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                      Saturday 4 July 2020
            Hirokazu Kore-eda and Catherine Deneuve look for 'The Truth'

            AP Film Writer                                                                                                      me a source of both pride
            VENICE, Italy (AP) — Cath-                                                                                          and anxiety," he said.
            erine  Deneuve  plays  an                                                                                           On set, he found her to be
            icon  of  French  cinema  in                                                                                        a  free  spirit  with  little  van-
            "The Truth." She even chose                                                                                         ity  but  always  a  cigarette
            her own middle name, Fa-                                                                                            around.    "She's  like  a  per-
            bienne,  for  her  character                                                                                        son that is also like a child
            who  says  things  like,  "I'd                                                                                      but  extremely  charming,"
            rather  have  been  a  bad                                                                                          he said. "She's not one who
            friend  and  a  bad  mother                                                                                         learns  all  her  lines  before-
            and a great actress."                                                                                               hand. She gets the gist. She
            But  don't  go  looking  for                                                                                        gets on set and she adjusts
            some  essential  truths,  or                                                                                        acting  together  with  the
            gossip,  about  Deneuve  in                                                                                         other actors who are mov-
            lines  like  that,  or  in  Fabi-                                                                                   ing  around.  I  thought  that
            enne's  eyeroll  at  the  men-                                                                                      for this movie that would fit
            tion  of  Brigitte  Bardot.  The                                                                                    the situation."
            76-year-old insists that simi-                                                                                      This is not to imply that she
            larities end with the name.                                                                                         doesn't  take  her  work  se-
            "To  me  she's  a  stranger,"                                                                                       riously.  She  does.  In  fact,
            Deneuve said, cigarette in                                                                                          partway through the movie
            hand, after "The Truth's" de-                                                                                       she came to him and asked
            but at the Venice Film Fes-                                                                                         if  she  could  see  anything
            tival. "It's really so far away   This  image  released  by  IFC  Films  shows,  foreground  from  left,  Juliette  Binoche,  Catherine  De-  edited,  especially  scenes
            from me."                    neuve, Ethan Hawke and Clémentine Grenier in a scene from "The Truth."                 that  she  wasn't  in  herself.
            She  has  a  great  relation-                                                                      Associated Press  Deneuve wanted to grasp,
            ship  with  her  children  and                                                                                      "the whole of the movie."
            her co-stars and can't think  It  was  a  truly  international  movie  it's  not  important  to  "It was really fun to play be-  "I  gave  her  a  DVD  with
            of  any  friendly  rivalry  with  affair,  with  a  script  primar-  share the same language.  cause it was so exaggerat-  about 1/3 of the movie on
            peers  from  her  past.  But  it  ily  in  French  and  English,  It's  important  to  share  the  ed,"  she  said.  "It  reminded  it and she was really happy
            doesn't  make  "The  Truth,"  a  director  who  spoke  nei-  same vision,'" Kore-eda said  me  of  the  actresses  from  about  it,"  Kore-eda  said.
            available  on  demand  Fri-  ther and actors who didn't  through a translator. "I think  the  50s  or  60s  in  America  "She  said,  'Thanks  to  this,  I
            day, any less of a fun send-  speak  Japanese.  Ethan  that's exactly the case."       because you have all these  got to understand your hu-
            up of an imperious, larger-  Hawke,  who  plays  Lumir's  And all the actors adjusted  people around. You know,  mor, your rhythm.'"
            than-life star who might not  actor   husband,    didn't  in their own way. Deneuve  I don't have a press agent,  Deneuve loves to work and
            remember things the same  speak French either. Suffice  said after she'd finish a take,  I don't have a stylist, I don't  despite  her  revered  status
            way  her  grown  daughter  it to say, the Paris shoot was  she would look at her direc-  have a manager."           will  often  take  a  chance
            Lumir does.                  little daunting for everyone  tor before anything else.   Kore-eda  counted  himself  on an unknown if the script
            The  tragicomic  portrait  of  considering  the  film  is  a  "It's important. You see little  as a fan of Deneuve's and  is  compelling.  She'd  even
            a star in her final act who is  dialogue-heavy  character  signs,"  she  said.  "After  that  peppered  her  with  ques-  consider  American  televi-
            juggling a film, the release  study  about  the  nature  of  we talk. But I always try to  tions  about  her  films  with  sion,  but  she  doesn't  get
            of  her  memoirs  and  a  visit  truth  and  memory  and  a  read something on his face  French New Wave legends  many offers from across the
            from her daughter, played  delicate  mother-daughter  first."                          like  François  Truffaut  and  Atlantic.  The  few  that  do
            by Juliette Binoche, comes  relationship  with  moments  Deneuve  relished  the  role  Jacques Demy.                come  her  way,  she  said,
            by  way  of  "Shoplifters"  di-  of comedy and drama.     and getting the chance to  "Having my film in her film-   are  "not  very  interesting."
            rector Hirokazu Kore-eda in  But Hawke found a way to  work  with  Binoche.  Some-     ography  —  which  is  as  Retirement is not something
            his first film outside of his na-  comfort his director.   how  the  two  had  never  prestigious as the history of  she  thinks  of.  The  cinema
            tive Japan.                  "He said, 'To make a good  been in a film together.       French cinema itself — is for  still excites her too much.q
            Willie Nelson's July Fourth picnic is virtual in virus era

                                                                                                   SPICEWOOD,  Texas  (AP)  and Kinky Friedman.
                                                                                                   —  Willie  Nelson's  annual  Some of the artists will per-
                                                                                                   Fourth  of  July  Picnic  is  go-  form at Nelson's Luck Ranch
                                                                                                   ing  ahead  this  year,  but  in Spicewood, northwest of
                                                                                                   to reduce concerns about  Austin.  Others  will  stream
                                                                                                   the  coronavirus  the  event  live from elsewhere.
                                                                                                   will be virtual.             Nelson's  event  started  in
                                                                                                   Fans  can  tune  in  to  the  1972  and  has  been  held
                                                                                                   nearly  50-year-old  music  most  years  since,  moving
                                                                                                   bash  Saturday  via  luck.   around  Texas  and  occa-
                                                                                                   stream  and  williepicnic.   sionally  outside  the  Lone
                                                                                                   com. Tickets for the picnic  Star State. It typically draws
                                                                                                   are  on  sale  at  williepicnic.  thousands.
                                                                                                   com.                         The  87-year-old  Nelson's
                                                                                                   Other  performers  expect-   70th  album    was  released
                                                                                                   ed  to  play  include  Sheryl  Friday. "First Rose of Spring"
                                                                                                   Crow,  Ziggy  Marley,  Steve  features  two  new  tunes
            In this July 4, 2006, file photo, Willie Nelson addresses fans attending his Fourth of July Picnic in Ft.   Earle  and  Nelson's  fellow  plus Nelson's take on songs
            Worth, Texas.                                                                          Texas-based  singers  Lyle  by  Toby  Keith  and  Chris
                                                                                  Associated Press  Lovett,  Robert  Earl  Keen  Stapleton.q
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