Page 7 - aruba-today-20230405
P. 7
local Wednesday 5 april 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors at the Marriott’s Aruba Surf Club
The Aruba Tourism Authority re- (35>years consecutively visiting
cently had the great pleasure to Aruba)
recognize Goodwill Ambassadors
of Aruba. These Ambassadors were The honorees were:
respectively honored with certifi- Goodwill Ambassadors
cates acknowledging their years Mrs. Jessie Baginski from Ohio, Unit-
of visits, loyalty, and love to the is- ed States. Mrs. Baginski has been
land of Aruba. coming to the island for 20 years
The honor certification is presented
on behalf of the Minister of Tourism Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Caroline Kelly
as a token of appreciation and to from Maryland, United States. Mr. & away-from-home.
say “Masha Danki” to guests whom Mrs. Kelly have been coming to the Top reasons for returning to Aruba,
have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 island for 30 years consecutively. Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provided by Mr. & Mrs. Kelly were:
years or more consecutively. provided by Mrs. Baginski were:
Ms. Kimberley Richardson repre- • Aruba’s nice sandy beaches – • Aruba’s year-round sunny
The three honoring levels are as senting the Aruba Tourism Author- Love Boca Catalina Beach weather
follows: ity, and members of the Marriott’s • The Marriott and adjacent • Aruba’s delicious variety of
• Distinguished Visitor (10>years Aruba Surf Club bestowed the Am- properties – Easy to walk along foods
consecutively visiting Aruba) bassador certification to the hon- the beaches • Aruba’s warm & friendly peo-
• Goodwill Ambassador orees, presented them with gifts, • Aruba’s safety – Drinking water, ple
(20>years consecutively visiting and also thanked them for choos- beach access, and walkways • Aruba’s nice sandy beaches
Aruba) ing Aruba as their favorite vaca- • Adventure and picturesque sunsets
• Emerald Ambassador tion destination and as their home- • Great food & entertainment • Aruba’s cleanliness q
Aruba Tourism Authority honored a loyal
visitor at Casa Del Mar Beach Resort
The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had
the great pleasure to recognize a Distin- It is extremely pleasant to witness how
guished Visitor of Aruba. This visitor was families all gather together and bring their
respectively honored with a certificate kids, and in some cases, grandchildren
acknowledging his years of visits, loyalty, along so they can see why their families
and love to the island of Aruba. fell in love with Aruba in the first place and
still yearn to visit the island after all these
The honor certification is presented on be- years.
half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of
appreciation and to say “Masha Danki” to Ms. Kimberley Richardson representing the
guests whom have visited Aruba 10, 20, or Aruba Tourism Authority, and staff mem-
35 years or more consecutively. bers of the Casa Del Mar Beach Resort
bestowed the Distinguished Visitor Certifi-
The three honoring levels are as follows: cation to the honoree, presented him with
• Distinguished Visitor (10>years consec- gifts, and also expressed gratitude to his
utively visiting Aruba) family for bringing young Tyler along with
• Goodwill Ambassador (20>years con- them to Aruba since he was a baby for so
secutively visiting Aruba) many consecutive years.
• Emerald Ambassador (35>years con-
secutively visiting Aruba) Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provid-
ed by Tyler were:
The honoree was: Distinguished Visitor of • Ocean & sunshine
Aruba Tyler Braden from Wisconsin, United • The iguanas all around the Casa Del
States. Mar Beach Resort
• The delicious mudslides
Young boy Tyler has been visiting the island • Family fun
with his family since he was only 6 weeks • Being able to build sandcastles on the
old, and today we mark his 10th consecu- beachq
tive visit to Aruba!