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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 26 september 2020

                               Jets WRs Crowder, Perriman and RT Fant out vs. Colts

            (AP)  —  New  York  Jets  Montgomery and Jaleel Scott                                                               continues to go through the
            wide  receivers  Jamison  there as options.                                                                         concussion  protocol  but  is
            Crowder  and  Breshad  It will be the second straight                                                               improving.
            Perriman  were  ruled  out  game Crowder will miss with                                                             Center  Connor  McGovern
            for the team's game at In-   a hamstring injury, while Per-                                                         is  questionable  to  play  with
            dianapolis  on  Sunday  be-  riman was a long shot to be                                                            a  hamstring  injury.  He  was
            cause of injuries.           active  after  injuring  his  left                                                     limited Friday after not prac-
                                         ankle last Sunday against San                                                          ticing the previous two days.
            And add another injured re-  Francisco. Coach Adam Gase                                                             Part of his game is his move-
            ceiver  to  the  list:  Braxton  said  neither  receiver  is  ex-                                                   ment,  his  ability  to  move
            Berrios  injured  a  hamstring  pected  to  be  a  candidate  for                                                   around, so we'll see how he
            at  practice  Friday  and  was  injured reserve.                                                                    feels,” Gase said. “Even if he's
            listed as questionable to play.  Starting  right  tackle  George                                                    able to kind of be available in
            He had a 30-yard touchdown  Fant  won't  play  against  the                                                         a  backup  role,  that's  helpful
            catch last Sunday.           Colts  after  suffering  a  con-                                                       for  us,  as  well,  in  an  emer-
            That leaves just Chris Hogan  cussion   during   practice                                                           gency situation.”
            and  Josh  Malone  as  healthy  Wednesday.   Second-year                                                            Gase  said  cornerback  Nate
            wide  receivers  on  the  active  offensive  lineman  Chuma                                                         Hairston (hip) was limited at
            roster  —  and  Hogan  prac-  Edoga,  a  third-round  draft                                                         practice for the third straight
            ticed  fully  Friday  after  be-  pick  last  year,  will  start  in                                                day  and  is  questionable  to
            ing  limited  Wednesday  and  Fant's place.                                                                         play. Left tackle Mekhi Bec-
            Thursday with an injured rib.                                                                                       ton  (shoulder)  and  running
            Undrafted  rookie  Lawrence  Rookie  safety  Ashtyn  Da-                                                            back Kalen Ballage (rib) were
            Cager  is  likely  to  be  elevat-  vis was also ruled out with a                                                   full  participants  after  be-
            ed  from  the  practice  squad,  groin  injury. So  was  corner-                                                    ing  limited  Wednesday  and
            and  New  York  also  has  D.J.  back  Quincy  Wilson,  who                                                         Thursday.

                                     Martinez, Nationals agree to extend his contract

              (AP) — Manager Dave Martinez  a  three-year  deal  with  a  club  op-  “The coaching staff and myself de-
              and  the  Washington  Nationals  tion for 2021 that had not yet been  cided to wear it for the last week of
              have agreed to work out a con-     picked up by the Nationals.        the season, so we’ve been wearing it
              tract  extension  that  will  keep  After a title defense slowed by inju-  this whole week. It’s kind of cool,”
              him  in  charge  of  the  club  be-  ries and inconsistency during a 60-  Martinez said about his ring. “Come
              yond  next  season,  according  to  game season delayed and shortened  Sunday, it goes off and goes back in
              a person with knowledge of the  by the coronavirus pandemic, Wash-    its little shiny box. But it’s kind of
              situation.                         ington was 23-34 and last in the NL  nice to look down and look at it.”
                                                 East  before  facing  the  New  York  Asked  earlier  in  the  week  whether
              The person confirmed the news to  Mets on Friday night.               he would like his up-in-the-air con-
              The Associated Press on Friday on                                     tract status resolved before the sea-
              condition of anonymity because no  It’s  the  second  game  of  a  season-  son  ends,  Martinez  said  his  agent
              official  announcement  had  been  ending four-game series at Nation-  and  Nationals  general  manager  preciate  this  organization.  We’ve
              made.                              als Park.                          Mike Rizzo had been discussing the  built a special relationship here, so I
              Martinez  led  the  Nationals  to  the  Martinez was sporting his World Se-  matter.                     hope I get a chance to stay for many,
              franchise’s first World Series cham-  ries ring on his right hand when he                                many years.”
              pionship  in  2019,  his  second  sea-  spoke  to  reporters  via  a  video  chat  “I love it here. I don’t see myself go-  Then he paused for five seconds be-
              son as the team’s skipper. When he  before  word  emerged  Friday  after-  ing  anywhere  else,”  Martinez  said  fore adding: “The sooner, the better,
              initially was hired, Martinez signed  noon of a change to his contract.  then. “I appreciate the family. I ap-  though.”

                                Brewers' Burnes goes on IL with strained left oblique

            (AP) — Milwaukee Brew-                                                                 Brewers  fell  4-2  to  the  St.  bothering  him  during  his
            ers pitcher Corbin Burnes                                                              Louis  Cardinals.  The  injury,  previous  start  and  cropped
            was placed on the injured                                                              which was described Thurs-   up  periodically  throughout
            list Friday with a strained                                                            day night as lower back dis-  the week, but that he felt fine
            left oblique, likely ending                                                            comfort,  appeared  to  both-  before Thursday’s game.
            the  right-hander’s  break-                                                            er  Burnes  throughout  the
            through season.                                                                        fourth inning.               “Everyone asked me before-
                                                                                                   Burnes was placed on the in-  hand, ‘Are you good to go?’"
            Brewers    manager    Craig                                                            jured list after undergoing an  Burnes said. “(I replied), ‘I’m
            Counsell said that if Milwau-                                                          MRI.                         good  to  go.’  It  was  one  of
            kee advances to the playoffs,                                                          “It  didn’t  end  the  way  you  those things where there was
            Burnes would be unavailable                                                            necessarily  wanted  it  to,”  just  a  little  bit  of  tightness,
            for the first round and would                                                          Counsell  said.  “He  had  a  but I thought it would be just
            be  doubtful  for  the  second                                                         great  season.  We’ve  talked  fine.  Everyone’s  asking  me
            round. The Brewers (27-29)                                                             about  it  many  times  —  he  after, ‘Do you still think you
            are outside of playoff position                                                        should  be  happy  with  what  should have gone last night?’
            but  haven’t  been  eliminated                                                         he   accomplished.    One,  Absolutely.  It’s  one  of  those
            from contention yet heading  we’ll see how quickly we can  provement from a 2019 cam-  you’ve got to heal up and see  things,  I  think  I  can  go  out
            into the final weekend of the  get  things  ramped  up  de-  paign  in which  he went 1-5  what happens. But regardless  there  and  get  outs.  For  the
            regular season.              pending on how I’m recover-  with an 8.82 ERA.            of  what  happens,  he  should  most  part,  I  was  able  to,  up
                                         ing,” Burnes said.           He  suffered  his  first  loss  of  be  really  pleased  with  what  until the very end there. It’s
            “Take  the  next  couple  of  Burnes  is  4-1  with  a  2.11  the  season  Thursday  by  al-  he’s been able to accomplish  one  of  those  things.  Abso-
            days off and then start slow-  ERA and 88 strikeouts in 59  lowing  three  runs  and  six  in the regular season.”  lutely no regrets about going
            ly  working  back  into  it,  and  2/3  innings,  a  dramatic  im-  hits over 3 2/3 innings as the  Burnes said the issue started  out there last night.”
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