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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Wednesday 5 april 2023

            NOAA: N.J. wind farm may ‘adversely affect,’ not kill whales

             By WAYNE PARRY                                                                                                     closely examined.
             Associated Press                                                                                                   U.S.  Reps.  Jeff  Van  Drew
             ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) —                                                                                         and   Christopher   Smith,
             New  Jersey’s  first  offshore                                                                                     both  New  Jersey  Republi-
             wind  farm  may  “adversely                                                                                        cans, have introduced leg-
             affect”  whales  and  other                                                                                        islation in Congress to man-
             marine  mammals,  but  its                                                                                         date  such  a  pause,  and
             construction,   operation                                                                                          have  promised  additional
             and  eventual  dismantling                                                                                         investigatory  hearings  into
             will not seriously harm or kill                                                                                    the offshore wind industry.
             them,  a  federal  scientific                                                                                      Complicating  matters  is
             agency said.                                                                                                       a  joint  study  released  last
             The National Oceanic and                                                                                           week by NOAA, BOEM and
             Atmospheric    Administra-                                                                                         the  commercial  fishing  in-
             tion issued a report Tuesday                                                                                       dustry  that  listed  several
             evaluating  an  analysis  by                                                                                       known adverse impacts of
             the  U.S.  Bureau  of  Ocean                                                                                       wind  farms  on  marine  life,
             Energy  Management  of                                                                                             including  noise,  vibration,
             the  Ocean  Wind  I  project                                                                                       electromagnetic fields and
             to be built off the southern                                                                                       heat  transfer  that  could
             New Jersey coast.                                                                                                  alter  the  marine  environ-
             NOAA’s    final   biological                                                                                       ment.
             opinion  examined  BOEM’s                                                                                          Ocean  Wind  1  is  the  first
             research,  and  took  into                                                                                         offshore  wind  project  ap-
             account  “the  best  scien-                                                                                        proved  by  New  Jersey  of-
             tific  and  commercial  data                                                                                       ficials.  It  will  consist  of  98
             available.”                 The sun sets behind a land-based wind farm in Atlantic City, N.J. on Feb. 10, 2022.    turbines about 15 miles (25
                                                                                                              Associated Press
             NOAA determined the proj-                                                                                          kilometers) off the coast of
             ect by Danish wind power  habitat.”                      washed ashore on the East  shore wind production and  Atlantic  City  and  Ocean
             company  Orsted  “is  likely  The  report  comes  as  op-  Coast  since  Dec.  1,  ac-  whale deaths.              City.
             to  adversely  affect,  but  is  position  to  offshore  wind  cording to NOAA.       Yet that has not convinced  The  project  will  generate
             not likely to jeopardize, the  projects  on  the  U.S.  East  NOAA  and  other  agen-  some  people,  including  more  than  1,100  mega-
             continued existence of any  Coast is growing, fueled by  cies  have  said  many  of  some federal and state of-    watts of electricity, enough
             species”  of  endangered  a  thus-far  unproven  narra-  the  dead  whales  appear  ficials who want a pause or  to power about a half mil-
             whales, sea turtles and oth-  tive that ocean floor prep-  to  have  been  struck  by  permanent halt to offshore  lion  homes  each  year.  Or-
             er animals. Nor is it likely to  aration  work  for  offshore  ships or entangled in fishing  wind  projects  while  the  sted  hopes  to  have  it  up
             “destroy or adversely mod-  wind farms is hurting or kill-  gear,  emphasizing  there  impact  of  wind  farm  site  and running by the end of
             ify  any  designated  critical  ing whales. Thirty-one have  is  no  evidence  linking  off-  preparation  can  be  more  2024.q

             Former top aide to Maryland governor dead after manhunt

            By  SARAH  BRUMFIELD  and  shot when FBI agents con-      said the FBI confirmed Roy  how McGrath was wound-        After McGrath failed to ap-
            LEA SKENE                    fronted  him  in  a  manhunt  McGrath’s  death  to  him.  ed  and  what  led  up  to  it,  pear at Baltimore’s federal
            Associated Press             launched  when  he  failed  He  added  that  it  was  not  were  not  immediately  re-  courthouse  on  March  13,
            BALTIMORE  (AP)  —  A  one-  to show up for trial on cor-  immediately  clear  if  Mc-  leased.  The  shooting  was  Murtha  said  he  believed
            time chief of staff for former  ruption charges, his lawyer  Grath’s  wound  was  self-  under investigation.       McGrath, who had moved
            Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan  said.                          inflicted or came during an  “The  FBI  takes  all  shoot-  to  Naples,  Florida,  was
            died  Monday  after  being  Attorney  Joseph  Murtha  exchange  of  gunfire  with  ing  incidents  involving  our  planning to fly to Maryland
                                                                      agents.                      agents or task force mem-    the  night  before.  Instead
                                                                      William  Brennan,  an  attor-  bers  seriously,”  said  Bu-  of beginning jury selection,
                                                                      ney for McGrath’s wife, Lau-  chwald,  who  declined  to  a  judge  issued  an  arrest
                                                                      ra  Bruner,  also  confirmed  confirm that McGrath had  warrant and dismissed pro-
                                                                      the death and said she was  died. McGrath, 53, was de-    spective jurors.
                                                                      “absolutely distraught.” Ac-  clared a wanted fugitive af-  McGrath  was  indicted  in
                                                                      cording to an earlier email  ter his disappearance, and  2021  on  accusations  that
                                                                      from  FBI  Supervisory  Spe-  the FBI said he was consid-  he  fraudulently  secured  a
                                                                      cial  Agent  Shayne  Buch-   ered an international flight  $233,648  severance  pay-
                                                                      wald in Maryland, McGrath  risk. In a statement, Hogan  ment, equal to one year of
                                                                      was  wounded  during  “an  said he and his wife, Yumi,  salary as the head of Mary-
                                                                      agent-involved  shooting”  “are  deeply  saddened  by  land Environmental Service,
                                                                      about 6:30 p.m. in a com-    this tragic situation. We are  by falsely telling the agen-
                                                                      mercial area on the south-   praying  for  Mr.  McGrath’s  cy’s  board  the  governor
                                                                      western  outskirts  of  Knox-  family and loved ones.”    had  approved  it.  He  was
                                                                      ville,  Tennessee.  Buchwald  Murtha called the death “a  also accused of fraud and
             Roy  McGrath,  chief  executive  officer  of  the  Maryland   said McGrath was taken to  tragic  ending  to  the  past  embezzlement  connected
             Environmental Service, speaks during a news conference at the   a hospital but did not elab-  three weeks of uncertainty”  to  roughly  $170,000  in  ex-
             State House in Annapolis, Md., on April 15, 2020.        orate.                       and  said  his  client  always  penses.  McGrath  pleaded
                                                     Associated Press   Further  details,  including  maintained his innocence.  not guilty.q
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