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locAl           Saturday 4 July 2020

            Fundacion Pa Nos Comunidad (FPNC), Aruba’s official food bank:

            “The effect of poverty is showing itself right now”

            ORANJESTAD  —  Aruba  is  their  jobs,  the  elderly,  the
            entering  a  phase  with  ex-  disabled, the young moth-
            treme  difficulties  for  fami-  ers and the illegals. “In the
            lies  and  this  will  only  in-  beginning  people  helped
            crease.  Aruba  Today  was  each  other  and  maybe
            present in the Renaissance  had some savings but now
            Convention  Center  where  this  is  gone  and  they  are
            volunteers  were  preparing  on their own. Also the ones
            food  packages.  Gianaika  that  took  care  of  their  old
            van  der  Biezen,  director  parents  or  disabled  fam-
            of  Fundacion  Pa  Nos  Co-  ily members may have lost
            munidad  (FPNC),  Aruba’s  their jobs themselves, leav-
            official  food  bank:  “In  the  ing  both  sides  without  any
            previous  years  we  helped  income.  FPNC  does  not
            approximately  200  to  250  make  any  difference,  we
            families  monthly,  families  help all people in need.”
            of  different  compositions
            from one up to five or more  Wrong assumption                                                                       Gianaika  van  der  Biezen,  di-
            people. At this moment we  There are comments within                                                                rector  of  Fundacion  Pa  Nos
            have registered 3.200 fami-  the community about see-                                                               Comunidad    and   General
                                                                                                                                Manager at Renaissance Aru-
            lies who need monthly help  ing  people  still  partying                                                            ba Resort & Casino, Paul Giel
            and still people keep sign-  and  buying  alcohol  which
            ing up.”                     does not show any poverty.                                                             istrations  we  can  use  all
                                         This is a wrong assumption,                                                            the help we can get.” She
            Van  der  Biezen  explains  says  Van  der  Biezen.  “We                                                            would like to thank all vol-
            that  the  foundation  needs  have  many  residents  and                                                            unteers  because  they  are
            all  the  help  they  can  get.  you  cannot  only  see  the                                                        FPNC’s  strength  and  also
            “These past weeks we start  ones that are partying. The                                                             the donators, from the little
            to see that registrations ac-  elderly,  newborn  moms,   groups  who  are  hidden  …  ing  in  to  make  this  pro-  to  the  big  ones.  “You  all
            cumulate. Every day we re-   parents who both lost jobs   we  cannot  forget  about  cess  easier  and  FPNC  also   make  us  united.  We  are  a
            ceive  approximately  20  to  …  it  is  impossible  for  them   them. There are increasing  works  with  approximately   small  community  and  in
            30  new  families  that  need  to  go  out  and  party.  The   mental  problems  as  well  45  other  organizations  to   this way we can help each
            support.”  The  foundation  ones that do still have their   and  I  hope  that  the  com-  make all match. “The most   other.”
            has  the  people  that  were  jobs or any kind of income   munity  does  not  make  as-  urgent  need  is  the  baby
            already  registered  before  so  I  cannot  relate  to  this   sumptions based  on social  powder  milk  and  pam-  Renaissance helps
            the  COVID-19  crisis  and  wrong  assumption.”  She      media posts.”                pers.  You  can’t  explain  a   General  Manager  at  Re-
            have always been the most  sees  the  poverty  with  her                               baby  that  there  is  no  milk   naissance  Aruba  Resort  &
            vulnerable  group  in  the  own eyes and the situation    No baby milk                 and if you do not give the   Casino, Paul Giel is facilitat-
            community  but  now  they  is  reaching  its  top.  “Do  re-  The  support  that  FPNC  is  right  milk  they  can  get   ing FPNC with their conven-
            add  the  people  that  lost  alize  we  have  vulnerable   providing  exists  of  food  sick  or  get  allergies,”  Van   tion  room.  “Renaissance
                                                                      packages,  delivery  of  hot  der  Biezen  explains.  FPNC   and Wind Creek likes to be
                                                                      meals  and  helping  with  works  with  donations  and    part  of  the  community  re-
                                                                      clothing  and  house  hold  they  get  funding  from  the   gardless.  This  opportunity
                                                                      articles.  Volunteers  and  government.  “But  with  the   occurred to us and we right
                                                                      companies  help  by  jump-   enormous  increase  in  reg-  away chipped in. Many on
                                                                                                                                our  island  are  in  survival
                                                                                                                                mood and it will be a long
                                                                                                                                stretch. If we can help, why
                                                                                                                                “I  just  want  to  make  clear
                                                                                                                                that everybody who is help-
                                                                                                                                ing whether it is a business-
                                                                                                                                man,  volunteer,  company
                                                                                                                                whoever;  it  is  important  to
                                                                                                                                create  awareness  that  we
                                                                                                                                can  all  contribute  and  be
                                                                                                                                creative  in  giving  a  hand.
                                                                                                                                It  can  be  in  time,  money,
                                                                                                                                products  or  in  the  case  of
                                                                                                                                renaissance  by  facilitating
                                                                                                                                their  space.  It  is  important
                                                                                                                                to  see  how  people  can
                                                                                                                                help  in  different  ways  so
                                                                                                                                please reach out to us,” is
                                                                                                                                the  conclusion  of  Francis
                                                                                                                                Saladin, president of FPNC.
                                                                                                                                Check  out  the  website  of
                                                                                                                                the food bank for more in-
                                                                                                                                formation  and  to  donate:
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