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A28     U.S. NEWS
                 Dialuna 5 September 2022

                              Border patrol: 9 migrants die crossing swift Texas river

            (AP)  -  Officials  on  both                                                                                        young children. About six of
            sides  of  the  U.S.-Mexico                                                                                         10 stops in the Del Rio sector
            border searched for more                                                                                            in  July  were  migrants  from
            victims  Saturday  after  at                                                                                        Venezuela,  Cuba  or  Nicara-
            least  nine  migrants  died                                                                                         gua. The region also has been
            while  trying  to  cross  the                                                                                       a  popular  crossing  point  for
            rain-swollen  Rio  Grande,                                                                                          migrants  from  Haiti,  thou-
            a dangerous border-cross-                                                                                           sands  of  whom  have  been
            ing  attempt  in  an  area                                                                                          stuck  in  border  towns  since
            where  the  river  level  had                                                                                       2016,  when  the  Obama  ad-
            risen by more than 2 feet                                                                                           ministration  abruptly  halted
            in a single day.                                                                                                    a policy that initially allowed
                                                                                                                                them  in  on  humanitarian
            U.S.  Customs  and  Border                                                                                          grounds.
            Protection  and  Mexican  of-
            ficials  discovered  the  vic-                                                                                      The  sector,  which  extends
            tims  near  Eagle  Pass,  Texas,                                                                                    245  miles  (395  kilometers)
            on Thursday, following days                                                                                         along  the  Río  Grande,  has
            of heavy rains. U.S. officials                                                                                      been  especially  dangerous
            recovered  six  bodies,  while                                                                                      because river currents can be
            Mexican  teams  recovered                                                                                           deceptively  fast  and  change
            three,  according  to  a  CBP                                                                                       quickly.  Crossing  the  river
            statement.  It  is  one  of  the                                                                                    can  be  challenging  even  for
            deadliest  drownings  on  the                                                                                       strong swimmers.
            U.S.-Mexico  border  in  re-  operations. Local agencies in  Grande  Valley  a  distant  sec-  grants in recent years is that  In a news release last month,
            cent history.                Texas that were involved have  ond  at  about  35,000.  Eagle  it is not as strongly controlled  CBP  said  it  had  discovered
                                         not responded to requests for  Pass is about 140 miles (225  by  cartels  and  is  perceived  bodies of more than 200 dead
            The river, which was a little  information.               kilometers) southwest of San  to  be  somewhat  safer,  said  migrants  in  the  sector  from
            more  than  3  feet  (90  centi-                          Antonio.                     Stephanie Leutert, director of  October through July.
            meters)  deep  at  the  start  of  Among the bodies recovered                          Central America and Mexico
            the week, reached more than  from  the  river  by  Mexican  Chief  Patrol  Agent  Jason  Policy  Initiative  at  the  Uni-  This year is on track to break
            5 feet (1.5 meters) on Thurs-  authorities was a man and a  Owens of the Del Rio sector  versity  of  Texas’  Center  for  last year’s record for the most
            day, and the water was flow-  pregnant  woman,  although  said  that  despite  dangerous  International  Security  and  deaths  on  the  U.S.-Mexico
            ing five times faster than usu-  their  nationalities  were  un-  currents from recent rainfall,  Law.              border since 2014, when the
            al, according to the National  known, said Francisco Con-  Border  Patrol  agents  in  the                          U.N.  International  Organi-
            Weather Service.             treras,  a  member  of  Civil  sector continue to encounter  “It might be a different price.  zation  for  Migration  began
                                         Protection  in  the  Mexican  groups as large as 100 or 200  It  might  be  seen  as  safer.  It  keeping  record.  The  organi-
            The  CBP  said  U.S.  crews  border state of Coahuila. No  people trying to cross the Rio  might keep you out of cities  zation  has  tallied  more  than
            rescued  37  others  from  the  details  were  released  about  Grande each day.       that  are  notoriously  danger-  4,000  deaths  on  the  border
            river  and  detained  16  more,  the third body found.                                 ous,”  Leutert  said.  “Those  since  2014,  based  on  news
            while Mexican officials took                              “In an effort to prevent fur-  cities (in the Del Rio sector)  reports and other sources, in-
            39 migrants into custody.    The Border Patrol’s Del Rio  ther loss of life, we are ask-  definitely have had a reputa-  cluding 728 last year and 412
                                         sector,  which  includes  Eagle  ing everyone to please avoid  tion  as  being  safer  than  say,  during the first seven months
            CBP did not say what coun-   Pass,  is  fast  becoming  the  crossing  illegally,”  Owens  Nuevo Laredo.”           of  this  year,  often  from  de-
            try or countries the migrants  busiest  corridor  for  illegal  said in a statement.                                hydration or drowning. June
            were from and did not pro-   crossings.  Agents  stopped                               The  area  draws  migrants  was    the   fourth-deadliest
            vide any additional informa-  migrants nearly 50,000 times  Among  the  reasons  the  area  from  dozens  of  countries,  month  on  record,  with  138
            tion  on  rescue  and  search  in the sector in July, with Rio  has become popular for mi-  many  of  them  families  with  fatalities.

