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                                                                                                      SCIENCE Saturday 4 July 2020
            Israeli, UAE technology firms pen deal on virus research

            By JOSEPH KRAUSS                                                                                                    Xiao.  He  previously  ran
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Pegasus,  a  subsidiary  of
            JERUSALEM (AP) — A state-                                                                                           DarkMatter,  a  cybersecu-
            linked  technology  compa-                                                                                          rity  firm  based  in  the  UAE
            ny in the United Arab Emir-                                                                                         that  has  recruited  Western
            ates has signed a partner-                                                                                          intelligence agents.
            ship  with  two  major  Israeli                                                                                     Since late 2016, Dubai po-
            defense  firms  to  research                                                                                        lice  have  partnered  with
            ways  of  combating  the                                                                                            Pegasus to use its "big data"
            coronavirus pandemic.                                                                                               application to pool hours of
            The     agreement,      an-                                                                                         surveillance  video  to  track
            nounced  late  Thursday,                                                                                            anyone  in  the  emirate.
            comes just weeks after the                                                                                          DarkMatter's  hiring  of  for-
            UAE warned Israel that pro-                                                                                         mer  CIA  and  National  Se-
            ceeding  with  its  planned                                                                                         curity Agency analysts has
            annexation  of  parts  of  the                                                                                      raised concerns, especially
            occupied West Bank would                                                                                            as  the  UAE  has  harassed
            upend its efforts to improve                                                                                        and  imprisoned  human
            ties with Arab states.                                                                                              rights activists.q
            G42,  an  Abu  Dhabi-based
            company  specializing  in
            artificial  intelligence  and
            cloud  computing,  signed    In this Wednesday, April 15, 2020 file photo, a motorcycle delivery man rides past a billboard urg-
            a  memorandum  of  under-    ing people to stay home over the coronavirus pandemic in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
            standing  with  Rafael  and                                                                        Associated Press
            Israel Aerospace Industries,
            the  UAE's  state-run  WAM  two  countries,  but  the  en-  with  Gulf  countries  in  re-  Israel  to  annex  up  to  30%
            news  agency  reported.  It  tire world as it grapples with  cent years, in part because  of  the  West  Bank,  which  it
            said executives held a sign-  the pandemic.               of  their  shared  concerns  occupied  in  the  1967  war
            ing ceremony by video link  Israeli  Prime  Minister  Ben-  about Iran.                along  with  east  Jerusalem
            between the two countries,  jamin    Netanyahu,    who  In recent weeks, senior UAE  and the Gaza Strip. The Pal-
            which  do  not  have  diplo-  has vowed to annex all of  officials  have  warned  that  estinians want all three ter-
            matic relations.             Israel's  West  Bank  settle-  annexation  would  jeopar-  ritories  to  form  their  future
            Rafael and IAI's Elta subsid-  ments  as  well  as  the  stra-  dize  those  improved  ties,  state.
            iary  confirmed  the  agree-  tegic  Jordan  Valley,  had  but  have  also  suggested  The  U.N.,  European  and
            ment.  Elta,  which  special-  announced an agreement  that  the  two  countries  Arab          countries   have
            izes in sensors, radars, elec-  with the UAE a week ago,  could  set  aside  their  politi-  warned  Israel  against  an-
            tronic  warfare  and  com-   without providing specifics.  cal disputes to collaborate  nexation,  which  is  widely
            munication  systems,  said  Only  two  Arab  countries,  on humanitarian and other  seen  as  a  violation  of  in-
            they  would  cooperate  on  Jordan  and  Egypt,  have  projects.                       ternational law  that would
            research  and  technology  made  peace  with  Israel,  President  Donald  Trump's  dash any remaining hopes
            focused  on  artificial  intel-  with the rest saying it must  Middle  East  plan,  which  of reaching a two-state so-
            ligence, sensors and lasers.  first resolve the conflict with  overwhelmingly favors Isra-  lution to the conflict.
            They said the collaboration  the  Palestinians.  But  Israel  el and was rejected by the  Group  42,  also  known  as
            would not only benefit the  has  quietly  improved  ties  Palestinians,  would  allow  G42,  is  led  by  CEO  Peng

            Botswana investigates 'mysterious deaths' of 275 elephants

            GABORONE, Botswana (AP)  verify reports," Lucas Taolo,
            —  Botswana  says  it  is  in-  the department's acting di-
            vestigating  a  staggeringly  rector, told The Associated
            high  number  of  elephant  Press.
            carcasses  —  275  —  found  He  said  local  communi-
            in  the  popular  Okavango  ties  are  being  advised  not
            Delta area of the southern  to  tamper  with  the  dead
            African  nation  in  recent  elephant's  tusks.  Poach-
            weeks.                       ing remains a threat in the
            The Department of Wildlife  country but also has been
            and National Parks said it is  ruled  out  as  the  cause  of
            mobilizing  human  person-   the deaths.
            nel  and  aircraft  to  better  This is "one of the biggest di-
            understand  the  "mysteri-   sasters to impact elephants
            ous deaths." Samples have  this century, and right in the
            been collected for analysis  middle  of  one  of  Africa's   In this supplied photo a dead elephant lies in the bush in the
            at labs in South Africa, Zim-  top  tourism  destinations,"   Okavango Delta, Botswana, Monday, May 25, 2020.
            babwe  and  Canada  and  the  director  of  conserva-                                              Associated Press
            anthrax has been ruled out  tion  group  National  Park
            as the cause.                Rescue, Mark Hiley, said in  May  and  the  government  months  later,  with  no  test-
            "We have no reason to dis-   an email.                    would  normally  respond  ing completed and with no
            pute the numbers reported  "Elephants  began  dying  within days to an event of  more  information  than  we
            and  we  are  continuing  to  in  huge  numbers  in  early  this scale. Yet here we are,  had at the start."q
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