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A32    sports
               Diasabra 26 september 2020

                         Brown women's sports settlement gets preliminary approval

            (AP)- A federal judge on Friday gave  eral women's varsity sports teams to  ment.  A  hearing  on  whether  to  ap-
            preliminary approval to a settlement  club status. Several men's sports were  prove it is scheduled for Dec. 15, the  The  1998  agreement  had  stemmed
            between Brown University and stu-   also reduced to club status, although  ACLU said in a statement.        from  a  legal  challenge  to  Brown’s
            dent-athletes who had challenged the  some were later restored.                                             decision to cut women’s gymnastics
            Ivy League school's decision to drop                                    Brown  President  Christina  Paxson  and volleyball in the early 1990s. Five
            several women's varsity sports.     The June motion by student-athletes  in  a  statement  emailed  by  a  univer-  former  Brown  student-athletes  who
                                                represented  by  attorneys  with  the  sity  spokesperson  Friday  said  she  is  were plaintiffs in the 1990s case blast-
            The  settlement  announced  earlier  Amercian  Civil  Liberties  Union  of  pleased with the settlement.    ed their alma mater in an open letter
            this  month  restores  the  women’s  Rhode Island, Public Justice and two  “The Cohen agreement served an im-  published in The Providence Journal
            equestrian  and  women’s  fencing  private law firms, alleged that the cuts  portant purpose when it was signed  on Friday.
            teams to varsity status, and calls for an  violated the 1998 agreement, known  22  years  ago,  but  Brown’s  commit-
            end to a 1998 legal agreement ensur-  as the Cohen agreement after the lead  ment  to  women  athletes  transcends  “With  a  new  settlement  now  pro-
            ing gender equity in varsity sports at  plaintiff.                      the  agreement,"  the  statement  said.  posed, we write to express our deep
            Brown on Aug. 31, 2024. The settle-  Under  an  order  entered  Friday  by  “We  can  provide  excellent  athletics  disappointment in what we have dis-
            ment stemmed from a legal challenge  U.S. District Judge John McConnell,  opportunities  for  women  and  men,  covered:  that  your  commitment  to
            in June to the Providence, Rhode Is-  Jr., the plaintiffs will have until Nov.  be a leader in upholding Title IX and  gender equity only goes as far as the
            land school's decision to reduce sev-  24  to  raise  objections  to  the  settle-  have a competitive varsity program.”  letter of the lawsuit," they wrote.

