Page 17 - MIN.VOS AUG 13
P. 17
Aruban delegation did really
well in the 2015 Pan American
Taekwondo Youth Open
THE Aruban Taekwondo delegation participated in The final results of the Aruban team are 1 gold medal, Congratulations to our athletes and are extremely
2 silver medals and 3 bronze medals. happy with all the support received from the parents.
the 2015 Pan American Taekwondo Youth Open in
Chicago, IL, USA the past weekend.
The delegation consisted of Coach Teofilo Rodriguez,
two female athletes: Chiara Petrocchi and Sophia
Petrocchi and two male athletes: Alex Fernandez and
Christian Croes.
This competition was to prepare them for the funda-
mental competition which is the Pan American Cadet
and Junior taking place in Aguascalientes, Mexico.
Sophia Petrocchi (Cadet 41kg) competed against and
American athlete on Saturday August 8 and won her
first fight with 23 points, she also won her second fight
also against an American competitor with 16 points.
Sophia Petrocchi earned a bronze medal.
Chiara Petrochi (Cadet 44kg) also competed on that
same day and managed to make it to the semi finals
but the American athlete beat her and Chiara earned
the silver medal.
Christian Croes (junior 59kg) competed first against
an American athlete and won 2 to 0 in the first round,
and in the second round he won through a knockout.
The second fight was also against the USA, and Chris-
tian Croes won the first round 8 to 0 for Aruba, the
second round 13 to 0 and the third round 15 to 3. The
first round of the third fight ended in 0-0, the second
round ended 1 to 1 and the third round ended 4 to 4.
The fight was continued at Golden Point where Chris-
tian ended up winning. However, during this fight
Christian injured his leg muscle. Due to this injury he
couldn’t advance to the semifinals and won the bronze
medal for the Aruban team.
Alex Fernandez competed last Sunday August 9. His
first fight was against the USA where he won the first
round 5 to 3.
In the second round the American tried to fight hard
but Alex still won with a score of 7 to 3. In the third
round Alex Fernandez won 9 to 4.
In the semi finals Aruba won the first round with a
core of 1 to 0. In the second round Alex won with a
score of 8 to 0.
In the last round Alex didn’t give his opponent a chance
and ended the game with a score of 12 to 0, thus win-
ning the gold medal for the Aruban team.
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Thursday, August 13 2015 9LOCAL