Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20200926
P. 30

               Diasabra 26 september 2020

                         Assange 'binge-watched' suicide of ex-Bosnian Croat general

            (AP)  —  Julian  Assange                                                               documents a decade ago. The  able to manage that risk.”
            relayed  how  he  “binge-                                                              charges  carry  a  maximum
            watched”  the  suicide  of                                                             sentence of 175 years in pris-  Assange, he added, is a “very
            the former Bosnian Croat                                                               on. Lawyers acting on behalf  resilient  and  very  resource-
            general  in  a  U.N.  court-                                                           of the U.S. government have  ful man,” who is at “the very
            room  three  years  ago,  a                                                            sought to show that Assange's  mildest  end”  of  the  autism
            doctor  who  visited  the                                                              mental state is not as bad as  spectrum.  Blackwood  noted
            WikiLeaks  founder  on                                                                 claimed  by  witnesses  acting  that Assange has been “highly
            several  occasions  while                                                              for  the  defense  and  that  he  functioning  to  a  very  high
            he was in the Ecuadorian                                                               wouldn't be subjected to im-  level  in  running  a  very  suc-
            Embassy  in  London  told                                                              proper  conditions  if  sent  to  cessful organization."
            an  extradition  hearing                                                               the pre-trial facilities at Alex-  He  did  say  that  Assange's
            Thursday.                                                                              andria  Detention  Center  in  mental  health  benefits  from
                                                                                                   Virginia.                    being  able  to  have  access  to
            Dr. Sondra Crosby, associate                                                                                        family  and  friends  and  re-
            professor of medicine at the                                                           It  was  at  that  facility  that  cently  to  the  Samaritans
            Boston University School of                                                            Chelsea  Manning,  the  for-  helpline  in  the  U.K.  aimed
            Medicine,  said  she  noted  a  Seconds  after  an  appeals  very well try to kill himself if  mer intelligence analyst who  at providing support to any-
            visible  deterioration  in  both  judge confirmed his 20-year  he is sent to the United States  leaking a trove of documents  one  in  emotional  distress  or
            his mental and physical state  sentence for war crimes dur-  to face espionage charges, and  to  WikiLeaks,  tried  to  take  thinking about suicide.
            over her four visits from Oct.  ing the 1992-95 Bosnian war,  have  pointed  to  his  deterio-  her own life earlier this year.  “I think there is some risk of
            2017  to  the  embassy  where  Praljak proclaimed his inno-  rating mental state during his  Though  President  Barack  suicide attempt linked to ex-
            Assange  was  living.  He  had  cence and then drank from a  seven-year  stay  at  the  Ecua-  Obama  commuted  the  re-  tradition, but not substantial
            been  granted  asylum  by  Ec-  small bottle containing potas-  dorian Embassy and since his  mainder of her 35-year sen-  risk,” he told the court. “His
            uador  five  years  earlier  over  sium  cyanide.  He  collapsed  ejection  from  there  in  April  tence  in  2017,  Manning  has  suicide risk may increase in a
            fears  of  extradition  to  the  in court and died in a Dutch  2019 to a British prison.  been  in  jail  since  May  2019  much  more  deleterious  en-
            U.S. related to his WikiLeaks  hospital about two hours lat-                           for refusing to testify before  vironment without access to
            work.                        er.                          Crosby  also  said  that  in  a  a  grand  jury  investigating  things that he values.”
            Crosby  told  London’s  Old  The  dramatic  scene  of  the  visit  to  Belmarsh  Prison  in  WikiLeaks.
            Bailey  criminal  court  that  72-year-old  former  com-  London in October 2019, As-  Psychologist  Nigel  Black-  As  well  as  arguing  that  ex-
            on  a  visit  in  February  2018,  mander  of  Bosnian  Croat  sange “appeared to be severe-  wood, who assessed Assange  tradition would pose a threat
            Assange  had  first  described  military  forces  lifting  his  ly depressed” and that he had  at  Belmarsh,  rebutted  de-  to Assange's life, his defense
            thoughts of suicide and how  trembling  right  hand  to  his  talked about having thoughts  fense experts on the extent of  team say that he is a journalist
            he  was  thinking  about  it  mouth and drinking the liq-  of suicide “hundreds of times  Assange’s  condition,  saying  and entitled to First Amend-
            “very  deliberately"  and  that  uid  was  streamed  live  on  a day.” “He seemed to be in  his suicide risk was “manage-  ment  protections  for  the
            he  had  “binge-watched”  the  the court’s website. She said  very dire straits,” she said.  able."                 publication  of  leaked  docu-
            suicide a few months earlier  Assange  described  how  he  U.S.  prosecutors  have  in-  “I  think  there  is  some  risk  ments that exposed U.S. mil-
            of Slobodan Praljak at the In-  “freeze-framed"  and  “ana-  dicted the 49-year-old on 17  of  suicide  but  that  risk  has  itary wrongdoing in Iraq and
            ternational  Criminal  Tribu-  lyzed” Praljak's face while he  espionage  charges  and  one  to  be  carefully  managed  at  Afghanistan.
            nal for the Former Yugoslavia  took  his  own  life.  Assange's  charge  of  computer  misuse  Belmarsh," he said. "The risk  The  extradition  hearing  is
            in The Hague.                lawyers  have  argued  this  over  WikiLeaks’  publication  factors are modifiable and he  due to last until early Octo-
                                         week  that  their  client  could  of  secret  American  military  engages with treatment avail-  ber.

