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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 26 september 2020

                         Ginsburg makes history at Capitol amid replacement turmoil

            (AP) — Supreme Court Jus-                                 sign of the cross before he and  paying  tribute,  one  dropped  The  honor  of  lying  in  state
            tice  Ruth  Bader  Ginsburg  The  court  and  the  Capitol  his  wife  clasped  hands  and  to the ground and did three  has been accorded fewer than
            lay in state Friday at the U.S.  face  each  other  across  the  walked away. Fewer Republi-  quick pushups. It was Bryant  three dozen times, mostly to
            Capitol  as  the  first  wom-  street,  separate  but  equal  cans attended the service that  Johnson, the justice’s beloved  presidents,  vice  presidents
            an  ever  so  honored,  mak-  branches  of  government,  was  filled  with  women  and  trainer for her popular RBG  and  members  of  Congress.
            ing  history  again  as  she  had  keeping check on each other  Democrats.  Sens.  Elizabeth  workouts.  Members  of  the  Rep.  John  Lewis,  the  civil
            throughout her extraordinary  and  also  the  White  House.  Warren of Massachusetts and  House and Senate who were  rights icon, was the most re-
            life  while  an  intensifying  A  military  honor  guard  car-  Amy  Klobuchar  of  Minne-  not  invited  because  of space  cent  following  his  death  in
            election-year  battle  swirled  ried  Ginsberg's  casket  in-  sota,  both  former  presiden-  limitations  imposed  by  the  July.  Henry  Clay,  the  Ken-
            over  her  replacement.  The  side. Election-season politics  tial contenders, were among  coronavirus were able to pay  tucky  lawmaker  who  served
            flag-draped  casket  of  Gins-  have  rippled  through  the  those  attending.  The  GOP  their respects before the mo-  as speaker of the House and
            burg,  who  died  last  week  at  commemorations  this  week.  whip,  Rep.  Steve  Scalise  of  torcade  carrying  Ginsburg’s  also  was  a  senator,  was  the
            87,  drew  members  of  Con-  Noticeably  absent  after  be-  Louisiana, was there.    casket  departed  the  Capitol  first in 1852. Rosa Parks — a
            gress,  top  military  officials,  ing invited to Friday's service                     in early afternoon.          private citizen, not a govern-
            friends  and  family,  some  was  Senate  Majority  Leader  Defense  Secretary  Mark  Es-                           ment  official  —  is  the  only
            with  children  in  tow,  to  the  Mitch  McConnell,  who  is  per and the nation’s top mili-  As  the  hearse  pulled  away,  woman who has lain in hon-
            Capitol's grand Statuary Hall,  leading  the  rush  to  confirm  tary  officers  from  the  joint  lawmakers,  many  of  them  or,  a  separate  commemora-
            paying respect to the cultural  Trump's nominee while early  chiefs  of  staff  paid  their  re-  women,  including  Pelosi,  tion, at the Capitol.
            icon who changed American  state voting is underway. No  spects.  In  the  line  of  guests  waved good-bye.
            law and perceptions of wom-  justice has been confirmed so
            en's power.                  close  to  a  presidential  elec-
            Democratic      presidential  Trump and first lady Melania
            nominee  Joe  Biden  and  his  Trump paid their respects on
            wife, Jill, joined other invited  Thursday  as  Ginsburg  had
            guests.  His  vice  presidential  lain  in  repose  for  two  days
            running  mate,  Sen.  Kama-  at  the  Supreme  Court,  and
            la  Harris  said  that  “RBG,”  thousands  of  people  waited
            as  she  is  known  by  many,  outside.  Spectators  booed
            cleared a path for women like  and  chanted  “vote  him  out”
            her in civic life. “She, first of  as the president stood silently
            all,  made  America  see  what  near Ginsburg’s casket at the
            leadership looks like -- in the  top of the court’s front steps.
            law, in terms of public service
            -- and she broke so many bar-  But  Friday’s  ceremony  fo-
            riers,”  Harris  told  reporters  cused on Ginsburg's life and
            at  the  Capitol.  “And  I  know  work  rather  than  current
            that  she  did  it  intentionally  controversy. She was the sec-
            knowing that people like me  ond  woman  to  serve  on  the
            could  follow.”  Biden,  who  Supreme Court and the first
            was  chairman  of  the  Senate  Jewish person to lie in state at
            Judiciary  Committee  when  the Capitol. The proceedings
            Ginsburg  was  confirmed  27  included  musical  selections
            years ago this month, said he  from one of her favorite op-
            was brought back to when he  era  singers,  mezzo-soprano
            met her back then. “Wonder-  Denyce Graves.
            ful memories,” he said.      Small  in  stature,  large  in
                                         history,  the  Brooklyn-born
            Mourners gathered to honor  Ginsburg  was  remembered
            Ginsburg  under  coronavi-   as  an  extremely  bright  Co-
            rus  distancing  restrictions  lumbia  graduate  who  was
            with  the  nation  in  political  passed over for jobs at a time
            turmoil.  President  Don-    when  few  women  became
            ald  Trump  is  to  announce  lawyers, only to go on to re-
            a  conservative  nominee  to  shape  the  nation’s  laws  pro-
            replace  her  on  Saturday,  tecting  women’s  rights  and
            just  weeks  before  the  elec-  equality.
            tion.  Trump’s  third  justice,  “Brick by brick, case by case,”
            if confirmed, would be sure  said Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt
            to move the court rightward  of  the  Adas  Israel  Congre-
            on health care, abortion and  gation  in  Washington,  she
            other  pivotal  issues.  A  Sen-  changed the course of Ameri-
            ate confirmation vote would  can law.
            be expected in late October.  “Today,  she  makes  history
            House Speaker Nancy Pelosi  again,” the rabbi said.
            said  it  was  with  “profound
            sorrow”  that  she  welcomed  Ginsburg will be buried next
            Ginsburg  and  opened  the  week  in  Arlington  National
            private service.             Cemetery  beside  her  hus-
            She  and  Senate  Democratic  band,  Martin,  who  died  in
            leader Chuck Schumer stood  2010.  A  mother  of  two,  she
            under  gray  skies  as  Gins-  battled recurring cancer.
            burg’s casket made the short  As  visitors  paid  tribute  at
            procession  from  the  court’s  Ginsburg’s  casket,  resting
            steps  where  it  had  been  on  atop  the  catafalque  used  for
            public  view  for  several  days  Abraham Lincoln, the Bidens
            to the East Front of the Capi-  quietly  joined.  Joe  Biden,
            tol.                         who  is  Catholic,  made  the
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