add to
Shanghai grounded ferry ser- rainfall and risks of flooding
vices and deployed more than in the southern region where
50,000 police officers to aid dense rain clouds have been
with rescues and guide traf- stuck.
fic away from danger areas.
The eastern business hub of In Taiwan, over 600 residents
Wenzhou ordered all classes in New Taipei, Taoyuan
suspended on Monday. and Hsinchu counties were
evacuated to shelters on Sat-
Hinnamnor is forecasted to urday amid the heavy rain
move gradually northward and strong winds, according
into the East China Sea with to the island’s Central News
maximum sustained winds of rainfall to the Korean Penin- governing Taiwan. Okinawa and nearby islands Agency.
175 kilometers (109 miles) sula, bringing the possibility with heavy rain and fierce
per hour, according to the of flooding. Ships were told to return to winds, threatening flooding The typhoon caused a land-
Hong Kong Observatory. port to take shelter from the and grounding more than slide in Miaoli county and
China’s National Meteoro- wind, and the center also 100 flights connecting the blew over some 100 roadside
Evacuations and flight can- logical Center issued a yel- urged people against large islands and parts of the main trees. About 40 flights and
cellations have been ordered low typhoon warning at 10 gatherings both indoors and southern island of Kyushu. more than 100 ferry services
in Japan’s southern Okinawa a.m. Sunday, and warned of outdoors. across Taiwan were also can-
Island. The typhoon is also heavy rains in northeastern Footage on Japan’s NHK celed Saturday.
expected to bring intense Zhejiang, Shanghai and self- In Japan, the typhoon lashed national television showed
Teacher shortages grow worrisome in Poland and Hungary
(AP) — Ewa Jaworska has Hungary. Black-clad teach- the overall number of Ukrai-
been a teacher since 2008 ers in Budapest carried black nian students could triple this
and loves working with umbrellas to protest stagnant coming school year, depend-
young people. But the wages and heavy workloads ing on how the war unfolds.
low pay is leaving her de- on the first day of school
moralized. She even has Thursday. Teachers’ union Andrzej Wyrozembski, the
to buy her own teaching PSZ said young teachers earn principal of the high school
materials sometimes, and a “humiliating” monthly af- in Warsaw’s Zoliborz dis-
is disheartened by the ter-tax salary of just 500 euros trict where Jaworska works,
government using schools (dollars) that has prompted has set up two classes for 50
to promote conservative many to walk away. Ukrainians in his school. He
ideas which she sees as said his Ukrainian students
backward. Thousands of people who arrived in the spring
marched in solidarity with are quickly learning Polish,
Like many other Polish teachers on Friday in Buda- a related Slavic language.
teachers she is considering a pest, voicing the view that the The real difficulty is find-
career change. teachers’ low compensation ing teachers, particularly for teachers. Hungary, with a Many educators strongly op-
is linked to the authoritarian physics, chemistry, computer much smaller population, has pose the conservative ideol-
“I keep hoping that the situa- direction of Prime Minister science, and even for Polish. a 16,000-teacher shortage. ogy of the nationalist govern-
tion might still change,” said Viktor Orban’s government. ment and Czarnek himself,
the 44-year-old, who teaches Across central Europe, gov- “We don’t have young teach- viewing him as a Catholic
in a Warsaw high school. “But “Free country, free educa- ernment wages haven’t kept ers,” said Slawomir Broniarz, fundamentalist. His ap-
unfortunately it is changing tion!” they shouted, pace with the private sector, the president of the Polish pointment in 2020 sparked
for the worse, so only time leaving teachers, nurses and Teachers’ Trade Union, or protests because he had said
will tell if this year will be my Teacher shortages could others with far less purchas- ZNP, citing the starting salary LGBTQ people aren’t equal
last.” hardly come at a worse time, ing power. of 3,400 zlotys ($720) pre-tax to “normal people” and that a
with both countries trying to as the key reason. woman’s main role is to have
Problems are mounting in integrate Ukrainian refugees. The situation is expected to children.
schools in Poland, with a It’s particularly challenging grow worse as many teach- Polish Education Minister
teacher shortage growing for Poland, where hundreds ers near retirement and ever Przemyslaw Czarnek has Criticism has recently fo-
worse and many educators of thousands of school-aged fewer young people choose disputed the figures, saying cused on a new school text-
and parents fearing that the Ukrainian refugees now live. the poorly paid profession, teacher vacancies were clos- book on contemporary histo-
educational system is being especially when inflation has er to 13,000, adding it isn’t ry. It has a section on ideolo-
used to indoctrinate young Nearly 200,000 Ukrainian exploded to 16% in Poland a huge number in propor- gies that presents liberalism
people into the ruling party’s students, most of whom do and nearly 14% in Hungary. tion to the 700,000 teachers and feminism alongside Na-
conservative and nationalistic not speak Polish, already en- nationwide. He accuses the zism. A section interpreted as
vision. tered Polish schools after the According to the Polish union and political opposi- denouncing in-vitro fertiliza-
war began on Feb. 24. The teachers’ union, schools in tion of exaggerating the prob- tion was so controversial that
It’s very much the same in education minister has said the country are short 20,000 lem. it was removed.