                              New congressional maps dilute Black power, critics say

            (AP) — When Press Rob-       Robinson,  then  a  college  poll  taxes  to  the  infamous  Yet, nearly 60 years later, Rob-  old Robinson said. “I’m also
            inson registered to vote in  sophomore, wasn’t surprised.  “jellybean test” that required  inson  and  civil  rights  activ-  a little afraid, because I don’t
            South Carolina in 1963, he  He heard stories from others  prospective  voters  to  guess  ists say those gains are being  know where all this is head-
            was handed a copy of the  in the South’s Black commu-     how many of the small can-   eroded.  In  Alabama,  Florida  ing.”
            U.S. Constitution and told  nity who faced Jim Crow-era  dies were in a jar.           and Louisiana, new congres-
            to read it aloud and inter-  methods  to  suppress  Black                              sional maps that some judges  Every 10 years, state lawmak-
            pret it.                     votes – from literacy tests to  As  Robinson  began  reading,  have  ruled  dilute  the  power  ers,  armed  with  new  U.S.
                                                                      he thought about the woman  of Black voters are being used  Census Bureau information,
                                                                      behind  him  who  was  also  in upcoming elections.       redraw  political  maps  for
                                                                      registering to vote for the first                         seats in the U.S. House, state
                                                                      time: his 43-year-old mother,  Civil rights leaders worry the  Senate and state House. It is
                                                                      who  had  never  fulfilled  her  maps could diminish minor-  typically  an  extraordinarily
                                                                      constitutional  right,  partly  ity representation on Capitol  partisan  process,  with  each
                                                                      out of fear that she would en-  Hill.  The  issue  is  especially  major  party  trying  to  scoop
                                                                      counter this exact situation.  contentious  this  year,  when  up  enough  of  its  voters  to
                                                                                                   Democrats  —  traditionally  guarantee  wins  in  the  larg-
                                                                      In  1965,  the  Voting  Rights  favored  by  minority  voters  est number of districts. The
                                                                      Act outlawed the discrimina-  —  are  fighting  to  hang  on  boundaries determine which
                                                                      tory voting practices of many  to  slim  majorities  in  Con-  political parties will make de-
                                                                      states  in  the  South,  where  gress  in  midterms  that  tend  cisions that have a profound
                                                                      Jim Crow laws also restricted  to reward the party not in the  impact on people’s lives, such
                                                                      how  and  where  Black  peo-  White House.                as abortion, gun control and
                                                                      ple could live, work, eat and                             how billions of tax dollars are
                                                                      study.                       “I’m  hurt.  I’m  shocked.  I’m  spent.
                                                                                                   disappointed,”  an  85-year-
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