                               Niners, Giants battling injury bug after just two games

            (AP)  —  The  San  Francisco  win  over  the  Jets  last  week-  ling  the  controllables,  doing  ing  three  interceptions  and  he’ll be fine,” Shanahan said.
            49ers and the New York Gi-   end, the 49ers saw Garappolo  what  I  can  and  controlling  losing  a  fumble.  The  offen-
            ants  are  battling  the  injury  sprain an ankle and Mostert,  what  I  can  control,”  49ers  sive line has struggled and the  The other cornerback
            bug  after  just two  games,  as  Thomas and Bosa, and back-  linebacker Fred Warner said.  running  game  is  last  in  the  Free  agent  signee  James
            well some other scary issues.  up  halfback  Tevin  Coleman  “The  playing  surface  that  league. The defense has been  Bradberry  gives  the  Giants
            Wondering what might scare  leave with knee injuries. Kit-  we’re going to play on Sun-  surprisingly  good,  allow-  a solid cornerback. He leads
            NFL players?                 tle is going to miss a second  day,  I  have  no  control  over  ing 43 points, only 10 in the  the league with six passes de-
                                         straight  game  with  a  knee  that.  I’m  letting  everybody  second half. It has left Judge  fended and last week he ral-
            For the Niners (1-1), it's just  injury after being hurt in the  else handle that.”    looking  for  his  first  win,  lied New York with an inter-
            being back at MetLife Stadi-  season opener.              Giants  coach  Joe  Judge  has  which  is  par  for  the  course.  ception and a tip that led to
            um on Sunday and having to  The  Niners  complained  to  had  his  team  work  on  the  The  Giants  have  started  0-2  another pick by Julian Love.
            face the winless Giants (0-2)  the league about the “sticky”  field  since  training  camp  every  year  since  2013,  with  The  other  cornerback  is  a
            without  quarterback  Jimmy  surface  and  now  they  have  opened in late July. None of  the exception being in 2016,  problem.  Corey  Ballentine
            Garappolo,  NFL  Defensive  to play on it again. This time  his players complained about  the only year they made the  started  the  first  two  games.
            Rookie of the Year Nick Bosa,  Nick  Mullens  is  starting  at  it, he said.           playoffs. “We’re not going to  He was replaced by Isaac Yia-
            halfback  Raheem  Mostert  quarterback for the first time  What  Giants  fans  have  to  raise  the  white  flag  on  any-  dom for the second half last
            and  defensive  tackle  Solo-  since 2018.                complain about is the team's  thing,” Judge said. “Our guys  week.  The  position  is  wide
            mon  Thomas,  and  All-Pro  San  Francisco  coach  Kyle  anemic  offense,  which  will  are going to fight straight on  open  and  coordinator  Pat
            tight end George Kittle. The  Shanahan says he has put the  be without running back Sa-  through.  We  have  a  job  to  Graham said Ryan Lewis and
            Giants  are  not  scary.  They  field issue to rest, and told his  quon Barkley (knee) for the  do regardless of the circum-  Brandon Williams are also in
            are enduring yet another bad  players to focus on the game.  rest  of  the  season.  Wide  re-  stance or outcome of the pre-  the mix for the job.
            start and facing the prospect  The  league  inspected  the  ceiver Sterling Shepard (toe)  vious game.”
            of missing the playoffs for the  field  Wednesday  and  said  it  is out for at least three games.                  On the road
            eighth time in nine years.   meets all applicable standards                            Some  things  to  watch  for  The  49ers  requested  back-
                                         and protocols for a field sur-  New  York  is  averaging  14.5  Sunday:                to-back  East  Coast  games
            San  Francisco's  concern  is  face.                      points  and  turned  the  ball  By committee              so  they  could  stay  over  for
            the stadium and it's new ar-                              over  four  times,  with  quar-  With  Barkley  gone,  the  Gi-  the  week  and  reduce  travel.
            tificial  surface.  In  a  31-13  “I’m a big believer of control-  terback Daniel Jones throw-  ants  will  employ  a  backfield  They ended up spending the
                                                                                                   by committee.                week  at  The  Greenbrier  re-
                                                                                                   Dion  Lewis  handled  the  sort  in  West  Virginia,  which
                                                                                                   load  against  the  Bears  with  has hosted training camps in
                                                                                                   Wayne Gallman inactive. Ex-  the  past.  The  resort  offers
                                                                                                   pect Gallman back this week  bowling,  falconry,  horseback
                                                                                                   along  with  former  Falcon  riding and a gun club among
                                                                                                   Devonta  Freeman,  who  was  other activities, although the
                                                                                                   signed to a one-year, $3 mil-  49ers are focused mostly  on
                                                                                                   lion contract.               football.
                                                                                                   Judge said the game plan will
                                                                                                   utilize each of their strengths.  Evan, please stand up
                                                                                                   He added if one back starts to  Evan Engram looked so good
                                                                                                   rip off yards, he may become  in training camp, many pre-
                                                                                                   “the guy” for a time.        dicted  this  would  be  the
                                                                                                                                breakout season for the tight
                                                                                                   Mullens’ shot                end  who  was  New  York's
                                                                                                   Mullens  will  be  starting  for  first-round pick in 2017.
                                                                                                   the  first  time  since  the  final  It hasn't happened. The oft-
                                                                                                   eight games of the 2018 sea-  injured  Engram  had  a  drop
                                                                                                   son  when  Garoppolo  was  on his first target this season
                                                                                                   sidelined. He averaged 284.6  and then was invisible for al-
                                                                                                   yards passing with a 90.8 rat-  most the next seven quarters.
                                                                                                   ing.  Mullens  didn’t  throw  He  woke  up  in  the  final  19
                                                                                                   a  single  pass  last  season  and  minutes  against  the  Bears,
                                                                                                   went 8 for 11 for 71 yards and  catching  six  passes  for  65
                                                                                                   one  interception  last  week  yards.
                                                                                                   against the Jets. “I know our  Will he show up Sunday?
                                                                                                   players  believe  in  him  and
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