Page 15 - MIN.VOS AUG 13
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Christian Diaz best on and that he is working hard on improving these
hitter in the league things, but also mentioned that he gives 100% when
on the field.
CHRISTIAN Diaz has become the best hitter in the rookie for the Dutch team. However it was after the Rollercoaster
World Port Tournament, that he was able to take the
league this season. He finished with an average of .431 Best Rookie prize. The season of Diaz, which will be continued next week
in the regular season. Thus, the Neptune outfielder during his first-ever Play-Offs, has become a real roller
concluded the season qualifying for the Best Batsman “The last few months have been tough for me, but still coaster ride for him. From his debut in the Dutch team
prize, which was presented during the Star Awards at really good,” says Diaz. “When AdoLakers broke up, I to wining the European club title. “This is all very new
the KNBSB baseball and softball federation in recent had to look for another club. Through Diegomar Mark- to me. I’ve been through so much this year. Sometimes
years. Diaz: “Sometimes I think this is all unreal.” well, eventually I ended up with Neptune and I had to I think this can’t be real,” Diaz said.
work very hard to show that I belonged to this club. “ Diaz is only the fourth player since the reintroduction
The 26-year-old Diaz completed 53 kits during 39 of wooden bats in 2000 to have a batting average above
games this season. That was enough for an average Scared .400. The other players were Dirk van ‘t Klooster (2005,
of .431. Thus, the Aruban player qualified for the 2010 and 2011), Kenny Berkenbosch (2009) and Mi-
final rounds in the regular season last weekend along Diaz eventually became the seventh player in service of chael Crouwel (2000). His .431 batting average is also
with other players such as Corendon Kinheim players the Rotterdam club that ended the regular season with the highest average since Michael Crouwel who came
Dashenko Ricardo (.420) and Mervin Gario (.395). the highest batting average. Kevin McDonald (1980), to an average of .432 for the Amsterdam Expos in 2000.
Mike Garguilo (1986), Marcel Kruyt (1991 and 1997),
Diaz is the successor of Bas de Jong, who was Eric de Bruin (1992), Dirk van ‘t Klooster (2002 and Contender
2005) and Raily Legito (2006) preceded him.
the best hitter in the regular season of The award for the best batsman is awarded annually
Diaz: “The transition from AdoLakers to Neptune during the Stars Awards at the end of the year. The
the league over the past three was a very big step for me. I was a bit scared, Most Valuable Player and Best Pitcher are also an-
because Neptune was the number one club nounced here. Those winners will be determined by a
seasons; he currently plays in the Netherlands. They have many high selection committee.
quality players. I’ve already learned a lot
on in a lower level at at Neptune from the coaches, but also Furthermore, annual prizes are also awarded to the
the experienced players. Despite his players with the most home runs and most stolen bases.
Quick Amersfoort achievements, Diaz mentioned that In the regular season, Bryan Engelhardt (Corendon
there are things he needs to work Kinheim) and Gianison Boekhoudt (Curaçao Neptune)
Best Rookie each beat the ball out of the stadium eight times. Engel-
hardt did that in 122 innings and Boekhoudt had 148
The left handed plate appearances.
Aruban hitter is
currently in his
second season
in the league.
He made his de-
but at the high-
est level for the
AdoLakers team
last. Through his battle
performance Diaz
was already
ered a
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Thursday, August 13 2015 7LOCAL