Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200704
P. 28

                      Saturday 4 July 2020
            Former world leaders warn against Israel annexation plan

            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  A                                                                                         increase  the  risks  of  future
            group of former world lead-                                                                                         violence in one of the most
            ers urged European leaders                                                                                          combustible  areas  in  the
            on Friday to keep pressuring                                                                                        world."
            Israel  against  annexation                                                                                         The  Elders  called  on  EU
            of  parts  of  the  West  Bank,                                                                                     leaders  to  consider  sus-
            warning  against  compla-                                                                                           pending the 27-nation's As-
            cency after Israel made no                                                                                          sociation  Agreement  with
            move to take over the terri-                                                                                        Israel  if  annexation  goes
            tory on July 1.                                                                                                     ahead  in  any  form.  They
            The Elders, founded by Nel-                                                                                         also  recalled  the  United
            son  Mandela  in  2007,  said                                                                                       Kingdom's  "historical  and
            in  letters  to  the  leaders  of                                                                                   abiding  responsibility"  as
            France,  Germany,  Britain                                                                                          the  colonial  power  in  pre-
            and  the  European  Union                                                                                           1948 Palestine.
            that they should insist to Is-                                                                                      The Elders' appeal followed
            rael that annexation would                                                                                          an  appeal  from  British
            have negative political and                                                                                         Prime Minister Boris Johnson
            economic  consequences                                                                                              to Israel to call off the an-
            for  bilateral  and  regional                                                                                       nexation plan.
            relations.                                                                                                          In  a  front-page  article
            Israeli  Prime  Minister  Ben-                                                                                      Wednesday  in  Yediot  Ah-
            jamin    Netanyahu     had                                                                                          ronot,  one  of  Israel's  larg-
            aimed to start the process                                                                                          est  newspapers,  Johnson
            by  Wednesday,  saying  he   Palestinian demonstrators hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest Israel's plan to annex parts   wrote that as a "passionate
                                         Israel's plan to annex parts of the West Bank and Trump's mideast initiative, in the West Bank vil-
            wanted  to  begin  annex-    lage of Kufr Qaddumm near Nablus, Friday, July 3, 2020.                                defender of Israel," he was
            ing  West  Bank  territory  in                                                                     Associated Press  fearful that annexation will
            line  with  President  Donald                                                                                       fail  in  the  country's  objec-
            Trump's Mideast plan.        tured  from  Jordan  in  1967  omy in carved-up pockets  of  establishing  a  viable  tive of securing its borders,
            But  Israeli  Cabinet  minister  — and Gaza, with agreed  of the remaining land. The  independent      Palestinian  "and  will  be  contrary  to  Is-
            Ofir Akunis said the annexa-  land  swaps.  The  Palestin-  Palestinians  have  vehe-  state alongside Israel.      rael's  own  long-term  inter-
            tion process had been de-    ians  want  East  Jerusalem  mently rejected the plan as  The Elders — led by former  ests."
            layed,  telling  Israel's  Army  as the capital of their state  pro-Israeli.           Irish  President  Mary  Robin-  "I  profoundly  hope  that
            Radio  station  on  Wednes-  but the future of Jerusalem  The  delay  cast  further  un-  son  with  Mandela's  widow  annexation  does  not  go
            day  that  officials  were  still  is  considered  a  final  sta-  certainty  over  whether  Is-  Graca Machel and former  ahead," he said. "If it does,
            working out the final details  tus  issue  to  be  decided  in  rael  will  ultimately  follow  U.N.   Secretary-General  the  UK  will  not  recognize
            with  their  American  coun-  Israeli-Palestinian  negotia-  through  on  the  explosive  Ban  Ki-moon  as  co-chairs  any  changes  to  the  1967
            terparts. He said he expect-  tions.                      annexation initiative, which  —  said  annexation  "is  fun-  lines, except those agreed
            ed the annexation to take  The  Trump  administration's  has also drawn fierce inter-  damentally contrary to the  between both parties."
            place later in July.         peace  plan,  unveiled  in  national    condemnations  long-term  interests  of  both  In  addition  to  opposing
            The    two-state   solution,  January, envisions bringing  from some of Israel's closest  the Israeli and the Palestin-  annexation,  the  Elders  re-
            backed  by  the  U.N.  Secu-  some 30% of the West Bank  allies.                       ian peoples."                iterated  their  support  for
            rity  Council  and  the  vast  under  permanent  Israeli  The United  Nations,  the  EU  They  said  annexation  "will  Israeli  and  Palestinian  hu-
            majority of the internation-  control and gave a green  and  key  Arab  countries  not  dampen  future  Pales-      man  rights  defenders  and
            al  community,  envisions  light for Israel to annex that  have  all  said  annexation  tinian  demands  for  rights  civil  society  activists,  say-
            an  independent  Palestin-   territory. The plan would es-  would  violate  international  and   self-determination,  ing their "voices need to be
            ian state in the entire West  tablish a disjointed Palestin-  law and undermine the al-  but  destroying  hopes  in  a  protected and amplified at
            Bank — territory Israel cap-  ian state with limited auton-  ready diminished prospects  two-state  compromise  will  this challenging time."q

            Mexican state eyes closing U.S. border as Arizona cases rise

                                                                         MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico's coronavi-    be suspended.
                                                                         rus outbreak rose by a record 6,741 con-  The  United  States  and  Mexico  previ-
                                                                         firmed cases and 679 deaths Thursday,  ously  agreed  to  limiting  non-essential
                                                                         putting the country's toll of 29,189 COV-  border crossings into the U.S. during the
                                                                         ID-19 deaths higher than Spain's, though  pandemic, but Mexico has not moved
                                                                         the  milestone  was  overshadowed  by  to  block  entry  into  its  territory  and  it
                                                                         the resurgence in the United States.     seemed  unlikely  the  Foreign  Relations
                                                                         Reacting  to  a  spike  in  virus  cases  re-  Department  would  grant  Clausen's  re-
                                                                         ported in Arizona, the top health official  quest.  The  agency  did  announce  it
                                                                         in the neighboring Mexican state of So-  would screen incoming visitors from the
                                                                         nora is asking Mexico's federal govern-  United  States  over  the  July  4th  week-
                                                                         ment to temporarily close the border to  end,  checking  temperatures  and  ask-
                                                                         non-essential visits from the U.S.       ing about symptoms as a preventative
                                                                         "No  more  crossings  from  the  United  measure.
                                                                         States into Mexico for visitors who do not  Several towns in Sonora are popular with
            A worker waters grass and plants atop recent graves in a sec-  have  essential  activities,"  Sonora  state  U.S.  visitors  because  they  offer  lower-
            tion of the Municipal Cemetery of Valle de Chalco opened two   Health  Secretary  Enrique  Clausen  said  cost health, vision and dental services.
            months ago to accommodate the surge in deaths amid the on-   Wednesday.  "They  should  only  be  al-  Puerto Peñasco, a resort also known as
            going coronavirus pandemic, on the outskirts of Mexico City,   lowed for work or business." He said he  Rocky Point, is also popular with visitors
            Thursday, July 2, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press    was asking only for entry into Sonora to  from Arizona. q
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