                             Virus surges in France, Marseille fights against closures

                                                                      toughest  virus  measures  in  but the rate of infection per  wide  are  now  occupied  by
                                                                      the nation.                  100,000 people is lower than  COVID-19  patients.  France
                                                                                                   Marseille or Guadeloupe.     has reported 31,511 virus-re-
                                                                      On  a  visit  to  the  southern                           lated deaths, among the high-
                                                                      city, French Health Minister  The  Paris  police  chief  is-  est tolls in Europe.
                                                                      Olivier  Veran  defended  the  sued on Friday a set of anti-
                                                                      government's decisions.      coronavirus marching orders  Rallied  by  a  union  of  hos-
                                                                                                   for  the  French  capital  that  pitality  businesses,  crowds
                                                                      “I am fully aware that some  will force bars and bistros to  protested  Friday  in  front
                                                                      of  the  measures  being  de-  shut down by 10 p.m. start-  of  a  Marseille  courthouse,
                                                                      bated ... raise concerns, ques-  ing  Monday  —  excluding  and  some  business  owners
                                                                      tions,  even  anger,”  he  ac-  large restaurants — and start-  threatened  to  defy  the  clo-
                                                                      knowledged  during  a  news  ing this weekend will forbid  sure order.
                                                                      conference  at  the  Timone  gatherings  of  more  than  10  The   president   of   the
                                                                      public hospital. “These mea-  people in public spaces, from  Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur
                                                                      sures are necessary. They are  streets  to  parks.  Even  street  region  that  includes  Mar-
            (AP)  —  Angry  restaurant  day to challenge a French     temporary,  but  they  are  not  music  or  music  that  can  be  seille, Renaud Muselier, said
            and  bar  owners  demon-     government order to close    arbitrary.”                  heard on the streets is forbid-  he would file an urgent legal
            strated in Marseille on Fri-  all public venues as of Sat-  The government argues that  den.  Gyms  also  are  to  close  complaint  Friday  protesting
                                         urday  to  battle  resurgent   hospitals  in  this  Mediter-  except those used for school  actions  "restricting  the  ex-
                                         virus infections.            ranean  city  are  under  strain  activities.             ercise  of  the  freedom  to  do
                                                                      and the closures are the only                             business  ...  in  a  dispropor-
                                         The protesters, and local offi-  way to stem the spread while  The  orders  signed  by  police  tionate way,” according to lo-
                                         cials in France’s second-big-  avoiding  new  lockdowns.  chief  Didier  Lallement  are  cal media reports.
                                         gest city, are also threatening   The  French  Caribbean  is-  for  an  initial  15-day  period
                                         legal  action,  to  try  to  block   land of Guadeloupe is under  that  can  be  renewed.  Police  The  protest  reflects  a  long-
                                         the order via the courts. They   similar  orders.  The  central  will start patrolling to ensure  standing  rivalry  between
                                         argue  that  Marseille’s  virus   government has ordered less  the restrictions are observed.  Marseille and Paris that most
                                         case rise has been stabilizing,   severe  measures  in  a  dozen  On Thursday, France report-  often  manifests  itself  during
                                         and  that  the  central  govern-  other  cities,  including  Paris,  ed more than 16,000 new in-  soccer matches, but also runs
                                         ment in Paris is unfairly sin-  where  infections  and  hos-  fections, and more than 10%  under the surface on other is-
                                         gling  out  Marseille  for  the   pitalizations  are  growing,  of intensive care beds nation-  sues as well.
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