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Saturday 4 July 2020
The Day of Independence
ORANJESTAD — Today is onies claimed their inde- famous words: "Resolved:
a federal holiday in the pendence from England, That these United Colonies
United States and although an event which eventually are, and of right ought to
this is not the case in Aru- led to the formation of the be, free and independent
ba we do honor Indepen- United States. Each year States, that they are ab-
dence Day. With most of on the fourth of July Ameri- solved from all allegiance citizens came together to wave American flags.
our visitors being American cans celebrate this historic to the British Crown, and watch their new nation's This year however, authori-
citizens, our island joins in event. that all political connec- sky illuminated in a grand ties advise people to stay
typical American traditions Conflict between the col- tion between them and display meant to raise spir- home and watch the cel-
and celebrations. July 4th, onies and England was the State of Great Britain is, its. For this reason fireworks ebrations on TV while hav-
Independence Day, is the already a year old when and ought to be, totally dis- are normally part of the ing their gatherings in the
most important one in the the colonies convened a solved." celebration as also the backyard instead of in pub-
row. With the pandemic this Continental Congress in typical American lifestyle lic places. This of course in
year festivities will be mod- Philadelphia in the sum- Source: is honored. This awesome relation to the COVID-19
est and with the Aruban mer of 1776. In a June 7 On the first Independence holiday includes many cus- virus. Wherever you are
border still closed for the session in the Pennsylvania Day celebration, held in toms like parades and con- and whatever is your plan,
U.S. things are quite differ- State House (later Inde- Philadelphia on July 4, 1777, certs. During the day, fami- make it a good one. On
ent now from previous time. pendence Hall), Richard when the country was still lies get together for picnics behalf of Aruba Today we
Henry Lee of Virginia pre- in the midst of the Revolu- and parades. People wear wish everyone a fantastic
On July 4, 1776, the 13 col- sented a resolution with the tionary War against Britain, red, white, and blue and 4th of July! q
Aruba to me
Today we share a beautiful message
ORANJESTAD — In and picture from Alabama friends:
these difficult times we
would like to reach out “We LOVE you folks in Aruba! We have
to our friends abroad had to postpone our visit three times
who were supposed this year and recently had to cancel.
to spend their tropical We normally visit twice a year. We are
vacation on Aruba or torn from wanting to visit and support
who had to break up the Aruban economy but also are
their vacation due to fearful of bringing the ugly virus acci-
the COVID-19 situa- dentally to the island. Know we love
tion. Aruba Today in- and pray for all Arubans and hope to
vites you to send us see you ALL soon. God Bless.
your picture and words
expressing your mem- Love from the USA”
ory of our island or
your dream vacation
for the future.
Send us your picture(s)
together with com-
pleting the sentence:
Aruba to me is ……..
(Email: news@aruba- Please
do note: By submit-
ting photos, text or any
other materials, you
give permission to The
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per, Caribbean Speed
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out compensation.q