Page 11 - MIN.VOS AUG 13
P. 11

                                                                                                                         Thursday 13 August 2015

Special Offer:

        Fast Rental Karts at Bushiri Karting Speedway!

ORANJESTAD - Many have          staff oversees every race         race can call for reserva-    Tuesday till Sunday from       front of Ling & Sons super-
discovered the place for        to ensure individuals are         tions at 583-5278 or pass by  10am till sunset.  We are lo-  market.  More info:  www.
the ultimate thrill while on    driving safely and obeying        at the track for an arrive-   cated only minutes away  or look
vacation, which is Bushiri      the rules. We have 270cc          and-drive session open        from the Low Rise Hotels, in   for us on Tripadvisor.q
Karting Speedway, a great       9-horse power Honda en-
outdoor Go karting Track        gine Karts that can reach
with fast rental Go karts       up to 50mph! Age for riding
available for anyone to         the adults karts is 15 years
rent. The place is surround-    & up.  We also have 160cc
ed with great ambiance          6-horse power Honda En-
and racing fans can chal-       gine Karts for kids of 8 till 14
lenge each other any day!       years old. 
Since Bushiri Karting Speed-    Each race is a 10 minute
way opened their doors for      race against the clock. You
everyone to enjoy the sport     can receive a score sheet
of go karting with 4-stroke     to take home after every
go karts to rent all year       race to see what your best
round and also the facility     lap time was. The score
that anyone can have fun        sheet can give you brag-
and enjoy with the whole        ging rights to your friends
family. A place where chil-     back home so they can
dren and grownups can           see how well you raced on
enjoy a little speed & fun      a professional outdoor kart-
on vacation! it will definite-  ing track in Aruba!
ly make your vacation an        WE HAVE A SPECIAL THIS
unforgettable one! Rac-         WEEK: get $5 off on your
ing helmets, head socks         second race & 10 dollars
and instruction for first time  off on your third race! 
racers is provided, and our     Those who would like to
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