Page 14 - MIN.VOS AUG 13
P. 14

THE second week of the Kibraha-             Kibrahacha’s 60 plus
                                       summer camp was loved
cha 60 plus summer camp was very
interesting and fun. On the first day    by all who participated
the contestants learned more about
the mosaic making art.                                                                                                                                                  Thursday, August 13 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
Guided by Enrite Werleman all
the contestants were taught how
to make mosaics and were all very
proud of the final product which
was a ladybug.

The second day they learned about
another art, which is culinary arts.
During this class they learned were
taught how to make a super healthy
salad by teachers Maria and Bar-
bara. They were all extremely satis-
fied with the final results.

The last day was the cherry on the
cake. With lots of excitement all
the participants boarded the bus
singing all the way to Divi Links.
They were cordially welcomed by
the entire Divi Links staff and were
treated to coffee, other drinks and
some delicious cupcakes.

After a fun time in “Mulligans”
singing they took a tour on the gold
carts. They were given the opportu-
nity to visit numerous apartments,
one prettier than the other. One
very nice and amiable staff member
explained everything to them and
took the time to answer all their
They also visited Tamarijn Hotel
and walked around a little bit,
to take the time to admire all its
restaurants, the Italian one was a

Afterwards they boarded the bus to
head back to the Divi Hotel, where
they relaxed and lunched at a nice
restaurant by the sea called ‘Red
Parrot’ where they had the choice
between a variety of dishes. Ac-
cording to them the service was
After lunch Kibrahacha Foundation
coordinator Diana Uchtmann took
a moment to thank all the partici-
pants and to thank the organizing
committee for organizing such a
successful camp.
Some of the participants com-
mented: “Only Kibrahacha can
take us to so many beautiful places
in Aruba. We were like tourists on
our island.”

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