Page 18 - MIN.VOS AUG 13
P. 18

Team Aruba Shakes Off
Disappointing Weekend

MARTIN, Mich.: The IHRA Nitro Jam Northern               away and the emotions settle, you realize that you are      both the Budds Creek event and this event.
                                                         surrounded by a team of guys who also are ready to
Nationals started off well for Team Aruba. After a       get back to it shortly after everything settles to normal.  “All our guys, John, Bruce and Doug and my father
satisfying day of testing on Thursday, the Aruba.                                                                    and myself will be home for a couple of weeks where
com Mustang came out ready for action in the Friday      “Aside from an unsuccessful race for Team Aruba, our        we will look back at what went wrong and make sure
qualifying rounds and was ranked at number two           promotional efforts were very successful. We had our        w e are well prepared for the next
with a 6.314 pass at the end of the day. The Qualify-    information display stand filled with all sorts of great
ing rounds continued on Saturday. As clouds covered      giveaways from both the Aruba Tourism Authority                                                 race. We will continue
the sky and with a cool temperature, the competition     and the Aruba Airport Authority. The fans were                                                         to work hard and
picked up pace, and Team Aruba was bumped back           visiting on a constant basis. Although we had                                                             be looking for
to fourth in the qualifying rounds. However, this still  an unsatisfying weekend of racing, it was                                                                   more win lights
put them in the top half of the ladder, earning them     certainly a very satisfying weekend of being                                                                  in San Anto-
lane choice for eliminations.                            in touch with fans.                                                                                           nio.”

Trevor Eman and Team Aruba were paired with              Our Autism Speaks donation box was also
reigning champion Cary Goforth for round one of          generously taken care of by racing fans and
eliminations. “During the course of the day the sun      Autism Awareness supporters. Hopefully we
started to come back out,” Eman explained, “and          see more great fans come out to the races the
I must say I think we underestimated how quickly         rest of this year and less rain, because we have
the track will heat up with the sun shining on it. We    sure seen our fair share of rain so far.”
made what we felt were the necessary adjustments to
tune down the car for the hotter weather and heated      The Eman family and Team Aruba crew are al-
track. Unfortunately our adjustments weren’t what        ways welcoming of fans and love the opportunity
the track required to get down. We experienced severe    to talk about the island paradise they call home.
tire shake. However, Cary did as well.” It became a
gas peddling match down the track. One where Cary        “We’re happy to have been hosted by US 131
would pass the finish line first.                        Motorsports Park, a top notch facility
                                                         where we are always treated
“It certainly isn’t the outing                           like family. Too bad we don’t
we expected. We traveled                                 get to visit such venues more
thousands of miles from                                  times per year. The IHRA
Aruba, further than any                                  did a great job completing
other participant, to get                                this event, which was also
to the races in the US.                                  plagued by rain showers.
Traveling so far to only                                 They were able to complete
have our weekend end
prematurely is definitely

Although Eman was clearly disappointed with their                                                                    Thursday, August 13 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
results from the Northern Nationals, the team did
run and qualify well, which gives them momentum to
build upon for the next event, the IHRA Nitro Jam San
Antonio Nationals, taking place on September 25-26.

“That unpleasantness only sticks around for a short
time,” Eman added. “As soon as the race car is put

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