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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 5 april 2023

            Mexico complains to China about U.S. pressure over fentanyl

            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex-                                                                                             northern state of Sinaloa.
            ico’s  president  asked  his                                                                                        Most  illegal  fentanyl  is
            Chinese  counterpart  for                                                                                           pressed by Mexican cartels
            help  Tuesday  in  halting                                                                                          into  counterfeit  pills  made
            chemicals from China used                                                                                           to  look  like  other  medica-
            by Mexican drug dealers to                                                                                          tions  like  Xanax,  oxycodo-
            illegally  produce  fentanyl,                                                                                       ne  or  Percocet,  or  mixed
            while  also  complaining  of                                                                                        into  other  drugs,  including
            “rude” U.S. pressure to curb                                                                                        heroin and cocaine. Many
            the drug trade.                                                                                                     people  who  die  of  over-
            President  Andrés  Manuel                                                                                           doses  in  the  United  States
            López  Obrador  has  previ-                                                                                         do not know they are tak-
            ously  said  that  fentanyl  is                                                                                     ing fentanyl.
            America’s  problem  and  is                                                                                         Over  the  last  week,  López
            caused by “a lack of hugs”                                                                                          Obrador  has  fixated  on
            in U.S. families. On Tuesday                                                                                        press  reports  stating  that
            he doubled down on those                                                                                            the National Basketball As-
            themes,  but  went  further,                                                                                        sociation  had  offered  in
            venting  in  a  letter  to  Chi-                                                                                    talks with the players’ union
            nese  President  Xi  Jinping                                                                                        to stop testing or penalizing
            about  “rude  threats”  from                                                                                        players for using marijuana.
            U.S.  legislators  over  the                                                                                        The Mexican president took
            drug trade. López Obrador                                                                                           that  as  evidence  of  U.S.
            complained  about  calls  in   Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks at the National Palace in Mexico City,   social  and  moral  decay,
            the United States to desig-   Jan. 10, 2023.                                                                        even  though  Mexico  has
            nate  Mexican  drug  gangs                                                                         Associated Press   legalized  the  growing  of
            as  terrorist  organizations.  threat  to  our  sovereignty,  Xi  Jinping,  not  to  ask  your  clear if Xi had received the  marijuana for personal and
            Some  Republicans  have  and  moreover  they  are  help on these rude threats,  letter or if he had respond-        medical use.
            said  they  favor  using  the  based  on  an  absurd,  ma-  but to ask you for humani-  ed  to  it.  López  Obrador  “We  are  seeing  the  the
            U.S. military to crack down  nipulative,  propagandistic  tarian reasons to help us by  has a history of writing con-  basketball  league  has  au-
            on the Mexican cartels.      and demagogic attitude.”     controlling  the  shipments  frontational letters to world  thorized  players  to  smoke
            “Unjustly, they are blaming  Only  after  several  para-  of  fentanyl,”  the  Mexican  leaders  without  getting  a  marijuana,”  López  Obra-
            us for problems that in large  graphs  of  venting,  López  president wrote.           response.                    dor  said.  “How  can  that
            measure  have  to  do  with  Obrador brings up China’s  China  has  taken  some  López Obrador has  angrily  be?  Imagine,  in  sports!  It
            their  loss  of  values,  their  exports  of  fentanyl  precur-  steps  to  limit  fentanyl  ex-  denied that fentanyl is pro-  shouldn’t  be  allowed  any-
            welfare crisis,” López Obra-  sors, and asked him to help  ports,  but  mislabeled  or  duced  in  Mexico.  Howev-  where.”  López  Obrador
            dor wrote to Xi in the letter  stop  shipments  of  chemi-  harder-to-detect  precursor  er,  his  own  administration  doubled  down  on  his  ad-
            published  Tuesday.  “These  cals  that  Mexican  cartels  chemicals continue to pour  has acknowledged finding  vice  to  strengthen  family
            positions  are  in  themselves  import from China.        out of Chinese factories.    dozens  of  labs  where  it  is  values in the United States
            a  lack  of  respect  and  a  “I  write  to  you,  President  It  was  not  immediately  produced,  mainly  in  the  on Tuesday. q

             Train derailment near The Hague kills 1,

             injures several

            By PETER DEJONG and          canal  running  alongside  passengers tried to get out
            MIKE CORDER                  the rails to reach the strick-  of  the  wreckage  in  dark-
            Associated Press             en  train  in  the  darkness.  ness.
            VOORSCHOTEN,       Nether-   Many  windows  in  the  train  Dutch  King  Willem-Alexan-
            lands  (AP)  —  A  passenger  carriages  were  broken.  It  der  and  Queen  Maxima
            train  slammed  into  a  con-  was  not  clear  if  that  hap-  also expressed their sympa-
            struction  crane  and  de-   pened during the accident  thy in a tweet, and Willem-
            railed  near  The  Hague  in  or  as  passengers  attempt-  Alexander  visited  the  site
            the early hours of Tuesday,  ed to escape.                late Tuesday morning.
            sending two carriages into  Two  of  the  bright  yellow  The    four-carriage   pas-
            a  field  next  to  the  tracks.  and  blue  train  carriages  senger  train  was  carrying
            One  person  died  and  19  came  to  rest  perpendicu-   about 50 passengers at the   At least one person died and some 30 passengers were injured
                                                                                                   in the early hours when a train partially derailed, in Voorschoten,
            were  hospitalized,  Dutch  lar to the tracks across the  time of the crash.           near  The  Hague,  Tuesday  April  4,  2023,  sending  at  least  one
            emergency services said.     small canal and partially in  John  Voppen,  CEO  of  the   carriage into a field next to the tracks.
            Police  opened  an  investi-  a field.                    rail  network  company  Pro                                          Associated Press
            gation  to  establish  if  any  What appeared to be the  Rail,  said  that  the  passen-
            crime was committed. An-     front of the train was badly  ger train and a freight train  ed with the crane.        But  Dutch  media  reported
            other  independent  probe  damaged.  Other  parts  of  both  hit  a  crane  that  was  “We    don’t   understand  that the person was part of
            was opened into the cause  the train were partially de-   being  used  to  carry  out  how  this  could  have  hap-  a maintenance team from
            of the crash.                railed.                      maintenance work. He said  pened,”  he  told  reporters  construction      company
            Television  images  showed  Video  footage  from  inside  the  crane  was  on  tracks  at a news conference.        BAM  working  on  the  rail-
            people  using  temporary  the  train  in  the  immedi-    that  were  not  being  used  The  identity  of  the  person  way. The company did not
            bridges  and  ladders  to  ate aftermath of the crash  by train traffic and it is not  killed  in  the  accident  was  immediately  return  a  call
            cross  a  narrow  drainage  showed chaotic scenes as  clear how the trains collid-     not  immediately  released.  seeking confirmation.q
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