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                   Wednesday 5 april 2023

            Israel holding over 1,000 without charge, most since 2003

            By ISABEL DEBRE                                                                                                     ting  easier  and  easier  for
            Associated Press                                                                                                    them  to  hold  people  with
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israel  is                                                                                      no charge or trial.”
            holding  over  1,000  Pales-                                                                                        A   widespread     military
            tinian  detainees  without                                                                                          crackdown  on  Palestinian
            charge  or  trial,  the  high-                                                                                      militants  in  the  occupied
            est  number  since  2003,  an                                                                                       West Bank has helped fuel
            Israeli  human  rights  group                                                                                       the sharp rise in administra-
            said Tuesday.                                                                                                       tive detentions.
            Israel says the controversial                                                                                       Israel’s  campaign  of  raids
            tactic,  known  as  adminis-                                                                                        into  Palestinian  cities  and
            trative detention, helps au-                                                                                        towns  following  a  string  of
            thorities thwart attacks and                                                                                        deadly  Palestinian  attacks
            hold  dangerous  militants                                                                                          last year led to the arrest of
            without  divulging  incrimi-                                                                                        over 2,400 Palestinians since
            nating material for security                                                                                        March  2022,  according  to
            reasons.  Palestinians  and                                                                                         the  Israeli  military.  Israel’s
            rights  groups  say  the  sys-                                                                                      Shin Bet security service did
            tem  is  widely  abused  and                                                                                        not  immediately  respond
            denies  due  process,  with                                                                                         to  requests  for  comment
            the  secret  nature  of  the                                                                                        on the latest administrative
            evidence making it impos-                                                                                           detention figures.
            sible  for  administrative  de-                                                                                     Israel   describes     the
            tainees  or  their  lawyers  to   Palestinians wave flags during a rally marking the 47th anniversary of Land Day, along the border   ramped-up  raids  as  a
            mount a defense.             fence with Israel, east of Gaza City, Thursday, March 30, 2023.      Associated Press   counterterrorism  effort  to
            HaMoked,  an  Israeli  rights                                                                                       prevent  further  attacks.
            group  that  regularly  gath-  said   48-year-old   Manal  rights group, the Palestinian  currently being tried.    Palestinian  residents  and
            ers  figures  from  prison  au-  Abu Bakr in Dheisheh, a ref-  Prisoners’ Club.        Among  the  76  Palestinians  critics  say  the  operation
            thorities,  said  that  as  of  ugee camp near the West  The hearing on the renewal  incarcerated  in  the  last  only further stokes the cycle
            April, there were 1,016 de-  Bank city of Bethlehem. Her  of  his  detention  is  set  for  month,  49  are  administra-  of bloodshed, as the incur-
            tainees  held  in  administra-  28-year-old  son  Moham-  September.  “I’m  exhaust-   tive  detainees.  Administra-  sions  ignite  violent  protests
            tive detention. Nearly all of  med  lost  his  four  college  ed,” Manal said. “It’s hard  tive  detention  orders  can  and  firefights  with  Palestin-
            them  are  Palestinians  de-  years to administrative de-  even to hope.”              be issued for a maximum of  ian militants.
            tained  under  military  law,  tention.  Her  husband,  Ni-  HaMoked says 2,416 Pales-  six  months,  but  can  be  re-  Nearly 90 Palestinians in the
            as administrative detention  dal,  a  journalist  and  radio  tinians are serving sentenc-  newed indefinitely.     West Bank have been killed
            is  very  rarely  used  against  presenter,  remains  in  cus-  es after being convicted in  “The  numbers  are  shock-  by  Israeli  fire  this  year,  ac-
            Jews.  Four  Israeli  Jews  are  tody. He has spent 17 years  Israeli military courts. An ad-  ing,”  said  Jessica  Montell,  cording  to  an  Associated
            currently  being  held  with-  behind  bars  in  the  past  ditional 1,409 detainees are  the  director  of  HaMoked.  Press  tally.  Palestinian  at-
            out charge.                  three decades, more than  being held for questioning,  “There  are  no  restraints  on  tacks  against  Israelis  have
            “There is no sense of when  half  of  it  without  charge,  have  been  charged  and  the use of what should be a  killed 15 people in the same
            the  nightmare  will  end,”  according  to  a  prisoner’s  are  awaiting  trial,  or  are  rare exception. It’s just get-  period. q

            Jacinda Ardern to begin new role combating online extremism

            By NICK PERRY                Christchurch    Call   with  51 people at two mosques  book before the video was  government  and  Jacinda
            Associated Press             French  President  Emman-    in the New Zealand city of  taken down.                   Ardern  is  uniquely  placed
            WELLINGTON, New Zealand  uel  Macron  in  2019,  two  Christchurch.  The  gunman  Christchurch  Call’s  goal  is  to  keep  pushing  forward
            (AP)  —  Jacinda  Ardern,  months  after  a  white  su-   livestreamed  the  slaughter  to  eliminate  terrorist  and  with the goal of eliminating
            who stepped down as New  premacist  gunman  killed  for  17  minutes  on  Face-        violent  extremist  content  violent  extremist  content
            Zealand’s prime minister in                                                            online.                      online,” Hipkins said.
            January,  will  begin  an  un-                                                         More  than  50  countries  He  said  Ardern  would  re-
            paid  role  this  month  com-                                                          have since signed up to the  port directly to him.
            bating online extremism.                                                               Christchurch Call, including  Although   she   stepped
            New Zealand Prime Minister                                                             the  United  States,  Britain,  down  as  prime  minister  in
            Chris Hipkins, who took over                                                           Germany and South Korea.  January,  Ardern  remained
            as leader from Ardern, an-                                                             Tech companies to sign up  a  lawmaker  until  April  to
            nounced Tuesday he’d ap-                                                               include  Facebook  parent  avoid  triggering  a  special
            pointed  Ardern  as  Special                                                           company  Meta,  Amazon,  election  ahead  of  the  na-
            Envoy  for  the  Christchurch                                                          Google,  Microsoft,  You-    tion’s  general  elections  in
            Call.  Hipkins  said  Ardern                                                           Tube, Zoom and Twitter.      October. She is due to de-
            would  begin  the  part-time                                                           The  group  says  it  has  had  liver  her  final  valedictory
            role  this  month,  right  after                                                       success  developing  new  speech  to  Parliament  on
            she leaves Parliament and                                                              online  safety  systems  and  Wednesday.
            that she’d declined to ac-                                                             is studying the implications  Ardern  also  announced
            cept any pay.                                                                          of  fast-rising  technologies  she  was  joining  the  board
            He  said  the  role  would  be   New  Zealand  Prime  Minister  Jacinda  Ardern  speaks  during  a   such  as  artificial  intelli-  of trustees for The Earthshot
            reviewed at the end of the   joint  press  conference  with  Australia’s  Prime  Minister  Anthony   gence.         Prize,  an  environmental
            year.                        Albanese in Sydney, Australia, July 8, 2022.              “The  Christchurch  Call  is  a  charity  started  by  Britain’s
            Ardern     launched     the                                           Associated Press   foreign policy priority for the  Prince William in 2020. q
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