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a8    local
                   Wednesday 5 april 2023

            The Ostrich Farm

             Matividiri – One of the most entertaining
             vacation activities is a visit to the Ostrich
             Farm, a popular stopover on most island
             jeep tours.

             Locals  and  visitors  enjoy  the  guided
             ostrich tour at the farm and features a
             well-stocked  locally  crafted  and  pro-
             duced Art Boutique. The highlight of the
             visit  is  always  the  fun  interaction  with
             the resident ostriches and emus, includ-
             ing a trip to the incubators and the bird   her wings and also poked around, be-
             kindergarten,  housing  baby  ostriches,    fore collapsing on the ground in a heap
             baby  emus,  chicken  and  ducks,  and      of feathers, allowing him to mount her,
             even a land turtle!                         shaking, winding and spiraling his head
             It was a National Geographic moment         in all direction!
             when  on  cue  Mr.  Ostrich  flapped  his   Mr.  Ostrich  concluded  his  unexpected
             wings excitedly and poked around the        performance  with  a  loud  honking,  his
             ground  with  his  bill,  triggering  Mrs.  Os-  eyes rolling, then got up in a huff to non-
             trich who ran around in circles, flapped    chalantly  strut  away,  leaving  his  wife
                                                         and the scrutiny of our cameras.
                                                         It was a surprise reality TV moment, and
                                                         not usually included in the regular pro-
                                                         gram. Feeding the Ostriches is however
                                                         always  on  the  program,  and  they  are
                                                         eternally hungry, and fun!
                                                         Tours are available daily every half hour
                                                         from 10– 3pm. No reservations needed
                                                         for small groups. q

                                                         Matividiri 57, Open daily from
                                                         10:00 AM till 4:00 PM
                                                         Telephone: 5859630
                                                         For more information go to the website:

              Chabad of Aruba Welcomes Aruba’s local and visitors Jews to

              Community Passover Seder Recalling Exodus From Egypt

              Record Crowd Expected Amid Year of Hakhel — Gathering at Chabad’s Passover Celebration

                                                                      The  Seders  take  partici-  they  need  to  celebrate  this  special  occasion  is
                                                                      pants through the story of  the holiday.”                why  Chabad  of  Aruba  is
                                                                      the  miraculous  liberation                              expecting  record  crowds
                                                                      of the Jewish people from  In 1954, the Rebbe, Rabbi  at its seders and why there
                                                                      bondage in ancient Egypt  Menachem  M.  Schneer-         is  additional  focus  on  en-
                                                                      and  shares  the  relevance  son,  of  righteous  memory,  suring everyone in Aruba’s
                                                                      and  beauty  of  the  age-   the most influential rabbi in  Jewish  community  feels
                                                                      old  festival  in  the  modern  modern  history,  launched  comfortable   and   wel-
                                                                      world. Included in the Sed-  the Shmurah Matzah initia-  come to participate.
                                                                      ers  will  be  A  delicious  4  tive as part of an effort to
                                                                      course  dinner  paired  with  create awareness and pro-  All are welcome to join the
                                                                      a  variety  of  fine  imported  mote observance of Pass-  community  seder,  regard-
                                                                      wines    and   handmade  over. In keeping with his vi-   less  of  Jewish  affiliation  or
                                                                      round “Shmurah” Matzah].     sion, an estimated four mil-  background.  Reservations
                                                                                                   lion  hand-baked  Shmurah  can  be  made  online  at
                                                                      “This year, as we sit down  Matzah  will  be  distributed
              Palm  Beach,  Aruba—  As  traditionally  begins  with  to our Seder, we will be en-  by  the  Chabad-Lubavitch  passover
              Passover  approaches  this  The  Seder  which  is  usually  suring  that  everyone  who  movement this year.     What: Passover Seder
              year,Chabad  of  Aruba  is  celebrated with extended  wishes  to  celebrate  Pass-                               Where: Hilton Aruba Carib-
              preparing  to  host  com-   family and friends. To meet  over can do so,” said Rab-  This year’s Passover seders  bean Resort & Casino
              munity-wide      Passover  the needs of those looking  bi  Ahron  Blasberg,  who  carry  added  significance  When: Wednesday 7:30pm
              Seders—the  festive  ritual-  for a place to observe this  directs  Chabad  of  Aruba.  as  Jewish  communities  RSVP:
              filled dinner on the first two  tradition  Chabad  Aruba  “Our  goal  is  to  lower  the  worldwide  celebrate  the  Passover
              nights  of  the  holiday—on  welcomes all Aruba’s local  barriers to Jewish engage-  Year  of  Hakhel  or  “Gath-
              April 5 and 6.              and visitors Jewish people  ment  and  ensure  every-    ering,”  marked  with  Jew-  Photo:  Rabbi  Ahron  and
                                          to  join  Passover  Seders  at  one  feels  welcome  and  ish  gatherings  focused  on  Chaya  Blasberg  welcom-
              Passover  is  one  most  ob-  Chabad.                   included, and has the op-    unity,  Torah  learning  and  ing the guests at last year
              served Jewish holiday, and                              portunities  and  resources  practice.  The  marking  of  Passover dinner.q
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